Tag Archives: Asian Employment Agency

4 out of 10 Talents in the Legal Firm Changed Jobs – Beijing Evening Post




BJ evening post

Link to the article: http://bjwb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-04/09/content_62817.htm

Recruitment Sorted Easily – RMG HR column on Business Tianjin

The end of every Spring Festival is often the busiest period for corporate recruitment units. Following the deepening of “localisation” to be consistent with Chinese traditions, many companies will begin their recruitment plan for the New Year after the official end of Chinese New Year. At the same time, since year-end rewards tend to be issued around the Spring Festival period, a portion of employees would also choose to leave their positions after the festival; thus causing greater recruitment needs. Recruitment difficulties and employment difficulties have become the biggest nightmare for HR professionals. The recruitment process appears to be increasingly inefficient, especially in the internet era whereby advertisers are increasingly unable to cope with the bombardment of CVs in their inboxes.
Online recruitment has already become the preferred way for job seekers and recruiters, the reason being that the process is very simple. Employers simply post a job online and within just 2-3 days there will be over a thousand applicants; create a resume, a few minutes later, one is open to over a hundred positions. It feels as if online recruitment is too efficient compared to any other job search/recruitment channels, for instance, job fairs. According to an online survey in 2009, there is an average daily count of over 10 million people job searching online. Every job seeker will submit at least 100 CVs before finding satisfactory employment. However, what is the direct consequence of this? According to research conducted by ChinaHR in 2012 for recruitment enterprises, 78% of positions require over a month’s time to hire suitable talents, whilst 20% of positions require more than half a year to find suitable talents. For job seekers, 4% of them have to spend over one month to find ideal work, of which, 23% of job seekers actually spend more than half a year looking for employment.
Recruitment was originally the highlight of HR, but its inefficiency has led it to become HR’s nightmare. Whenever a new position is encountered, ultimately recruiters will complain that the number of indiscriminate applicants is too high. Arranged interviews are very likely left unattended; applicants with signed offers may be nowhere to be found, leading to very few candidates successfully recruited in the end. In fact, besides some of the candidates’ own issues, for instance, blind submissions to raise their hit rates, and a lack of integrity, the enterprise and its HR department has more or less also contributed to this situation.
1. Enterprises now pay more attention to attracting talent. The market awareness of modern enterprises is stronger; they will take advantage of every opportunity to shape a positive corporate image in order to be in contact with more talent. Unclear job descriptions are also a reason contributing to this phenomena. Ambiguous positions easily misguide job seekers to believe “I am also suitable for this position”, leading to an avalanche of useless resumes flying in.
2. HR channels are inaccurate or too broad. For example, many enterprises choose traditional online recruitment platforms with massive amounts of information to undergo recruitment in the hope to bring in extensive talents. However, at the same time, vast amounts of web information bring heavy workload for recruiters. If recruiters were to filter out suitable candidates from the tens and thousands pieces of job seeker information, it would require a substantial amount of time.
3. Partial loss of potential talents in the recruitment process due to the enterprise itself or its HR department. Behind the success of one’s recruitment process lies onerous interview work. Recruitment is a 2-way choice, HR is not only a “gate-keeping” job but it is also necessary to get people that the enterprise needs to select the firm; an important role, which HR departments play in the overall process. The cause of the problem seems to be complicated, but in actual fact, only a few small minor changes are required to save a lot of time. At the same time, avoiding time-wasting and the embarrassment due to a loss of “face” when HR arranges a meeting for the candidate with head of departments and no one attends.
Lay out recruitment needs clearly with accurate job descriptions.
To achieve this, two aspects should be included. Internally, HR is required to properly manage the communication between departments, making employment needs of departments clear, explicit and complete; this is the cornerstone of all recruitment. Another aspect is to write genuinely precise external job descriptions. This is the first stage in which the candidate comes into contact with the company. For instance, be sure to include aspects such as work experience, working life qualifications and so on, require the use of detailed figures to describe; write less vague abilities, such as: strong leadership abilities, strong communication skills, strong organisational skills, good English skills etc. But remember that these attributes cannot be measured, so therefore anyone can consider themselves to satisfy these requirements. Instead, questions such as “How many individuals worked within the team you led?”, “what types of projects have you led?”
Recruitment channel segments.
Recruiting enterprises must first select the correct recruitment website. If the characteristics of the enterprise’s industry are clear, and the professionalism of the intended position is high, then professional recruitment websites must be considered first. Resume submissions received by these websites are not necessarily as high as comprehensive recruitment websites. However, talents and positions available are on a vertical plane, accurate and efficient, which not only eliminates the troubles of filtering the vast amounts of CVs, but also allows appropriate professionals to be recruited immediately.
Selection of third party co-operation.
In many cases, despite HR departments using various suppliers, there are no significant improvements in the speed of recruitment. Only through the correct selection of headhunting company, and its team of consultants, will the expected outcome come to fruitation. An outstanding headhunting partner is not only a good helper during your talent search, but also provides effective assistance and enterprise development in employer branding, formulation of talent strategy, market analysis, as well as many aspects of future development strategies. Consultants can establish good relationships with candidates within a given industry, be familiar with the characteristics of the particular industry, and have confidence whilst interviewing candidates.
To attract and retain talents in the recruitment process.
Candidates are likely to become companies’ potential clients; this is because they only applied for positions if they want someting from the company. So in the recruitment process, HR should place themselves more in the candidates’ shoes. No one is perfect, and therefore the basic principle is to not let the candidates face embarrassment and lose their self-esteem during the interview.
The fine culture of the company and its professional qualities should be reflected during the first call to the candidate. In the exchange process, besides fully understanding the necessary qualities of the interviewer, showcasing the positive energy of the company, such as honour, employee activities, management style, further enhances the talents’ interest in the company. Those who go in to be interviewed are all individuals possessing interest in the enterprise, thus deserve the respect and gratitude from the firm. After the results of the interviews are determined, the candidates should be responded to politely, especially to those of which unsuccessful. At the same time, a corporate talent pool should be established, whereby the information of these unsuccessful applicants should also be inputted into a database. This is because enterprises need different talent at different stages of development; requirements of talent also differ on different levels. Therefore, entering their information into an enterprises’ talent pool reserves, is preparation for the long-run.
Establish a distinctive employer brand.
The distinctive establishment of an employer brand refers to recognition and understanding of the corporate culture, the products and services provided by the company and the talents the firm needs and so on in the first instance whereby the job seeker sees the employer’s name. If you are a company which encourages high returns, then do not let the market feel that your work here is relaxed, because some people really like tense rhythm and these are the people you need. As for those who hope for more freedom in their lives, they will also have their suitable employers. Applications from these people will not result in too many positive outcomes for your company. Of course, this is a long-term process. The popular microblogs are good publicity channels. Since March last year, RMG Selection publicised its company via Sina Weibo and Renren, committed to creating a “fair, pleasant, hardworking, harmonious” employer image. In the recent 10 months of hard work, there are already more than 30 candidates (including official and internships) who have actively sought employment through this route. Further publicity through some promotional videos, print ads, media coverage, can strengthen the employer brand to become the most advantageous and most effective recruiting tool.
Simply speaking, as long as work is a little more meticulous, and a little more is done every day, then HR can save vast amounts of time from the indiscriminating applicants. Recruitment in hi-tech systems engineering, and recruiters are more than just CV filterers, you can also become “technical experts”.
By Robert Parkinson
Link to the article: http://businesstianjin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6017%3Ahr-recruitment-sorted-easily&catid=183%3A2013-march&Itemid=100

