Tag Archives: China Headhunter

The Era of Blue Collar–CBN Weekly

Blue collar used to be perceived as low salary and low skill occupations. In reality, there is a huge job market shortage of blue collar level positions especially high skilled technicians. Companies are willing to pay high salary for these rare talents.  Is it time to give your college degree a rest and consider learning a technical skill and become a blue collar? Where can you obtain these skills? Jenny, one of the senior consultants of RMG Selection, was invited to interview with CBN Weekly about the salary and career development of blue collar professionals. Find out more here:

在大学毕业生面临就业难的工作形势的同时,技术领域的人才市场缺口却十分大。例如,技工的人才市场缺口高达1000万人,而IT类人才缺口也达到100万。各个公司愿意出高薪聘请这些稀缺的技术人才。中国是否迎来了蓝领高薪的新时代?技术蓝领是否可以成为人们就业的新方向?在哪里可以学到这些技术?罗迈国际高级顾问Jenny(孙慧娟)接受了第一财经杂志的采访,分享了根据她对中国人才市场的了解,提供了关于蓝领的就业形势的见解。   Final PS

View recruitment thourgh male and female employee turnover-China HRD

How to pick out the employee that would stick with your company and never left? According to research conducted by RMG Selection, there is indeed a difference between the male and female employee turnover. Why is that? What does it mean to recruitment? RMG Selection CEO Robert Parkinson has the answers for you.For more information, please click the link below the image.


male female

Find out more on: http://www.chinahrd.net/recruitment-selection/recruitment-strategy/2013/0516/195260.html 阅读全文请点击:http://www.chinahrd.net/recruitment-selection/recruitment-strategy/2013/0516/195260.html

How to get back on a job when you get back on your trip-Men’s Uno

1 Sometimes you just want to have a break and fulfill your dreams of travelling around the world. How do you break your news to your boss? “I just want to travel” is not a good resignation excuse. How about applying for a job when you get back on your trip? How can you convince a company to hire someone who would quit for travelling? RMG Selection HR expert has the answers for you. Find out our suggestions on the Men’s Uno Magazine June Volumn. (See the image below) 有时候你想让身体去旅行,有时候你就是想完成环游世界的梦想。但是,你如何告诉你的老板你要辞职去旅行?在你旅行归来之后,又如何面对就业呢? 罗迈国际的职场专家来帮你解答。详细的专业建议已经被刊登到了风度杂志六月刊中。(如图)    

Are the young people in Europe facing a even worse job market?- Interview with CRI

Robert Parkinson, founder and CEO of RMG Selection, is invited to a discussion panel to talk about youth unemployment in the Europe. As youth unemployment has become a universal social problem, Europe seems to face an even worse situation with soaring youth unemployment rate. How to settle the social unrest? Is “Youth Guarantee” program an effective initiative? What is the priority issue that the EU government needs to tackle in the up coming Summit?  Find out more by clicking the link at the bottom of the image. 如今,大学生就业成为了全球的焦点社会问题。欧洲的青年似乎面临着非常严峻的职场环境。希腊和西班牙等国家的青年失业率一路飙升到50%以上,意味着有一半的青年都正处在失业的状态。在全球经济衰退的时代,这是否意味着欧盟国家青年的就业前景荆棘密布?在即将来领的欧盟峰会,欧盟政府又应该怎样改善现况呢?罗迈国际CEO,潘瑞宝(Robert Parkinson)受邀与CRI一起讨论当今欧洲青年就业问题。 您可以点击图片下面的链接在线收听。 You can listen to the interview online on : http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/06/25/2861s772230.htm  

2nd RMG Selection China Talent-flow Survey Launch (Chinese version)

继2012年由罗迈国际商务咨询(北京)有限公司 (RMG Selection)发起的中国人才流动市场调查报告 (RMG China Talent-flow Survey Report) 之后,2013年的人才市场流动情况调查即将于今天拉开帷幕,这也是罗迈国际首次与英国诺丁汉大学联合发起人才调查报告! 上一期报告涉及2000余名参与者,中英双语报告长达80页,附54组数据图为读者提供更加直观的分析。收到中外媒体关注与报道超过300余次。与此同时,也受到各界人力资源经理人的喜爱和好评。因此,我们相信2013年年中的中国人才流动调查报告将为人力资源业带来更多惊喜! 为了提供更加准确的数据与分析,本次报告在吸纳了各方建议的基础上将会在调查地区,问卷问题以及选项的上做出调整。希望大家可以积极参与我们的调查报告,参与本次调查的用户将免费获得电子版报告,更有多份罗迈职场大礼包等待调查参与者!此外,调查参与者将有机会参加北京大学特定HR方向性格测试,并获得由北京大学联合做出的专属个人性格与心理分析的权威报告! 即刻参与罗迈国际的报告调查行动吧!点击图片参与调查 或者直接点击: http://dotsurvey.me/f5fgt0e-f0h7h69   Survey AD edition2 -final 更多关于中国人才流动报告,请登录: 优酷:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTc1Mjc5Nzgw.html YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D31gG4exVOA 关于罗迈国际 (RMG Selection): 罗迈国际商务咨询是一家由资深顾问组成的国际招聘组织,专注于各行业各职能部门的中高端人才搜寻,并同时提供人力资源咨询,薪资调研,心理测试以及领导力训练课程。了解罗迈国际更多信息,请访问www.rmgselection.com  
