Tag Archives: Asian Employment

China Insight: Get the mind-changing project started in job changing

During the period of the so called ’golden September’ and ‘silver October’ in the Chinese proverb, which means a good time for people to look for new job opportunities, the job market in China is full of vitality and vigor. Back to the 1960s, most Chinese took jobs that they prepared to do the work for their whole life. The perseverance and sense of responsibility have built a solid generation. The senior generation now describe the young generation as quite unsettled and ‘picky’ about work. It makes sense to some extent for the old generation in China to place a high value on stability. However, to view the issue in modern China, I think it’s time for people to refresh their views about career development and job changing.Having worked in the headhunting and recruiting business for quite a few years now, I found an increasing number of Chinese people start to understand that people change jobs for quite a lot of different reasons, which may include payment issues, promotion space, company culture, leadership style, job content, company location, social benefits, work environment as well as family influence. In this regard, I believe to figure out the fundamental elements of job changing is the key for Chinese to start the mind-changing process.According to 2013 China Talent Flow Survey (TFS) report conducted by RMG Selection, general interviewees consider that salary raise, promotion and company culture are the three primary factors that impact people’s career change decisions. The research of TFS 2013 started from the mid of June to September with almost 4000 respondents. One of the key pieces of data from the survey is shown on Chart 1 below: It shows that 69% of interviewees choose salary raise as the main factor influencing their career move (the highest). I suppose it is no surprise given that “occupation” is the way to earn living in a society. If people earn more, they have a better living status and vice versa. In this regard, it is not difficult to understand why salary is given so much attention in job changing. Chart 1 What are the main factors affect you to change jobs An interesting point I noticed in this report is about the job changing situation with women: Decades ago, Chinese women were not allowed or not appreciated to work outside. The fast development in the society allows Chinese women to touch the outside environment. It can be seen in Chart 2 and Chart 3 the top 3 factors affecting job changing decisions are exactly the same in male and female. Furthermore, the data are basically at the same level. From taking the role of housewives to getting prepared to be female elites, Chinese women seems adjust themselves very well in career development. Chart 2 Job changing factors in male Chart 3 Job changing factors in female During the past years of my staying in this culturally diverse country, I have heard quite a lot of interesting stories and history about China and Chinese culture. A very important example of this can be seen in chart 4 – “Promotion”, which is closely related with the deep rooted Chinese cultural importance placed on promotion and advancement. According to the famous Chinese ancient encyclopedia Lu Shi Chun Qiu, every single employee wants to get promoted in the hierarchical system. It is regarded as a fundamental need for people’s self-actualization. Back to the modern society, getting promotion is regarded as the recognition of employees’ hard-working and achievements. Chart 4 Influence of promotion in job changing by age groups Though promotion ranks the second reason for people who are looking for new job opportunities, the need to be promoted varies in different age groups. Taking a look at the line graph (Chart 4) about promotion in different age groups, the influence of promotion is increasing from age of 18 to 35. People who are 30 to 35 years old are at the stage of golden career. Once they are at the position that they are satisfied, the need and want of changing jobs to simply get promotion becomes less strong. Comparatively, people at the younger age group might move on with their career because of a good promotion space in the new company. The third element on the Chart 1 is really of great importance. Half of interviewees ‘hop’ to other companies simply because they like the company culture. Things like company values, working environment, collegial relationships, and core leaders matter to a large extent. The reason why it (company culture etc) matters is that in fact attracting talent is only the first step, and in fact perhaps the more important question is how to retain talent in a company. According to my experience in recruitment, more than 90% of the typical leaving reasons are actually related to his or her line manager or the management style of the company. However, lots of companies have never paid any attention on company culture building. Company culture equals the ‘smart power’ of the company. The influence of this ‘smart power’ is well penetrated in the operation process, which can be brought to not only clients as well as job seekers but employees as well. Having contributed to many job interviews, I have quite a few interviewees telling me that they leave their current company simply because of the terrible working atmosphere, poor colleague relationship and punishing system which all belong to part of the company culture building. Money is an important element when people considering changing jobs, but I suppose nowadays people start to care about more than that. To create a unique corporate culture is extremely important for the competing enterprise. As an essential part of corporate culture, the branding of the employer not only enhances the sale-value, also able to attract talent for the enterprise The last one on the list of Chart 1 is opinions from families. To be honest, I dare not agree with the argument that families don’t play a part in the job change decision making process. In the traditional Chinese culture, actually family is a very influential factor when people consider something very important. To show you this clearly, I would like to illustrate family opinion with a case of headhunters. Headhunters sometimes need to deal with cases of relocation. At this moment, opinions from family members can represent the decision-making power. Relocation might involve the moving of the whole family, which indeed need agreement from every family member.
Though considering male has the strong responsibility in taking care of the family and female has to play the role of housewife very well, it’s really hard to say opinions from families do not matter. However, regarding to the data of family opinions in Chart 2 and Chart 3, I found something really interesting. Opinions from families account for 6% (male) and 2% (female), which actually surprise me a lot, because (according to my female colleagues!) normally Chinese women are quite emotional and easy to be influenced by their families. In this case, the influence of family opinions exerted on female is comparatively 3 times lower than it on the male group, which is the female mind-changing issue during the past years. Although of course one wonders how frankly people may answer this question?! The young generation change jobs for different reasons. Simply labeling the young as unstable them is just not right and misses the point. People’s decisions about job changing are made based on the factors listed in the chart. Changing for money and promotion are no longer the only things that people care most about; influence of company culture, leadership style, and job content becomes stronger in the modern society. By explaining all the detail of some of the influential factors, I sincerely hope traditional Chinese culture will not clash with the concept of job changing. Instead of claiming job changing instable and picky, I would rather put it in this way, to find a better place where people can stimulate their hidden potential at work to the maximum.



   我相信为了解决节后招聘难题,各大企业都会拿出最佳招聘方案。有些企业开出优厚物质待遇,购买补充商业保险,还有一些企业提供食宿补助,保证愉悦的工作环境,为员工购置娱乐设施。尽管企业使尽浑身解数,其中不乏引人注目的条件,但招聘情况仍不容乐观。此时如果HR们认为是求职者们的挑剔增加了招聘难度,那我要反过来质问你们,你们是否真的了解求职者的需求?你们考虑过员工工作时的幸福感吗?如果企业开出的优厚条件并非求职者们真正所需,那么再优厚的条件也不能让你的员工幸福地工作!就在几天前,我的朋友和我分享了一个术语Gross Personal Happiness (个人幸福指数)。第一次接触这个陌生而又新鲜的词汇,我感到个人幸福指数和员工有着必然的联系。根据《罗迈国际中国人才流动调查报告2013》(TFS2),薪资和升职对于35-40岁这个年龄段的求职者来说已经到达了顶峰(见图1),这就意味着金钱的对于他们的诱惑力在逐渐下降。因此对于中高端岗位的招聘,我认为重点一定要放在提升员工个人幸福指数上。







Read the original version at:http://www.ceconline.com/hr/ma/8800069684/e8e0c21101/




在罗迈国际RMG Selection高级顾问李洛钒看来,对于以工资收入为主的中、基层员工来说,公司上市之后薪资福利待遇的提高是更直观的一种激励。去年上市的某房地产集团人力资源副总监程艳就表示,上市之后的1年内,她所在的公司进行了数次调薪,对大部分绩效表现良好的员工的工资进行了普涨,速度远远快于上市之前。另外,企业规模扩大之后晋升机会的增加也是员工更能感受得到的一种积极影响。




企业上市之后究竟会给公司人带来哪些改变,本期《第一财经周刊》邀请了万宝盛华集团(中国)综合解决方案招聘流程外包资深金融顾问单进玮以及罗迈国际RMG Selection高级顾问李洛钒共同来为公司人答疑解惑。

A 切身利益的变化

公司的性质即将发生变化,公司人首要关心的都是自己的切身利益,比如薪酬福利。通常情况下,上市公司提供的薪酬福利待遇肯定会比非上市公司提供的薪酬福利待遇更加完善。罗迈国际RMG Selection高级顾问李洛钒表示,一方面,这是由于根据相关法律法规,上市公司各项薪资福利待遇都必须符合国家的制度规定,另一方面,公司在股市上募集到更多资金之后,管理层也会希望给员工更好的福利待遇,让员工感受到公司的前景良好。











B  对工作的实际影响
















C 影响较大的一些岗位












Source: http://www.cbnweek.com/v/article?id=6618

HR: What to Do for Employee Retention in 2013

According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report conducted from January to March in 2013 by RMG Selection, it is shown that amongst over 2000 respondents, the proportion of job hopping reached 32% in 2012. The proportion of people who increased their demand to change their jobs in 2013 reaches up to 43%.  I have to say that the number makes me think of employee retention again, which is quite a bothersome topic to many other companies too. So what can we do to keep them?

