
Lifting the Veil of Doubled Payment Offers

Lifting the Veil of Doubled Payment Offers By Robert Parkinson, CEO & Founder of RMG   When it comes to the time of Chinese New Year, salary is always a hotly debated topic in the job market. People like talking about family and neighborhood issues at holiday parties and gatherings. Besides, it is quite frequent that peers talk about their work and staff treatment issues. For many years there has been much debate on what really drives people to change jobs. Various answers including salary, promotion, line manager style and organizational culture actually make people quite confused. I think that ALL those factors surely matter in job changing decisions. According to RMG’s China Talent Flow Survey 2013 (TFS2), salary is […]

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  资料图片:2012年8月29日,在德国首都柏林举行的消费电子展上,参观者在松下展厅观看“电视墙”。新华社记者马宁摄   据参考消息网3月14日报道 外媒称,日本松下电器产业公司开跨国公司先河,宣布将向派往中国的员工发放津贴,以补偿该国达到危险程度的污染对他们造成的危害。   据英国《金融时报》网站3月12日报道,这家日本企业12日宣布这一变动时称,中国部分城市的PM2.5浓度极高。大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物能通过人的肺部进入血液,引发哮喘、癌症或心脏病。   报道称,松下派往中国的员工通常都能得到比较优厚的薪酬待遇,因为外派中国属于“苦差”,但此前松下从未明确提及人们对中国可怕的空气质量越来越大的担忧。   报道还说,挥之不去的雾霾已成为中国公众不满的焦点,尤其是在北京这样的繁华都市。北京曾在2月份遭遇连续一周的“有害”空气。空气污染也是外籍人员提到的离开中国的主要原因之一。   松下没有透露上述津贴方案涉及的日本在华员工人数或具体金额。在中国生活的中国籍员工将不会得到额外津贴。   据报道,一年来,其他公司一直在悄悄提高外籍员工的福利,但松下是第一家公开承认这一问题并为同意调往中国的员工提供津贴的公司。   总部设在北京的猎头公司罗迈国际负责人罗伯特·帕金森说:“这是我第一次听到有公司在这个问题上如此直白。通常的做法是把它说成是‘发展中国家津贴’。”   报道称,在日前开幕的中国全国人大会议上,国务院总理李克强表示政府将“向污染宣战”。几天后,一份有关中国74个城市空气质量的官方分析报告披露,仅有3个城市2013年达到国家空气质量标准。 Read the orginal link at:

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RMG Skiing Trip

谁说团队建设不可以欢乐多多?!罗迈国际大家庭南山滑雪之行,某些同志说滑雪如冲浪一般 (大神级别),某些同志们摔得五花八门呀 (哎 可怜屌丝级别)!看RMGer们大展风采咯! Work should be fun! We had team-building in Nan Shan recently! Some RMGers are really good at skiing, others just enjoy falling again and again! Check it out here! Watch more at:

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References Not To Be Forgotten: Case study Of strategic Human Resources In China

References Not To Be Forgotten: Case study Of strategic Human Resources In China  References available on request is the footnote of most CVs written in English, yet all too often the ‘final hurdle’ of the hiring process is either forgotten altogether or given only cursory attention, yet a quality reference checking process is not merely a disaster prevention practice, it can unearth vitally important information required to manage and develop the new hire. In this article, I explore some of the less obvious reasons to properly check references with a specific focus on hiring in mainland China, as well as uncovering some of the reasons it’s so important for us, as employees, to remember that with the web 2.0 our behaviour can be […]

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Beijing ranked among top 10 global cities

But warning sounded over exodus caused by continuing severe pollution Beijing has made it into the top 10 of the world’s most global cities for the first time, ranking eighth in the A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index. The index, introduced in 2008 by the global consulting firm, includes 84 cities. Beijing scored an overall 3.5 in five categories: business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and political engagement. It stood out from other Chinese cities in terms of the number of Fortune 500 companies, international schools, broadband subscribers and museums. New York, London and Paris have held fast to their positions as first to third since 2012. “The increasing global importance of Chinese companies has helped catapult Beijing to […]

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Beijing ranked most global city on the mainland

Beijing has made it into the top 10 of the world’s most global cities for the first time, ranking eighth in the A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index. The index, introduced in 2008 by the global consulting firm, includes 84 cities. Beijing scored an overall 3.5 in five categories, including business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and political engagement. It stood out from other Chinese cities in terms of the number of Fortune 500 companies, international schools, broadband subscribers and museums. New York, London and Paris have held fast to their positions as first through third since 2012. “The increasing global importance of Chinese companies has helped catapult Beijing to fourth place on the business activity dimension. This, together […]

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The job market is tough for oversea returnees – Robert on CRI Today

China is viewed as one of the most promising emerging market around the globe, attracting a lot of Returnee to work here. Partly because of this, the talent market in China has become a heated topic. Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG Selection, gave his opinions on the situation that these returnees have to face in CRI. With his human resource experiences of more than 10 years, he also gave his suggestions to this group of people. 随着近些年来国外留学的流行,海归就业已经是一个屡见不鲜且备受关注的话题。但是海归的就业目前仍然面临着很多的问题。罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson 做客CRI,就海归工作市场的问题发表了他的看法。同时针对目前的中国人才市场,他也提出了自己的几点建议。 Listen to the original radio here:

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China’s Smog Splits Expatriate Families as Companies Pay for Fresh Air

As a thick smog hung over Beijing last year, Stephanie Giambruno and her husband decided it was time for her and their two girls to return to the U.S. Giambruno’s husband stayed back in China for his job as general manager of a global technology company. He now skypes with the family twice a day and lives with “constant jet lag” as he travels to Florida once a month to see them, she says. While it’s hard to be apart, Giambruno says Beijing’s record air pollution left them no choice. She saw friends’ children develop asthma. Their own daughters, at age 6 and 21 months, were often forced to remain indoors. “It’s not a way to live, to keep your baby inside with an […]

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Where are you? Who will you attract?

In recently years, the heated topics like “escape from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou”, “second and third tier cities turn into new work stage”, and “escape to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou” etc. become heated discussion. For quite a long time lots of people follow others like sheep running away from big cities. However, soon they find out that they are wrong. Crowds of migrant workers come back to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. According to the latest survey, nowadays people choose the location they for their career development more rationally and reasonably than before. They think about the location based on the city environment and self-development space. China Talents-Flow Survey 2013 (TFS 2013) conducted by RMG Selection just release in November. Nearly […]

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10 Tips for Seeking Out Truly Remarkable Employees

Every HR professional expects to find excellent employees for their company. But picking out the best out of hundreds or even thousands of interviewees is no easy job at all. Generally, when an HR person interviews someone with outstanding skills or techniques that exactly fit the needs of the company, he or she becomes very confident to recommend the interviewee to move on in the interview process. However, excellent technical skills are not the only key elements which could define an outstanding employee. So that leads us to topic of how to define remarkable employees and how to distinguish them from the masses!  1.         Employees filled with lots of passion and positive energy An HR will always fail to get […]

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