Tag Archives: 罗迈国际

Education Today – RMG Partner on CRI Live

Lilly on CRI With 7.27 million fresh graduates as well as over 0.30 million oversea returnees, the battle of job-seeking in Chinese talent selection is about to start. What kind of CV can help you stand out? What quality or attitude should graduates have that can attract the attention of employers? And how can students fit well soon in those promising big companies? Lilly Cao, Partner of RMG Selection, is on CRI Education Today to share her opinions and tips with all graduates now! Come and listen to the radio on RMG’s brand-new website! 727万应届毕业生走出校园,还有30万海龟奔涌归来,今年的求职大战即将拉开大幕。广大莘莘学子们该制作什么样的简历,从而能够在求职大军中脱颖而出呢?刚刚入职的同学们,又应该抱着怎样的心态,尽快适应工作呢? RMG Selection的合伙人—Lilly Cao做客中国国际广播电台教育节目,解读毕业生在准备求职简历时应该注意哪些细节。赶快登陆小罗全新官网收听职场专家的建议吧!

After the Interview – China Today

job_interview SO, the big day has arrived, you had the interview, what’s next? Probably your first instinct is either Starbucks, Erdinger or back to the hotel for an inroom burger. But don’t slack off just  yet – what you do next can have a great influence on the outcome of the process, so stay focused for a few more hours.
Write a Journal Entry Your first step after the interview should be to write a journal entry of the event. By journal entry, I mean write down what you discussed, who you met, what you asked, and anything else that seems relevant. I personally like to keep a journal and photograph notes with my phone. You can do it however you want, but do it! This will give you tremendous advantages. First, you will have better recall (and understanding) of the job for which you are applying. Second, it will make you seem like a knowledgeable, adroit professional, especially if your understanding is reviewed at later interviews (always my second question – in case you’re interested in a career in recruitment). And finally, your journal will put you in a better position to ask your potential employer (and yourself) questions about the role, which will help you make an informed decision. Say Thank You In my experience nothing is more disappointing than people who don’t say thank you. It’s annoying to give your time and effort without recognition or thanks. If you give someone a pay-rise and they don’t thank you  it takes the “edge” off the moment (RMG staff please take note). So, when you’ve left the interview and let an hour or so pass, take 20 minutes to draft a thank-you email to the person or people you’ve met. Here’s why: 1. They will immediately remember you. Most people do not follow up, and are quickly forgotten. Ask any business person what they want from their staff, their suppliers, or their spouses: it’s for people to follow-up and do what they say they’ll do. Because most people do not send interview thank-you notes, you will immediately be remembered for doing so. 2. The time to do this is the same day. If you leave it until the next day you’ll be forgotten. Following up the same day reinforces a person’s memory of you. 3. Be sincere. Phrase your follow-up honestly and with integrity. There’s nothing more pretentious and underwhelming than a feast of superlatives if you don’t actually mean them. 4. Be personal as well as to the point. Explain that “I really enjoyed meeting you” (if you did), and then go on to explain what you specifically enjoyed. This will help to build rapport with the interviewer. To quote Simon Cowell’s Dad: “Everyone in the world has a post-it note on their forehead which says ‘I want to feel important’.” Spending time to follow up shows respect, which is especially important in China. 5. Be clear that you would like to go to the next stage in the process (if you do). Companies appreciate confidence and dislike hesitation. There is nothing wrong with being assertive and ending your message with “I really look forward to the next stage in this process” or “I would be really great to meet you again.” Call Your Recruiter Despite the popularity of  online job boards and social media sites, in China’s fastpaced employment market the vast majority of professional positions are filled by recruitment firms. The job of a (good) recruiter is to help you understand and manage yourself through the hiring process. Good recruiters work either exclusively for a company or are even pre-paid in advance, and do not have to worry about which candidate takes the job. Likewise good recruiters realize that you gain far more in the long term if you act with integrity and professionalism. Therefore: 1. Treat your recruiter with respect. There’s a reason that qualified attorneys, accountants, marketers and other executives change careers to become recruitment consultants, and it’s not because they’re stupid! So realize that the more you contribute to the recruiter/candidate relationship, the more you will benefit. 2. Trust but test. It’s important to be confident in the knowledge and competence of your recruitment consultant. Ask them challenging questions; probe what they say; test their market knowledge and experience. If you’re confident in their ability, you will relax and be open with the recruiter. 3. Watch out for red flags. Recruiters who tell you how great you are should not be trusted. Recruiters who don’t return your calls clearly aren’t that interested in you. Recruiters who tolerate you not returning their calls are desperate. Don’t work with them. 4. Make sure you call immediately after the interview to debrief. I can’t stress this enough, it must be immediately after all meetings. Their job is to ensure that the interview has gone smoothly, and to guide you when it has not. Therefore they need to have a snapshot of your state right after the interview. And finally, don’t make the mistake of putting all of your eggs in one basket. If you want to move to Shanghai or Beijing, then be focused and make sure you explore the market fully. You won’t know if an opportunity is good until you’ve compared it with another. And one final tip – if someone asks why you are interested in the job, “because I’ve been headhunted” is probably the worst answer you could give, yet I hear it surprisingly often. E-mail me privately if you really need an explanation. Good luck. The author is the founder of RMG Selection and can be contacted via robert.parkinsonATrmgselection.com. Read the article on China Today: http://www.chinatoday.com.cn/english/life/2014-06/04/content_622550.htm After the Interview