Firstly, I have to clarify that keeping staff members does not equate to keeping everybody. A low turnover rate does not mean that the company is performing well in keeping staff members. In this regard, it can be explained by the Pareto Law  that only 20% of people create 80% the value of a company. Therefore, we should only keep those valuable employees. By improving the professional durability of the valuable and enhancing the mobility of the invaluable, a company can stay healthy and dynamic. According to research conducted by RMG Selection among over 200 long-term clients, the recommended turnover rate of the 20% core staff members is only 4%.

In general, the strategy of keeping staff members should be considered both psychologically and materially. Recently, people have been paying more attention to psychological measures. However, the material measure which plays an important role is somehow neglected. Although the incentive of salary increases merely last for less than half a year, the material strategy is still the base due to its existence and rationality instead of its quantity. In this regard, even if you pay more attention to the psychological needs of your staff members, without proper pay raises it is still difficult to ask them to stay.

Most companies have a salary raise system, but it might not be easy to decide the range. Actually, the range of pay raise reflects, to a large extent, the recognition towards the staff members in the year or in the recent period. Specific assessment and step construction can provide great satisfaction for excellent staff members. Therefore, high pay raises should be issued for the excellent employees, while the unqualified ones should not be rewarded in this case. The amount of salary increase needs to refer to the expectations of employees in job hopping.

According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report, the pay raise expectations are listed below.

  • 34% employees expect around 20% to 30% salary increase
  • 28% employees expect around 30% to 50% salary increase
  • Only 17% employees expect 10% salary increase
Excluding the cost consumed in changing jobs, companies may offer a 30% salary increase for those who rank among the top 5% in the performance appraisal based on their own financial conditions. Following a step-decreasing trend, the 5% at the bottom should be considered to be knocked out.

Additionally, diversified material incentives- including annual bonus, training, traveling, and transportation, communication and house subsidies have become the primary choice of many companies.  It is worth mentioning that by taking some humanized steps one can get twice the result with half the effort. Take RMG Selection as an instance; more than 50% of the workforce is female. Last year, one of the female employees was hurt accidentally in a fight on the subway. The human resource department immediately suggested that any female staff members who wanted to practice self-defense should be able to learn it in a sparring club nearby. What is more, half of the cost should be borne by the company. In this case, whether the employee attended the club or not, the influence was quite positive.

As for the psychological measures, an environment where employees can grow up very fast should be created so that they would like to stay in the company willingly. In order to create such an environment, a company should make it clear to every employee about its expectations in the first place. To be specific, the employee should be clear about the expectation of the company, how to achieve the expectation, as well as what kind of results should be gained. Moreover, once employees meet the expectation, they know that they will be rewarded. In this regard, every employee will reduce the time of doing unnecessary work in such an environment and system. Employees will look forward to a bright future. Additionally, a manager should respect his or her employees by using proper language and behaviour. It is not really difficult to make it if you viewpoints are from two aspects. Firstly, encouragement towards small progress should be enhanced. Secondly, before you want to start a conversation or take actions with your employees you should think about whether your words or behaviour would discourage them. Over time, employees can feel the positive recognition from the company and the leader. Last but not the least, besides the number of conversations specified between the line manager and the employee, cross-level communication channels, especially private meetings should be added so that the communication process becomes so much easier. The human resource department should bear part of the responsibility to communicate with employees. Regular conversations  with employees should be arranged, which develops the single-line communication channel to a multi-line tridimensional system.

