This year, nearly 6.99 million students will graduate from college, an increase of 190,000 compared with 2012. This number is the highest since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.One of the most important indexes of employment, the job contract signing rate, is on a downward slope compared with last year, indicating 2013 will be a tough year for graduates.Watch the video about the interview with Robert Parkinson, founder of RMG Selection, sharing his views about this job huntting year for college students   与2012年相比,今年的毕业生总数(699万)又增长了19万。这是自1949年建国以来毕业生数量最多的一年。作为最重要的就业指标之一,今年的签约率呈现出急剧下降的趋势,这意味着2013年将成为毕业生就业最艰难的一年。你对于中国毕业生艰难的就业形势有何看法呢?即刻点击链接,观看罗迈国际CEO Robert Parkinson在中国国际广播电台节目中的独家看法吧: CRI Watch the video on: Or listen to the interview on: