Tag Archives: Asia Employment

Career Builder – Make Social Networking Events Work

waiting for subway

For most foreigners who just come to China, they have very limit connections. For many Chinese job seekers who sent thousands of CV with no reply, there is a great way of connecting with others that people are accustomed to. There arises the social networking event. So if you go to the right event and perform in the right way, you might just make big step forward on your career!

In this Career Builder show, hosts and hostess from the studio will discuss this topic with Ruben van den Boer, a manager and an experienced recruitment specialist of RMG Selection.  As a Dutch expatriate who have been in Beijing since 2009, Ruben actually went through the whole stage from knowing very few people to getting well acquainted with a lot of people in his career.  He believes networking events are really important for everyone. Through social events people get the chance to talk to and get to know each other. Moreover, they have high probability to build positive RAPPORT in networking events.

Curious on how Ruben kicked start his awesome career? Want to know what networking events can help you further develop your career? Mostly importantly, how to make your networking really WORK?  Listen on, through the following questions you will pick up a lot of practical and helpful tips to build your career!

  1. Have you come across the terminology “Guanxi”? Please give us your take on this term?
  • There is a difference between “Guanxi” and Networking. “Guanxi” absolutely does not equal to networking.
  • Networking is about building rapport and building a long-term relationship that is based on trust.
  1. What are specific approaches to leave others the impression that I am an asset to the company not just someone who begs for jobs?
  • SECRET: everyone’s forehead is written a sentence which is “I want to feel important”. Few people are interested in others’ stories; most people are only interested in their own stories!
  • Everyone has a little ego in themselves. To begin with networking, you have to be a good listener instead of a speaker.
  • The more others share about themselves, the more connection they can feel with you. There are always problems or emotions. Then you are allowed to get involved and talk about yourself.
  • People do business with people they like. Business is about LIKING people.
  1. What if I disagree with the topics or arguments of someone in the networking? And in the position of a listener, how can I direct the topic?
  • Everyone is able to build chemistry. Find right topics.
  • In terms of directing a conversation, for example, if you talk about job seeking, from personal stuffs you can talk about the company, the structure, the team or even their problems in life.
  • At some point of the conversation, you can introduce yourself as a solution. Or you can present yourself as someone who fits what s/he is looking for.
  1. For someone who is very shy, how can s/he butt in a conversation and chat up with others?
  • Everyone can be shy. You have to get out of your shell if you want to network.
  • Think about worst of all what could happen. On the other hand, also think about what if it is the best scenario.
  • If you are really shy, then just be a good listener!
  1. Do you have any advice for aggressive people?
  • Don’t be too aggressive, otherwise you will push people away.
  • Train yourselves to HOLD BACK.
  • Silence is golden! Have a moment of silence somewhere.
  1. What kind of events do you recommend and where can people access to these social networking events?
  • Morning events from Chambers of Commerce (from different countries) for business purposes.
  • You can apply for newsletters from different chambers. Check up their websites or social media channels (Weibo or WeChat).
  • Expats communities like the Dutch society or groups of other countries sometimes have excursions or networking events on a casual level.
  1. Can people apply for jobs or send resumes in Chamber networking events?
  • The answer is not to do it. Applying for jobs is different from networking.
  • A good channel to apply for jobs is on LinkedIn.
  Listen to the original radio, please click: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2015/05/13/3262s878558.htm

Career Builder – Most Valued Aspects at A Job Interview.


Most valued aspects at a job interview?

Everyone wants to do their best when going to job interviews. you always want to show your best qualities, but you didn’t display them successfully by the end of the interview, so the question becomes what are most valued aspects at a job interview? Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG talks to CRI.

1. What are is the employer looking for in a job interview?

2. Is there any difference between HR and Hiring Manager?

3. What’s the best way to show your professional Knowledge/skill during the interview?

4. Communication is listed as the No.2 most valued skill. However, we always find it hard to show the soft skill than the hard skill. (Soft skill means communication skill, personality, and team work. Hard skill means educational background, certificates, technical skills and so forth. )So what is the best way to show your communication skill?

Listen to the original radio, please click: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2015/04/02/3481s872625.htm

For further useful tips and insights on what are the most valued aspects at a job interview and how to boost your career listen to other episodes of “Career Builder” RMG’s twice monthly radio slot of China  Radio International which you can find here https://www.rmgselection.com/category/radio/ and to visit CRI’s website click here http://english.cri.cn.

Find Your Job on Chinese Social Media


Find Your Job on Chinese Social Media

If you think Chinese New Year is about visiting family to extend greetings and give “red envelopes”, it’s time for you to connect with your friends! Ninety percent of New Year’s greetings I received this year were via WeChat, and guess what, there were “red envelopes” in them! Today, sending lucky money in red envelopes through Chinese social media has become a new trend among young Chinese people. This shows the popularity of social media in China and its power to transform tradition. More important, it is becoming an emerging force in recruitment. So, if you are worried about your latest job application and haven’t received feedback from CVs you have sent out, social media could be another avenue to explore job opportunities and increase your long-term career prospects.

Is Chinese social media or foreign social media an effective job seeking tool? The way employers attract talent through social media answers this question. The Wabco case is an example. Wabco, with nearly 10,000 employees, is a leading global provider specializing in commercial vehicle safety and efficiency control systems. According to Sophie Liu, HR manager of its Qingdao Branch, Renren has become one of their major channels for campus recruiting. The company also posts vacancies and up-to-the-minute company news on its public WeChat account, which it opened in 2013. The dedicated team operating it creates more effective communication between candidates and the company. They now receive 30-plus CVs every day via social media. And other competitors in this industry have started to use this new recruitment method, too.

Inter-personal communication is another example of how social media can boost your career. You can connect directly with HR managers or hiring directors via social media. In addition to LinkedIn, the famous social media site for professional networking around the world, there are many alternatives Chinese people use for this purpose, for example, Dajie, Wealink and Tianji. Compiling a thorough profile on social media and sending invitations to HR departments will expand your job opportunities.

To build an effective connection with others and be a candidate the HR departments you are aiming at can instantly locate, you can try the following career-boosting 101 on professional social media:

  • Open an account on one or several networking sites and paint a complete picture of your skill set.
  • Make your job objective and intended career path clear to others, assigning to it and tagging five to eight key words. Reiterate them as often as you can in your self-introduction.
  • Pick an appropriate profile picture. If you don’t want to use an official portrait, that’s fine, but the photo of you sunbathing on the beach is an absolutely no-no.
  • Update posts related to your industry and the position whenever possible.
  • Make sure your basic contact information is available on all your accounts because it is not 100 percent certain you can be active on all of these. For example, you could add your WeChat QR code to your LinkedIn page and make sure your WeChat is redirected to LinkedIn. This will save time in your communications.

Of course, there are pros and cons to social media as a job-seeking platform. What you say on social media matters, so be careful. Remember this: What you post online could be a reason why companies do not want to hire you. Do not post a fiery speech or negative and confidential information about your current employer or related business secrets. Check everything before you post, in case you accidentally send something confidential out. Don’t complain about your current or previous employers. Finally, make sure you chose the right time to post. Posting online during working hours is a rather foolish move. Would you hire someone who was constantly updating his or her WeChat Moments while at work? Think about it.

The magic of social media is about more than multiplying the number of CVs employers receive. It is about increasing the influence of brand culture and improving communication. As Sophie Liu said, “Social media will add more soft power to a company.” For job seekers, your hard power matters; but social media could provide more added value to your soft power. If landing the perfect job is indeed 99 percent hard work and one percent good luck, why not make full use of social media to get lucky?

Read the original article: http://www.chinatoday.com.cn/ctenglish/se/txt/2015-04/07/content_681956.htm

日企公司文化的新解读-Japanese Corporate Culture

This article is published on CBNweekly. Wang Jingyu, consultant of RMG Selection, gives her views on Japanese corporate culture. Japanese companies tend to have longer training period and slower promotion. But steady salary increase and low-risk career development make them popular among job-seekers. Several tips are also offered here to help employees adapt to Japanese companies as soon as possible.





“日本最大的问题是保守和怯懦”,优衣库创始人柳井正在为《麦肯锡季刊》(McKinsey Quarterly)写的一篇文章中这样自我剖析,他对日本商业的一个总结是“日本商界人士和公司缺乏个性”。





A 除了严谨,还有一些事你得做好心理准备 A Except rigorous work-style, there is more you need to know about Japanese corporate culture.

培养周期长 Long Training Period

无印良品在成都开出一家旗舰店时,这家公司也打算把IA(Interior Advisor)和SA(Styling Advisor)两种服务引入中国。像这样的看起来类似于专业导购的差事,无印良品竟大费周张地从中国员工中挑出10名,两次去日本进行半个月的封闭培训。


 即便是专业性强的制造业也是如此。一个叫做TSP(Trainee Sales/Service Program)的项目从2005年就开始在东芝医疗内部形成。这家公司为没有任何医学背景的销售和服务岗位人员进行专业知识培训。因此尽管日企的培训可能是很长的时间成本,但公司人也能学到一些东西,并同时发现更多职业的可能性。

晋升缓慢 Slow Promotion



“In a  Japanese corporate, your rank depends on your experience. One will not be promoted until his superior left his position. ” Consultant of RMG Selection Wang Jingyu told CBNweekly.



B 日本公司靠什么吸引人?Why is Japanese corporate is attractive to job-seekers?

薪酬福利还算有竞争力 Tempting Salary and Bonus


“Japanese corporate offers steady salary”, said Wang, “Compared to that of western company,salary of Japanese corporate is unlikely to be influenced by the changing market.” Toshiba, Olympus and other Japanese companies she served for all implemented kind of  “automated salary increase” system.  In other words, salary is related to one’s working term rather than a corporate’s profits.



职场风险小很多 Lower Risk in Career Development



C 日企偏好温和型和结果导向型员工 C Japanese corporate has a preference for mild and result-oriented employees.




Wang once recommended two candidates for a Japanese corporate in medicare sector. One of them repeatedly interrupted the conversation and expressed his own opinions during the interview. Despite the fact that he used to study in Japan, he finally failed to win the interviewer’s heart. However, the other candidate got hired for his modest performance, though his background and ability were inferior.


“Japanese employers may not want many new ideas from employees. Instead they require workers to act quickly. Those who take good care their share of the job and have strong adaptability can soon get used to the rigorous work-style in Japanese Corporate.” said Wang.

D 两个Tips帮你更好地适应日企 D. Here are two tips to help you get accustomed to Japanese corporate.

调低心理预期 Lower Your Expectations


长远规划很重要 Better to Make a Long-term Plan


阅读原文,请点击:http://www.cbnweek.com/v/article?id=16565 Read the original article, please click: http://www.cbnweek.com/v/article?id=16565

Smog magnifies staffing woes for EU firms – RMG on China Daily

smog - challenge or opportunities  

Attracting and keeping personnel is becoming an increasing problem for European businesses in China

As European small and medium-sized enterprises in China try to find a steady footing on the shifting sands of the country’s economy, one thing that is keeping them off balance is staffing.

Maija Kurte, country manager in China of the Latvian company Linearis Translations, which has been in the country for four years, plans to open another office in southeastern China soon, but says staffing will present a challenge.

“Attracting and keeping talent is very hard,” she says. “Staff turnover is always high, and it is good to have potential replacements on hand, but that is difficult to do.”

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China in its magazine EURObiz, the first issue of which has just been published, says that from many consultations the center has had, it has emerged that the kinds of problems businesses report has changed over time. Regulation, barriers to market access, macroeconomic changes and even smog problems have been high on the list, and problems with human resources and competition have gradually become more prominent.

One of these is the difficulty of attracting highly skilled people to China. Difficulties in obtaining visas, the rising cost of living and severe smog issue are all deterring expatriates from coming to China, the magazine says.

The Business Confidence Survey 2014 issued by the European Union Chamber of Commerce says that attracting and keeping talent was ranked No 3 and regarded as significant by 55 percent of European companies, after the Chinese economic slowdown and rising labor costs. Rising labor costs and a shortage of talent were identified as two main human resources challenges.

The chamber has more than 1,800 members in China, more than 80 percent of them SMEs.

The survey found that the smog issue has been an important reason for the difficulty in attracting talent to China, with 68 percent of companies saying the air quality issue is one of the top three challenges for them.

Another challenge for the companies is attracting talent from within China. The chamber’s magazine says China’s reputation for possessing unlimited, cheap labor is rapidly evaporating. Finding, attracting, training and retaining staff is expected to become even more difficult in the next five years as costs for local labor continue to rise, it says.

Ruben van den Boer, a consultant with the headhunting company RMG Selection, says that in trying to attract new local talent, European SMEs have some clear advantages. First, most Chinese employees prefer the open business culture and international environment that Europe-based companies can provide. Second, Europe-based companies may provide an employee with more career opportunities in the long run, for example international business travel or temporarily working abroad. The ability to practice English or a third language is another benefit European SMEs may offer employees.

However, it seems this bias toward Europe-based companies is evaporating, too. As more Chinese companies expand abroad, the way they do business is becoming more open and international, and similar to that of their Europe-based rivals. Examples include Lenovo, Huawei and Alibaba. For Chinese employees, these international China-based companies have some advantages over Europe-based SMEs.

“For instance, Chinese employees might have better opportunities to fill senior positions compared with in Europe-based companies, where most senior positions, even in China, are often reserved for European citizens,” Boer says.

Read the orginal article: http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2015-04/17/content_20453262.htm