As this is a vast country,  more attention is paid to the cross-regional employees’ retention issue in China. Not only do more and more companies develop branch offices in different cities, but the job hopping choices of people are not limited. According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report, over 70% of people would like to work in other cities if there are good opportunities. Among them, the proportion of males is 10% higher than that of the females. The data is actually good news for nonlocal recruitment, which is also the basis of keeping employees in different cities. Even for those aged around 31 and 40, who are often regarded as the most family-oriented people, 5% of them could work in other cities. According to our research, the reason why some talents would resign is that they hope to return to their hometown or they would like to work in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. If the human resource department is able to effectively develop the potential of current staff members, not only could the talent-loss be saved, shortage of manpower in new offices can be solved as well.

Here’s good example could learn something from:

United Technologies Corp (UTC) is one of the largest manufacturing companies all over the globe. In July 2012, the acquisition of Goodrich by UTC was finalized; Goodrich and Hamilton Sundstrand got combined to form UTC Aerospace Systems, a world leader offering integrated technologies and systems for the aerospace and defense industries with more than 40,000 employees around the world. According to Cindy, human resource manager of UTC Aerospace Systems in Tianjin, an internal recruitment net is designed and developed by the human resource department. Internal employees can apply for jobs in different cities or subsidiaries or even abroad positions inside UTC. This system meets the needs of those employees who hope to develop in other regions. The application also will not be noticed by the people who are not from the human resource department. Only when the recruitment is accepted, will the notice be sent to the line manager. In this way, the enthusiasm of the employee can be guaranteed.

Employee retention is a long-lasting and extensive issue. On the premise of the guaranteed fairness, different measures should be developed towards different classes, regions and functions by the human resource department. For instance, it is indicated in the report from RMG Selection that last year the flow rate  gap amongst different functional departments reached 30%. The highest one was government affairs (55%), while the lowest belonged to the IT industry (18%). Therefore, by improving and practicing constantly we can keep those valuable employees.

By Robert Parkinson

The Wealth Fantasy of Second Profession – Men Uno



每个职场人都一个幻想的“第二职业”,风度杂志记者采访罗迈国际市场经理李哲,深度了解职场人的心理,本文节选自2013年5月号 第110期风度杂志! 

Every one has a dreamed second profession in their career. To deeply understand what people think in their mind, journalists from Men Uno had an interview with Zhe Li, Marketing Manager of RMG Selection. The extract is selected from the 110th Men Uno in May 2013. 


“做更好的自己”,是很多职场人的梦想。尤其是工作10年之后的企业中坚,升过职,加过薪,买了房产和汽车,却总会觉得有些不满足。他们受过良好的教育,薪水不菲,在企业有不错的职位,恰逢一个财富力量被推崇的时代,当梦想照进现实,“做更好的自己”,往往落实为“做职位更高、收入更高的自己”,跻身公司的高管或合伙人;甚至,希望成为内心中另一个“成功的自己”:在另一个行业呼风唤雨、达到财务自由的目标 、成为银行和地产商眼中的高端客户,过更“高尚”的生活……         小有成就的职场人都在为此付出努力。他们比其他年龄段的人更频繁地跳槽,寻找机会。“他们处于公司中层,是中流砥柱;他们开始承担家庭责任,生活也要求他们为家打好一份工,他们自然会对工作有责任感。他们有一定的积累,也有一定能力,在自己的小圈子里很受认可,他们认为自己应该得到更多报酬,受到更多赏识。他们想得到更多。”知名猎头公司罗迈国际RMG Selection市场经理李哲说,“这个年龄段的人选数量非常多,而公司都是金字塔组织。从下向上走,会面临































罗迈国际RMG Selection最新的薪资调查

市场上的职位分布以 2 万为分界点,即20000 以上的职位比20000 以下的职位减少许多,这增加了跨越两万的大关的难度。

以月薪 25000 为分界点,对跳槽薪酬大幅度增长(31%+)的期待达到最高,有56% 的月薪 20001~25000 的人希望涨薪 31% 以上。

年龄在20~40 岁的职业奋斗期的人群其跳槽意愿增长与年龄成正比,处于31~40 岁之间的中青年人的换工作比例大幅度高于其他各组人群,46%的跳槽率高出平均值近 14个百分点。

Interested readers can visit http://www.hi-chic.com/ to gain more information! 
