Tag Archives: Asia Employment

View recruitment thourgh male and female employee turnover-China HRD

How to pick out the employee that would stick with your company and never left? According to research conducted by RMG Selection, there is indeed a difference between the male and female employee turnover. Why is that? What does it mean to recruitment? RMG Selection CEO Robert Parkinson has the answers for you.For more information, please click the link below the image.


male female

Find out more on: http://www.chinahrd.net/recruitment-selection/recruitment-strategy/2013/0516/195260.html 阅读全文请点击:http://www.chinahrd.net/recruitment-selection/recruitment-strategy/2013/0516/195260.html

How to get back on a job when you get back on your trip-Men’s Uno

1 Sometimes you just want to have a break and fulfill your dreams of travelling around the world. How do you break your news to your boss? “I just want to travel” is not a good resignation excuse. How about applying for a job when you get back on your trip? How can you convince a company to hire someone who would quit for travelling? RMG Selection HR expert has the answers for you. Find out our suggestions on the Men’s Uno Magazine June Volumn. (See the image below) 有时候你想让身体去旅行,有时候你就是想完成环游世界的梦想。但是,你如何告诉你的老板你要辞职去旅行?在你旅行归来之后,又如何面对就业呢? 罗迈国际的职场专家来帮你解答。详细的专业建议已经被刊登到了风度杂志六月刊中。(如图)    

Are the young people in Europe facing a even worse job market?- Interview with CRI

Robert Parkinson, founder and CEO of RMG Selection, is invited to a discussion panel to talk about youth unemployment in the Europe. As youth unemployment has become a universal social problem, Europe seems to face an even worse situation with soaring youth unemployment rate. How to settle the social unrest? Is “Youth Guarantee” program an effective initiative? What is the priority issue that the EU government needs to tackle in the up coming Summit?  Find out more by clicking the link at the bottom of the image. 如今,大学生就业成为了全球的焦点社会问题。欧洲的青年似乎面临着非常严峻的职场环境。希腊和西班牙等国家的青年失业率一路飙升到50%以上,意味着有一半的青年都正处在失业的状态。在全球经济衰退的时代,这是否意味着欧盟国家青年的就业前景荆棘密布?在即将来领的欧盟峰会,欧盟政府又应该怎样改善现况呢?罗迈国际CEO,潘瑞宝(Robert Parkinson)受邀与CRI一起讨论当今欧洲青年就业问题。 您可以点击图片下面的链接在线收听。 You can listen to the interview online on : http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/06/25/2861s772230.htm  

2nd RMG Selection China Talent-flow Survey Launch (English Version)

Along with the success of China Talent-flow Survey 2012-2013, a new round of research about the talent market in 2013 is to be initiated by RMG Selection today This will also be the first time we conduct the survey with University of Nottingham, a famous British university. The previous report involves more than 2000 respondents. It consists of 80 pages with bilingual data analysis, which is attached with 54 sets of diagrams to facilitate the understanding of the market information. Both Chinese and foreign media asked for interview with RMG Selection after the launch of the report. There are over 300 articles/radio/TV programs reported TFS result. At the same time, quite a few human resource managers gave positive remarks and feedbacks to us. Therefore, we believe 2013 China Talent-flow Survey will bring everyone more surprises! This current report will be conducted based on the advice from different parties. We have updated the research regions and questionnaire so that more specific research can be conducted. Participate in our survey now; you will get the free e-copy of the report! There are also special surprises prepared for the lucky birds! Additionally, respondents are able to participate in the physiological test developed by Peking University. Participants will get the official exclusive analysis report conducted by Peking University. Join us to find your surprise now! Click the image to participate the survey Survey AD edition2 -final You can also click http://dotsurvey.me/f5fgt0e-f0h7h69   to participate the survey For more information, please watch the video on: YouKu:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTc1Mjc5Nzgw.html YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D31gG4exVOA   RMG Selection is an international recruitment group focused on specialist selection of high performers in niche-disciplines. As well as our main business of talent management and acquisition, we also offer the following services: HR Consulting, Salary Surveys, Psychometric testing, Outplacement, Leadership coaching. For more information about RMG, please visit www.rmgselection.com  

Chinese Graduates Face Tough Job Market – CRI

This year, nearly 6.99 million students will graduate from college, an increase of 190,000 compared with 2012. This number is the highest since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.One of the most important indexes of employment, the job contract signing rate, is on a downward slope compared with last year, indicating 2013 will be a tough year for graduates. What’s your opinion on the tough Chinese graduates’ job market? Listen to the live show on CRI with Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG Selection. 与2012年相比,今年的毕业生总数(699万)又增长了19万。这是自1949年建国以来毕业生数量最多的一年。作为最重要的就业指标之一,今年的签约率呈现出急剧下降的趋势,这意味着2013年将成为毕业生就业最艰难的一年。你对于中国毕业生艰难的就业形势有何看法呢?即刻点击链接,了解罗迈国际CEO Robert Parkinson在中国国际广播电台节目中的独家看法吧!   listen to the news on CRI: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/05/27/2861s767175.htm Watch the interview video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY3NTU0NTQ0.html
