
Career Builder – Think Twice Before You Job-Hop

  At the end of the year, a lot of Chinese, especially the higher-ranking white collars, are thinking about job hopping. Job-hopping is a trend! However, whether we need to think twice or even three times before changing a job? What should be the justifiable reasons for employees to go job-hopping? And how to deal with the situation when you are not satisfied with your current job? Today, our special guest Robert Parkinson, CEO& Founder of RMG Selection, will give his analysis about the topic-job hopping. Why employees prefer to change their jobs around Chinese New Year? It is a habit created by the super labour market. Many Chinese companies always have their new fiscal year started after Spring Festival. […]

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Employers try to attract passive candidates

Zhang Meng, a coding engineer with seven years’ experience, receives phone calls from headhunters from time to time, though he has no urgent wish to leave his company. “I am open to all opportunities, but I don’t hate my boss,” he said. “If there are good openings with considerable benefits, I am willing to have a try.” Zhang, 33, has posted his resume on social platforms such as the US-based network LinkedIn. “Sometimes, headhunters have found me through friends’ recommendations,” he said. Zhang turned down an offer last week because the position did not offer the 30 percent salary raise he was hoping for. “Then, it won’t make a big difference,” he said. “I am familiar with my current position […]

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How to boost your career by Social Media?

1.   As a recruiter and employer, can you explain the application of social media in recruitment?  1) Local Chinese Professional Social Media IT260: It provides professional suggestion about career building. Tianji: It is the first and the biggest professional social media in China. Maimai: You can share your opinions about work with your friends. Wealink: You can get recruiting information by the social interaction with others. Gouda Recruiting: It is based on the geography information to find the candidates. The Beijinger: For expats in China, especially in training and teaching. 2) Professional Social Media in United States LinkedIn: It is a business-oriented social networking service. Levo League: It is the first professional network designed to women. 3) Professional Networks in […]

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Working with third party recruiters

A common mistake a lot of HR managers make is that they often attribute unsuccessful hires to either job-seekers or recruitment consultants. However, according to the data from both RMG China Talent Flow Survey 2012 and 2013 (see figure 1), the role of third party recruitment consulting agencies are quite important in the interview process. Two-thirds of the hiring calls for mid and senior level positions come from recruiters instead of HR people from the hiring company. Imagine that HR managers and recruitment consultants become team players in the interview process, and then the chance of successful hire will be enhanced greatly. In this regard, I would like to share some basic principles of how HR managers can work better […]

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RMG ‘Work should be FUN?!’ Mini Survey Report

根据调查结果显示,2014年员工工作状态满意度的平均值仅为3.13分,其中40.49% 的调查参与者对自己2014年度工作状态仅给到一个及格分数3分。通常员工审视个人工作状态主要从两个方面出发。一是个人主观因素,比如对压力的敏感性、与团队的融洽程度、管理风格的适应程度等,另一方面是相对客观的条件,如加班时长与频率、业绩目标及完成程度、工资奖金的发放、福利多少、硬性的工作环境,职业发展前景等,这些员工个人可以调节和难以决定的因素共同影响了员工对一年工作状态的感受。

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Career Builder – Goal-Setting for the New Year

  Are you a bad planner? Actually most of us do not like planning, and want a life as free as a bird. However, it turns out that we cannot live well without planning! Why is goal-setting so important in career building? How can we make a reasonable plan to make our life better? In this episode of Career Builder, we are going to focus on goal setting. Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG Selection, offers practical suggestions based on his experience. Listen to the radio program to find out more on this topic. We cannot live without planning. But in terms of career building, why is planning so important? Social scientists and psychologists have constantly measured human behavior and […]

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If You Are Not The One

By ROBERT PARKINSON Imagine being promoted to managing director of your company in China. How would that make you feel? Perplexed, pleased, excited, or perhaps a mixture of all of these feelings? This possibility might seem pretty remote for most young expats. That is why I am sharing this story to help you prepare for that moment in the future. In 2002 I joined a very reputable recruitment company to establish branch offices in Amsterdam and Brussels. It was a tough and challenging period working with many nice people during exciting times. Then my life turned a new page when I went to China. When my boss asked me to come to Beijing, I did not have to think about […]

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Education Today – China’s Minority Language Promotion Plan

China is to add more than 30 minority language courses by 2020, such as local languages used in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Belarus. For more on this issue, our host Wu You talks with Ruben van den Boer, Consultant from RMG Selection, an international recruitment company.  

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Career Builder – Job & Offer Negotiation

    Job offer negotiation is probably the most difficult part in the job seeking process. We put so much effort on interview preparation that we must not blow it off at the last step. When you want to ask about salary in job interviews, do you think it is a sensitive issue to talk about? And for employees who work for the same employer for years, how should they negotiate the salary raise after several years? In this episode of Career Builder show, Founder & CEO of RMG Selection, Robert Parkinson shares practical tips for listeners to get over the problem. Everyone loves to have a job offer but there is so much in it. We need to learn […]

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Education Today – Undergraduates Starting Business II

  China’s Ministry of Education has allowed college students to suspend their studies and start up their own businesses. The notice from the ministry requires colleges and universities to set up a flexible education system allowing students to suspend studies temporarily to pursue business ideas. It is said to be a measure designed to help improve employment, given the increasing difficulties college graduates face in landing jobs.   For more on this issue, our host Wu You talks with Ruben van den Boer, Consultant from RMG Selection Listen to the original program

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