The Best Recruitment Consultant in Asia Won by RMG (Chinese Version)



第二届Global Recruiter(全球招聘者)亚太区颁奖典礼于2013年10月2日和3日在新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店盛大举行。罗迈国际(RMG Selection)非常自豪的获得4项奖项的提名,并且每个提名都得到了最佳提名奖,其中一项夺得总冠军奖:GR Awards •    在最佳内部培训奖项中,罗迈国际(RMG Selection)通过向员工们提供培训手册,定期评审会议,和每周两次的办公室开放式培训得到了评委会高度赞赏“罗迈国际(RMG Selection)为员工提供了高质量入职培训和持续性的支持。” •    在最佳市场企划奖项中,鉴于罗迈国际(RMG Selection)有效地与当地和国际媒体合作,包括电视节目,广播,发表关于HR和招聘行业的文章,再一次获得了组委会高度赞赏肯定和最佳提名奖,并且强调罗迈国际一年两次的发布“《中国人才流动调查报告》(<TFS>)尤为令人印象深刻”。 •    在所有入围最佳招聘服务公司(小型)奖项的候选人中,罗迈国际(RMG Selection)也得到了最佳提名奖。 •    令人兴奋的是,在颁奖晚会中,罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的曹迪(Lilly Cao Di)夺得 2013年最佳招聘顾问,成为皇冠中那颗最夺目的珍珠。曹迪作为一位高级顾问荣获本次晚会的大奖,体现在她多年丰富的经验,重大客户的推荐,重视客户满意度,超凡的表现和对团队做出的贡献。 晚会中,罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的CEO和创始人潘瑞宝(Robert Parkinson)演讲说:“我为整个团队在这4个奖项中获得的成绩感到非常的自豪。当然,我很高兴我们成为最佳招聘顾问奖的获得者,这证明了罗迈国际顾问们的高品质。不过,我也为获得的其他奖项而感到开心。我一直坚信,一家公司想要成功,市场、培训、和所有不起眼的系统和程序对稳定和成功的业务都极为重要,并且我们决定在初期投资所有这些重要的后台设备,我相信这笔投资早已获得了应有的回报。”     关于Global Recruiter 奖项 作为全球领先的月刊杂志,全球招聘者Global Recruiter 成立于2002年为读者提供定期的报章杂志、准确及时的新闻和招聘行业的方方面面。今年,Global Recruiter刚刚举办了第二届亚太区招聘行业活动。Global Recruiter在不同地区举办的一系列活动,目的是为每一个招聘顾问提供机会和平台向全球范围内志同道合的业界人士学习,切磋和交流。 今年包括最佳新人奖,最佳内部培训奖,最佳创新奖,和最佳招聘顾问奖等13项大奖。 关于罗迈国际(RMG Selection 罗迈国际商务咨询是一家由资深顾问组成的国际招聘组织,专注于各行业各职能部门的高端人才搜寻。罗迈集团的顾问遍及全球27个国家的多个城市,我们在亚太地区的办公室设于北京、天津、上海、香港和新加坡,主要业务均以中国为中心的亚太地区快速展开,力争将国际化的服务理念与我们在中国市场多年的实际经验结合起来,提供专业职业的多元化人力资源服务。 潘瑞宝(Robert Parkinson)作为罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的CEO和创立者,在全球范围内拥有14年人资咨询和人才服务经验。他相信坚持发展内部培训、市场营销和市场调查非常重要。凭借由RMG编写的培训手册和每周培训会议,我们确信RMG Selection的顾问为客户提供专业的服务。每半年的《中国人才流动调查报告》(TFS)提供最新的职场动态信息。  查看所有得奖者:http://www.recruitment-international.co.uk/news/winners-of-global-recruiter%C3%A2%C2%80%C2%99s-asia-pacific-industry-awards-announced-20271.htm 查看更多讯息:www.rmgselection.com
