
Secrets of the Headhunters – China Daily

 In the world of headhunting, carefully assessing personalities plays a role. Provided to China Daily The refined techniques of recruitment firms are in demand. An increasing number of Chinese companies are turning to international headhunters for high-quality overseas professionals, as they do not have the extended professional connections needed to find such talent. Zhang Ruguo, the HR manager of the Beijing-based New Oriental Education Group, says that most of the recruitment is directly done by the company, save for some high-level management positions. “Since we do not have the right connections, we have to ask for help from overseas headhunters. “They (overseas headhunters) have a rich database and human capital resources. By going through them, we can save a lot […]

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The Bull is Back! Why Hiring People Currently without a Job might be a Jolly Good Idea – Business Tianjin

To my great relief, as the owner of a recruitment firm active throughout China, 2013 is looking like it’s going to be a good year: The Europeans seem to have adverted the ‘nuclear’ scenario being touted last year of a multi-country Euro exit (there are even positive noises about Greece’s economy now); the Britons and the Germans seems to be talking sense over the EU budget; the stock markets around the world have rallied so far in 2013; Obama is pursuing a growth agenda alongside encouraging data coming out of the US and there seems to be increasingly and repeatedly positive news about the state of the Chinese economy; albeit with simmering concerns over local government debt. We can, therefore, […]

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"Rate of Return on Investment of MBA in Headhunting" – Money+

第一财经出品的好运杂志在职场报道一栏中报道了《猎头告诉你读MBA的投资回报率》一文。该文章主要来源于罗迈国际的《中国人才流动调查报告》的调查结果。文中指出,学历不在高,聪明的选择学历才能为工作助力。并且,猎头已经成为职场人换工作的主力渠道之一, MBA学位作为最备受猎头青睐的学历已经在中高端职位的应聘成功率上超越了博士学位的地位。 Rate of Return on Investment of MBA in Headhunting published by the magazine Money (from CBN) originated from the China Talent Flow Survey conducted by RMG Selection. Compared to a smart choice of qualifications, high academic qualifications are not really of great importance. Moreover, headhunting has become one of the major channels for people who plan to change jobs. As the most popular academic qualification to headhunters, the success rate of job application of MBA has surpassed the rate of doctorate. For the full report on Money, please refer to To download the China Talent Flow Survey report, please click the link

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“Rate of Return on Investment of MBA in Headhunting” – Money+

第一财经出品的好运杂志在职场报道一栏中报道了《猎头告诉你读MBA的投资回报率》一文。该文章主要来源于罗迈国际的《中国人才流动调查报告》的调查结果。文中指出,学历不在高,聪明的选择学历才能为工作助力。并且,猎头已经成为职场人换工作的主力渠道之一, MBA学位作为最备受猎头青睐的学历已经在中高端职位的应聘成功率上超越了博士学位的地位。 Rate of Return on Investment of MBA in Headhunting published by the magazine Money (from CBN) originated from the China Talent Flow Survey conducted by RMG Selection. Compared to a smart choice of qualifications, high academic qualifications are not really of great importance. Moreover, headhunting has become one of the major channels for people who plan to change jobs. As the most popular academic qualification to headhunters, the success rate of job application of MBA has surpassed the rate of doctorate. For the full report on Money, please refer to To download the China Talent Flow Survey report, please click the link

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What Do You Care in Job Hopping – CBN Weekly

由第一财经周刊在报告专栏基于罗迈国际的《中国人才流动调查报告》的结果报道得 “跳槽时你在乎的是什么”一文,充分从就业市场活跃程度,流动增值和跨地域流动性的三分面进行了分析。文中指出,地域性对于现代跳槽并没有很大的局限性,如果职位合适,跨区域工作可以考虑。另外,大部分对于年终奖还是非常在意的,等待领取年终奖后换工作的占到58.79%。 Based on the China Talent Flow Survey conducted by RMG Selection, CBN Weekly published the report What Do You Care in Job Hopping in its report column. The article analyzed the issue from the viewpoint of the active level of employment market, the increased value of talent flow as well as the cross regional mobility. It is pointed in the article that the limitation of region has been decreased gradually. If the position is satisfying, people can take working in another region into consideration. Additionally, annual bonus is still of great importance, the proportion of people who would wait till they get the bonus accounts for 58.79%. For the full report on CBN Weekly, please refer to To […]

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4 out of 10 Talents in the Legal Firm Changed Jobs – Beijing Evening Post

 10个法律人才4个跳槽 曾经供大于求的法律人才,最近几年又走俏起来,律师、法律顾问跳槽的机会越来越多。罗迈国际市场调研中心发布的《2012至2013中国人才流动调查报告》显示,过去一年,法律服务行业人员换工作比例达到42%,高居被调查的20个行业之首。相当每10个法律人才中就有4人跳槽,比排名最末的农林渔行业换工作比例高出两倍多。 合伙人制的律师事务所是法律人才最集中的地方。在律师圈,律师跟着律所合伙人一起跳槽的现象非常普遍。罗迈国际法务人才顾问周孙立介绍,近年来法律人才的需求呈上升趋势,无论律师事务所的律师、企业中的法务顾问还是公检法系统的公务员的需求量都在增加,其中28岁到35岁的法律人才的跳槽机会最多。刚入行的律师月薪1万左右,但律师收入除了与入行时间长短有关,也与受合伙人器重程度密切相关。“当你还没有业务来源的时候,合伙人的业务是你业务的唯一来源,你只能跟着他走。等你自己的业务开拓得不错了,就不用跟着合伙人跳槽了。在这个行业的终极目标,就是自己成为合伙人。” Link to the article:

