Tag Archives: Asia Employment

RMG Selection is a Finalist of China Staff Annual Awards

RMG Selection nominated a finalist at China Staff Annual Awards on 6th December, 2012 for Most Promising HR Service Providers of the Year.

The most prestigious awards in China’s HR field, the “China Staff Annual Awards” event is organised yearly by China Staff magazine, a bilingual journal belonging to CCH group and dedicated to in-depth analysis of HR management issues in Hong Kong and China. The China Talent Annual Awards aim to recognise the individuals and organisations that have strategically leveraged HR policies and practices to meet the growth objectives of their business.

CCH China is a professional publishing organisation under Wolters Kluwer. It was founded in 1913 and headquartered in America. Thanks to the cultivation of professional knowledge and multinational operations, CCH has been highly acknowledged by businesses around the world. It is also the vital information source for businessmen in about 35 countries around the world in the following fields:  Law, Legal Counsel, Accountancy, Tax Accountancy, Audit, Financial Managment and HR Managment, etc.

RMG Selection is an international recruitment organisation consisting of a team of senior consultants. RMG focuses on searching for high-end talents for all industries and all functional departments. Additionally, RMG provides human resource consulting services, salary surveys, psychological testing and leadership training courses. The consultants of RMG Selection come from 27 countries and dozens of cities. Its primary business focuses on the Asia-Pacific region, where they operate offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Income Gap between Male and Female in China – RMG on CRI

A study by The All-China Women’s Federation says the income of Chinese female urban workers when compared to their male peers has fallen by 10% and by over 20% in rural areas. The survey suggests the income gap between men and women is growing partly because of sexual discrimination. According to another report done by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, gender is one of the 5 most cited factors for job discrimination. –Julia Broussard, Country Program Manager at the UN Women China Office. –Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG International Business Consulting Corporation. -Hema Kripalani, A Journalist and Radio Host Working in Beijing.

Listen to RMG on CRI: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/12/12/2861s737995.htm

Top Ten KPIs to Help You to Choose Excellent Recruiting Companies – RMG CEO on New Manpower



一、 品牌与形象

品牌是一个企业综合形象的公众认可程度,这与广告多少没有什么关系,一些口碑甚好(不收取广告费用)的公众媒体反倒是更加靠谱的反应,试想一个公司经常受CCTV邀讨论专业问题,它的品牌与资深程度自然无需怀疑。形象是指这个公司从网站、各种网络形象到办公室再到具体员工的个人形象是否优质,因为选择了一家猎头公司,就选择了一个为你做人才策略宣传的口径,它的形象优劣直接影响雇主在行业内的口碑。好的猎头公司会在保护雇主利益、优化雇主形象方面特别注意。麦当劳的QSCV精神是其品牌的真实写照,即质量Quality, 服务Service, 清洁Clean and 价值Value。QSCV系统被严格贯彻到麦当劳的全球加盟店当中,并被誉为麦当劳不可改变的核心的企业品牌。

 二、 服务意识


罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson认为,98%以上的候选人都会和猎头做朋友,因为他们明白猎头给他们带来的将是更好的机会。在顺利地取得基本的信任后,他们就会约好与猎物的面谈。成功的猎头会站在候选人的角度上去思考问题,或者说,一定要有服务意识,要明白人并不是商品。

 三、 过程控制


 四、 顾问专业化程度




 五、 项目解决团队


 六、 成功案例 – 质量与速度


 七、 专业领域与洞察程度

市场上的行业划分众多,一个猎头公司很难在所有行业都拥有十分强大的候选人基础及丰富的知识。对行业内人才架构了解得越清楚、对各个公司管理理念越熟悉,推荐候选人的速度与准确度都会大幅度提高。比如对于罗迈相当熟悉的财务领域,几乎任何行业任何等级的财务职位,我们都能在职位沟通后的第二天就提供%+满足要求的候选人。所谓积累,就是在这里体现。猎头公司所开展的业务从行业角度看,由专注一个行业的,由面向多个行业的,比如酒店猎头,房产猎头,IT猎头,金融猎头,快消猎头,奢侈品猎头,物流猎头,医疗猎头等,不管在专注于一个行业还是多个行业,猎头必须对专注行业的运作模式、企业的业务流程和关键职位的职责,任职要求,业内薪酬水平,主要品牌企业等都有比较全面深刻的理解,但如果你碰到哪个猎头公司号称每个行业都专注的,那么建议你用相反地理解来判断。猎头公司面对的行业千差万别,没有哪家猎头公司能说自己对任何行业都非常熟悉,如果哪家猎头公司告诉您他们做所有行业,也许意味着他们哪行也不精通。 即使是行业内顶级的猎头公司也不敢轻言对所有行业都专业。 客户可以要求猎头公司提供曾经做过本行业内的哪些客户,哪些岗位,可以和猎头公司的顾问讨论某些岗位的工作职责,薪资行情等以便了解他们对本行业的专注度和熟悉程度。如罗迈国际对不同的行业顾问,罗迈国际有不同的人才搜寻与推荐方法。

 八、 猎头队伍稳定性


 九、 发展潜力

如今的中国,每个公司都在高速发展之中,谁也不希望每次公司有新的项目或新的业务就要新找一批合作伙伴;又或者,对于一些非常新的行业领域,可能还没有非常成熟的猎头介入,那么此时,一个猎头公司自身发展和快速介入的能力就显得十分关键。一个每一个细节都做得很专业,一个每一个流程都设计的很细致,一个每一个顾问都拥有精挑细选的背景,一个把客户化服务的公司就是一个具有这种能力值得长期合作的可靠伙伴。猎头公司是否经常使用各种搜索引擎?是否懂得并且使用搜索引擎的各种高级用法(过滤、排序、词组、网站定点)?是否熟知各类专业网站、社区网站、协会网站、晨会网站?是否能够利用客户关系系统进行客户管理?是否懂得如何进行网络促销?是否能够进行博客搜索?RMG拥有强大的网络平台和一流的市场开拓者,在稳定发展自身优势的基础上, 不仅仅局限于为国内的公司提供高质量服务,RMG致力于为世界大企业提供全新的,一流的猎头服务。RMG随时在关注市场的发展,并且为适应市场发展制定特殊的,先进的发展计划,抢占更高端市场。

 十、 新领域开拓能力



Read the whole article: http://www.zcom.com/article/86878/index2.htm

HR Localisation is Much More than Hiring Natives – RMG CEO on Business Tianjin

8 years ago, when I came to China for the first time, half of the positions in foreign companies in China were aimed at people who were from other Asian countries or other foreigners with Asian experience. However, in 2012, 80%of RMG Selection’s clients are MNCs and 90% of their positions require a Chinese candidate. Another official report, released by Talents Pool of Jiangsu Province Foreign Affairs Service Centre, also says that 95% of employees in foreign companies within their province are Chinese. It seems like the HR localisation in China is almost completed. Are most of the HR departments in those foreign companies are proud of their human resource localisation, because they hired so many Chinese candidates?

First of all, let’s see what ’localisation’ is. Localisation happens when an imported product, service, person or identity is given the local ‘look and feel’ with respect to language and identity. It is not simply a case of translating instructions and text on packaging into the language of the intended country; it is a way of fitting something to the target audience of the country. Then, in my mind, HR localisation is fitting your HR system to the people, society and employees in the target country. So to hire local employees is just the talent localisation, a small part of ’HR localisation’. According to my experiences, in 5 countries and 8 years working in China, I would say that there are four other tasks which should be performedin order to localising your HR System to here China.

Value Localisation

The most different aspect between China and other countries is the culture. But culture is the base of every single piece of business action. Chinese culture, as a representative of Eastern culture, is one of the longest surviving cultures worldwide. One of the important reasons for that is its adaptability and flexibility. But too much flexibility inevitably results in not attaching importance to the establishment and implementation of a formal system, relying more on the ‘rules of man’. Value localisation is not simply to adopt the local cultural values; it is a way to merge and combine your culture with the Chinese one. The best practice here is to explain your mission via the local language and logical thinking. And you should show your respect here.

Take RMG Selection as example, our slogan is ’specialist, professional, recruitment’. But it is kind of ’dry’ for merging the local culture here. Then, we add a company culture explanation here as ’Work Hard, Play Hard; Happy Staff, Happy Clients’. With this meaning we build up a unique HR management style of combining a friendship-feeling and family-feeling. This is the feature that all of my employees are proud of.

Reward Localisation

As a head hunting agency, we ask people why they join every day. There are many reasons from different people, but the most prevalent one of those is to be rewarded. The reward includes not only the salary but also all other kinds of benefits, incentives and inspiration. Chinese people think very highly of rewards and respects. In RMG Selection, we prefer to encourage any tiny correct action of our employees in relation to the bigger rewards available. Take new employees as an example. They will be keenly aware of such positive energy because here we pay special attention to the new employee’s incentives. New employees who produce fine performances will receive the praise during the general membership meeting. After that, a notice form will also be published via e-mail to the whole office. To increase positive responses, let the employees from China understand the attitude of the enterprise accommodating them. Also, increase their sense of accomplishment, pride and desire for further good performances. On the other hand, if you fail to consider these important Chinese values, you may lose the heart of your staff. There is another case from one of our clients. The way they calculate salary is to set up the highest income you will get and then minus some in the case that employees don’t reach their targets or make mistakes. However, the Chinese like the way of adding different items of income even though the final numbers are the same. We have heard many complaints from their employees and their turnover rate is more than other companies in the same industry.

Training Localisation

It is always good to have efforts from many areas. The employer could also train people to adopt the value, skills and views better suited to a localised way. Then we half the work of localisation with double results. One of the best practices is overseas training. For executives and managers, the main purposes are to nurture the international ties and strengthen the connection with the HQ. According to Shanghai Talents Market, there is a good number of MNCs which send their CEO from the HQ to Shanghai to pick up good managers. Those local managers will be sent back to the HQ having had global training. When they go back to China, they will be promoted to higher levels. For the graduates, the Global Trainee Program is a fundamental way to develop customised talents for your company. As we all know, Guanxi is incredibly central toChinese life. So I prefer the ’Mentoring System’ in China very much. In this system, every employee will have his/her coach and learn not only skills but also the way to deal with people in your company from the coach. Guanxi relates very much to the learning process. This is the way Chinese people feel comfortable.

Expatriate Localisation

Finally,, let’s go back to the original point – talents localisation. There is no doubt that this is the most important aspect of the for localisation process. But more is not alwaysbetter. How many expatriates you need really depends on your industry and culture. For example, 99% of employees in Wal-mart China were local people in 2006, while Motorola got 83.3% in the same year. And the Korean and Japanese companies usually have lower localisation level than western companies. My advice here is “please localize your expatriates as well”. Whatever you planned, it’s all about people. It will shorten the communication process of value, rewarding and training on all levels to make your expatriates understand the local language, culture, system and importance of social relationships.

In one word, localisation is an effective way to achieve a win-win situation. 2012 is the 34th year after China released the reform and opening-up policy. Foreign companies here should practice their localisation strategy. In myexperience, I believe HR will play a more important role in the whole process. It is just getting started.

By Robert Parkinson

Read the whole article: http://businesstianjin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5440:hr-hr-localisation-is-much-more-than-hiring-natives&catid=168:2012-november&Itemid=100

Mock Interview – RMG Senior Consultant on 21st Century

上期面试问题由由罗迈国际商务咨询(RMG Selection)高级招聘顾问Cecilia Li提出:

What corporate culture and values would you expect from your future employer? Why are these important to you? Answer: The corporate culture I would expect most from my future employer is a focus on people. Being people-oriented means that a company realizes each person’s value and helps them to realize their full potential. This in turn benefits the company’s clients, investors and partners. I will also develop a sense of belonging if my opinions are respected and understood. This will encourage me to make every effort to maximize the company’s profits.

Read the whole article: http://paper.i21st.cn/story/80174.html