It is not so Complicated for Office Social Network – RMG CEO on The Week


有一阵子管理层嚷着要屏蔽QQ、MSN 之类的通讯工具,引起了中方员工不小的骚动,但最后也没见行动。”Wendy 在一家大型韩资公司工作从事公共事务工作两年有余,平日对内对外沟通工作靠QQ、MSN、电邮等工具完成。而她与周围韩国员工、高管沟通则是口头或书面汇报。

Wendy 告诉《东方壹周》the week,她唯一能获知公司内部的渠道,就是公司内部网站,但网站也只是单向告诉员工发生了什么事,也不会设沟通系统软件。而跨部门协同合作这种事儿,员工都是最后一刻才知道,“双方领导都是直接碰头开会,然后开展合作、邮件跟进等,和中资、欧美公司完全不同。”Wendy 意味深长说了一句:“所以啊,企业发展的慢,还是有原因的。”

Wendy 的碎碎念确实有道理,在一个社交媒体日益发达的今日,流畅的沟通机制正成为企业日常运转中的重要轴承,无论是员工、管理层、客户、外部协同人员都无法独善其身。那些更有进取意识的大公司们,也正将社交网络视为企业内部发展的重要战略,既是为了员工也是为生意。

Yammer 模式

曲晓东在两年前还是IT 咨询界有口皆碑的人物,因为看到移动互联网带来的机遇,他辞去咨询公司高管一职,并将企业内部社交视为他创业的方向。

这个方向在美国已有了原型——Yammer,一家致力于企业内部的社交平台,通过与企业邮箱进行整合设计成微博系统,既能减少管理、注册和验证企业员工的成本,又能合理地验证企业员工身份。这家公司在创业期间共融资1.42 亿美元,并于今年6 月以12 亿美元作价被微软收购,这引起了美国大公司们对内部社交网络的重视。

