For new graduates who are going to enter the job market, resume is a must. But do you know how to write a decent resume? Should the format be formal or special? When it comes to the sections, is it the more the better? What items should students add in CVs? RMG Selection Consultant Ruben van den Boer is on CRI Education Today to give really good suggestions on resume writing. Come and listen to the radio on RMG’s brand-new website!

大学生初出茅庐,简历当然是求职必备。不过,你知道如何制作一份精美的简历吗?简历的形式是正式一点还是与众不同比较好?简历中的项目是多多益善吗?应该写下哪些经历呢?RMG Selection的咨询顾问—Ruben van den Boer做客中国国际广播电台教育节目,解读毕业生在准备求职简历时应该注意哪些细节。赶快登陆小罗全新官网收听职场专家的建议吧!

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