越来越多的人考虑转移到二三线城市去,节目从已经到二三线城市发展的候选人,到招聘人选的公司,再到猎头公司的不同角度让你全面了解在二三线城市发展的状况。本次节目采访了罗迈国际RMG Selection的CEO Robert Parkinson.

More and more people plan to develop their career in tier 2 and 3 cities in China. The following CRI show invited Robert Parkinson, CEO& Founder of RMG Selection to talk about the situation from the viewpoint of candidates, recruiting companies and headhunting companies. Watch the video: https://www.rmgselection.com/news/survey-talents-relocating-to-second-and-third-tier-cities-cri/

Watch the video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTU2Mjg3NDM2.html