“现在整个大环境发生了变化,移动互联网把沟通变得更顺畅了,随时随地办公的需求几乎成为刚需。”曲晓东告诉《东方壹周》the week,中国自发展企业信息化以来,设计的系统软件都是从企业业务角度出发。比如ERP、办公OA、CRM 系统软件平台,都是用信息化手段来管理分工、协作、流程、绩效等,方便管理人员操作。

“这种软件优点,是针对企业自身的需求去设计功能模块,有针对性。但缺点是复杂、成本高。但现在不同了,软件都是从用户体验去设计,追求透明、流畅、便捷与实用性。”曲晓东所在的团队设计的软件应用正是Yammer 模式,正紧张地在多个企业中部署内测。

但企业内部社交网络要让企业接受,还得分行业。曲晓东谈到,如服务业、媒体业、IT 互联网业、设计业等创意型行业就比较容易接受。但传统制造业接受动力就不强,他们有自己一套沟通逻辑。


对于有着上万员工的阿里巴巴集团来说,内部沟通是非常重要的系统,现在集团内主流沟通平台仍是BBS,这未免有些老土?“阿里的内网承担起的是内部工作职能以及内部员工交流这两个模块。我们在尝试除了BBS以外,用SNS 让内部沟通更符合当下员工交流习惯。”阿里巴巴集团人力资源部相关负责人吴耀华向《东方壹周》the week 谈到。

但有些公司有了实际行动。近期金蝶软件将此前的金蝶微博重新整合成“云之家”社交平台,并对外接入了数家第三方企业应用软件。这种结构就好像众所周知的“开放平台”,只不过金蝶社交网络平台只对接企业级市场,而Facebook 则是面向更广阔的大众消费市场。



《东方壹周》the week 了解到,现在包括北森网络推出的Tita、梅花网推出的明道都同属于Yammer 模式,如同其他应用一样,在手机端、平板电脑端推出了IOS、Android 版本。而Yammer 也宣布推出将IM软件。


“现在企业级办公软件,已经在移动互联网的影响下形成必然转型趋势。”金山WPS 软件总监刘昌伟向《东方壹周》theweek 谈到,企业办公环境也可以是一个开放的生态系统,在这个系统内公司人应用的办公软件、流程管理软件等都将变“轻”。这种轻,是一种观念也是从用户体验出发的易用性与实用性。

“企业社交网络系统的功能主打是沟通,它可以反映出企业文化特质、舆情、企业制度建设、活动发布与管理、增强员工互动等。这个系统与办公OA 系统、EPR、CRM系统都是互补关系,谁也不能替代谁。”刘昌伟说道。

看吧,移动办公时代已经来了,那些还固步自封到要屏蔽IM 的大公司们,还是换个角度看职场吧。


Q=《东方壹周》the week A= 罗迈国际商务咨询公司CEO Robert Parkinson

Q 目前大公司在启用企业内部社交网络程度如何?

A 要量化目前有多少家公司使用内部的社交网络是很困难的,但从许多公共途径(新闻、报纸、网络)可以看到许多软件公司已感觉到机会,并不断推出不同的网络系统。比如全球知名的DELL 公司,正使用一个叫作Salesforce’s Chatter 的工具形成他们自己的企业内部社交网络,这使他们的员工可以关注各自的经理,增加团队内部的交流。包括 CEO Michael 就是这个网络的活跃分子。在中国,大型超市-华润万家、一些大型的电厂和快餐连锁店也在使用。

Q 企业内部社交网络的优势和风险在哪儿?

A 优势在于,一来它能提升企业的聪明才智。员工的建议和想法可以公开发布;二来,提高公司凝聚力。完善安全的内部社交网络为员工提供一个放松和交际的环境,已被证明可以提供整体凝聚力;同时,增强员工的工作积极性,还能满足员工。员工大部分支持实施内部社交网络,可以互通有无,虽然有些“潜水族”不喜欢发言,通常只是在观看,但偶然发发牢骚或者投诉也会发生。





Read the whole article: http://www.theweek.cn/news/201208/27/20120827155200399994_1.html

Read the magazine:  https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_tw_sep_rp_1.jpg

Job Hopping after the Festival – RMG Manager on CRI Easy FM

据统计,80%左右的白领跳槽是因为无法和老板很好的相处。如果去意已决,应该如何早做准备,漂亮的离开呢?今天的嘉宾依然是来自罗迈国际咨询的顾问Alice Xiao。

Listen to RMG: http://english.cri.cn/4926/2012/03/07/1561s685435.htm