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Headhunters Marching into State-owned Enterprise – Global Sources

[原创]RMG人才流动调查发现:猎头“杀”入国企 RMG中国人才调查(China Talents-Flow Survey)是罗迈国际(RMG Selection)在2013年1月~3月期间进行的一次关于2012-2013年人才流动以及猎头在其中起到的作用的调查。在被调查的2000余名人才中,有32.36%的人去年有换过工作,同时有50.26%的人成功通过猎头找到新工作。调查中一项针对职场人士倾向于选择何种形式寻找新工作的结果显示,近6成人更愿意通过猎头更换工作,其中通过“猎头联系”寻找新工作占57.69%,网络招聘和朋友推荐分别以24.42%和12.92%居第二位和第三位。可见在人才流动中,猎头正发挥越来越重要的作用。  猎头“杀”入国企,三成国企员工去年通过猎头跳槽成功 根据调查结果统计,将公司性质结合职场人士选择何种形式找寻新工作进行比较,发现国有企业的员工中有35%的被调查者选择“猎头联系”。对于欧美公司的员工而言,猎头无疑是大多数人的选择,占总比例的72%。  超一半人认为猎头打来的电话更专业,公司越大越信任猎头 对整个招聘流程来说,电话招聘可以说是不容忽视的一个重要步骤。电话招聘看起来很简单,就是通过电话与求职者沟通以实现我们的招聘目的,然后专业的电话会更好得吸引求职者。在此次的人才流动调查中,针对电话招聘谁更专业来看看求职者们的看法,调查显示有52.26%的被调查者认为猎头打来的电话会更加专业,其次是招聘方的人力资源部,再其次是公司直线经理,为别占31.2%和13.76%。 根据公司的规模来看求职者们如何选择求职渠道,调查显示,公司规模与信任猎头程度成正比,公司规模越大,员工对猎头的青睐程度也越高。1000人以下的公司选择猎头更专业的占到四成以上,而1000人以上规模的公司员工中有五成以上的人选择猎头打来的电话更加专业,如图四所示。这些专业的电话与猎头公司的专注和专业是分不开的,当然选择专业的猎头公司也会对自己的职业生涯有积极的推动。 收入者近8成换工作选择猎头 调查还发现,工资越高,通过猎头联系新工作的比例越高。工资范围在1000-15000之间,有45%的人选择“猎头联系”, 工资范围在15001 – 20000之间,有68%的人也选择“猎头联系”, 工资范围在20001 – 25000之间,选择“猎头联系”的人更多,为72%,到25001 – 30000之间,选择“猎头联系”的比例达到82%。 高素质人才,即人们常说的高端人才,或是C级人才(COO,CFO,CHO等),是企业发展的重要战略资源,帮助企业寻找、选择和聘用高素质人才,已经成为人才市场资源配置的重要方式。而猎头行业,作为现代社会经济的一个重要组成部分,在人才流动市场中发挥着不可或缺的作用。如此高比例的中高收入者选择猎头成为其换工作的首选方式,无疑也是对猎头工作的认可。 罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的CEO潘瑞宝认为,目前中国市场上的猎头公司良莠不齐,仅一小部分有专业的工作流程,RMG中国人才流动调查显示,大部分人认为仅有不到30%的猎头会对候选人进行真正的职业指导和培训,虽然目前市场开发趋于成熟,但如何选择专业的猎头合作将是众多雇主和求职者的未来挑战。

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“Uncorking the Full Potential”_China Daily

Strategic use of micro blogs can help companies achieve marketing success It comes as no surprise that Sina Weibo is one of the most popular and the fastest growing micro-blogging platforms in China, considering that it had nearly 500 million users by the end of February. Along with its popularity the platform has also become an integral marketing tool for companies across various industries in China. According to the 2012 Corporate Weibo White Paper, there were 130,565 companies that had certified enterprise micro blog accounts by the end of February. Prominent among them are restaurants (50,000), automotive (7,546) and business services (7,212). In the Fortune Global 500 list, there were 243 enterprises that have opened micro blog accounts, while 207 […]

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"Uncorking the Full Potential"_China Daily

Strategic use of micro blogs can help companies achieve marketing success It comes as no surprise that Sina Weibo is one of the most popular and the fastest growing micro-blogging platforms in China, considering that it had nearly 500 million users by the end of February. Along with its popularity the platform has also become an integral marketing tool for companies across various industries in China. According to the 2012 Corporate Weibo White Paper, there were 130,565 companies that had certified enterprise micro blog accounts by the end of February. Prominent among them are restaurants (50,000), automotive (7,546) and business services (7,212). In the Fortune Global 500 list, there were 243 enterprises that have opened micro blog accounts, while 207 […]

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HR in a (Gradually) Rebounding Economy – RMG HR column on Business Tianjin

2012 was a year of wait and see, considerable moments of economic ‘breath-holding’. Finally, it seems that we have a consistent stream of positive economic signs: Growth in industrial output, growth in the Shanghai composite and an increase in the rates of both replacement recruitment and new hires. However, as I return from my Christmas vacation, and am encouraged by the good news being reported, I’m mindful of both the situation in early 2012, and 2009, and it seems appropriate to remind ourselves that sound HR practice for tough times is often sound HR practice in good (or improving) times too. If we cast our mind back to early 2012, there were regular stories about redundancies and restructuring in some […]

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