Tag Archives: China Headhunter

Days of the expats are far from over


Debate continues about value of non-Chinese over returnees

The fact is, if you ask a thousand professionals in China whether or not expats are still valuable, you will get at least a thousand different answers, possibly more. In 10 years of living in Beijing and commuting between Shanghai and other cities, and after talking to hundreds of people about the role of the expat, particularly the role of the expat versus returnee, I have come to some conclusions, which I share with you here.

Let us first analyze the returnee’s role in Chinese business. Returnees (those of Chinese descent who have been brought up or at least studied overseas) usually straddle both sides of the cultural hemispheres: On the one hand they look and speak Chinese, they have (usually) been bought up by Chinese parents and therefore have fairly strong Chinese values, yet they have also been immersed in Western culture, usually American, Australian or British. You might think therefore that these people prove to be excellent candidates for general management positions because of a dual understanding of cultures and behaviors of Chinese and non-Chinese alike.

Second, of course returnees quite often need no temptation to come to China: it is not some midlife adventure for them, it is often a homecoming to family members and distant memories that they actively want to become re-acquainted with. Naturally then, it is not quite as necessary to entice them with ego-bolstering salaries and attractive package increments, making the returnee a more appealing financial proposition for the employer.

Practically speaking the returnee also has the benefit of being bilingual, and, in a country that despite the efforts to rebalance, has an economy still largely based on foreign trade and export, the returnee has a much easier time of it communicating with the folks overseas who are buying the goods made in China.

Of course the most important issue, when we are talking general manager or senior management level expatriates is that still the packages are vast, almost beyond belief. Someone I know well, who for the sake of this we’ll just call Very Lucky, has a travel budget back to his home country of 600,000 yuan per year ( $90,000; 85,600 euros) for a family of five to travel business class. It is not unusual for an accommodation budget to be 100,000 yuan a month. That is much more than a million yuan a year just to put a roof over your head. Then of course there is the expectation of a base salary (depending on industry sector) of between one and two million yuan a year plus bonus, plus car. If you add all of that up, you would not want to be the HR person who has to justify that cost.

So, there are some very compelling reasons to look at returnees as general manager candidates: culturally fit, desire, cost and practicality. Let us examine then why on earth there are any expats left.

First, if we dip in to recent history we should not forget that until very recent years China was a great unknown. When I was five years old, China to me was Hong Kong. The point, of course, that I am making is that although on the one hand China is still a very exciting market for business, and even in the new normal of 7 percent growth, you just have to be here, many companies are still very cautious of China, and want their own nationals on the ground.

There are also many industries and business sectors in which China lacks homegrown knowledge. Pollution management is a relevant example, and other areas, including information technology. So it is strategically sensible of China to encourage foreigners with the know-how in these sectors to remain in the country.

One of the most important reasons that us foreigners are still an asset in China is that the investment pendulum has swung dramatically from inbound into China to outbound investment of Chinese companies in the West. Westerners are familiar with the way things are done in China and in their home nations to facilitate further expansion overseas. You only have got to walk into an electronics store in the UK and half of the fridges on display proudly bear Chinese badges. If this is to continue there is an undoubted need for Western know-how. Just today I read an article saying that a Chinese firm has taken a 5 percent stake in a major UK holiday firm to encourage the Chinese middle classes to go and sun themselves (with umbrellas of course) in Spain and Greece.

So, I think it is fair to say that China is not done with the expat quite yet, but roles are changing, faster than we realize. It is also worth noting that some so-called returnees, although perhaps oriental in appearance, can be so far removed from their Asian roots that they know as little as I did about China when I first landed in Beijing.

My verdict is this: look at the numbers. China is not managing to master domestic consumption nearly as quickly as it would like, and, frankly, the economy is still heavily reliant on consumers in Europe and North America, and even though there is an up-skilling of the Chinese workforce, it does not mean that Vietnam and Indonesia have completely taken over yet. Similarly, as a society, China may have advanced rapidly in wealth and disposable income, but has the heart of society caught up with the pace of commercial growth? I think not.

Finally, let’s take a lightning fast look at trends. The US is a country built by foreigners. The UK gets more multicultural as every month passes, so as China becomes more hooked on Western preoccupations of earning, spending and general openness, why would society do the opposite and become less inclusive of non-PRC nationals? It simply does not follow.

The author is CEO & Founder of RMG Selection.

Read the orginal article: China Daily European Weekly 03/13/2015 page9

过完年想跳槽可年终奖还没发,怎么办?-job changing without annual bonus

Q daily-min

This article is published on <Q Daily>. Tony Liu, consultant from RMG Selection in the IT industry, offers suggestions about how to deal with a dilemma-job changing without annual bonus. Go for the new position? Or stay in the current company to get annual bonus? How to choose between these two has always troubled employees. In fact, employees of different levels should think differently.


50 薪虽然对大多数人来说想都不要想了,但有个双薪、三薪的,好像也还算不错。年终奖确实是一些公司留人的一种手段,但对于公司人来说,觉得真的受够了,但又不想错失这份收入,有什么办法呢?

《好奇心日报》采访了罗迈国际商务咨询(RMG Selection)的互联网行业猎头顾问刘君,他给了一些建议,大家不妨参考下。

<Q Daily> invited Tony Liu, consultant from RMG Selection in the IT industry, to give suggestions about how to choose between  a new position and annual bonus. Suggestions are as follows.

就目前的状况来看,公司年终奖的发放主要集中在每年一、二月份,比较及时的公司会在上一年12 月底发放完毕,较晚的公司会在春节过后即发,但也有部分公司会到六月份才将年终奖发放完毕。所以,如果年终奖发放时间是比较正常的大多数,完全可以和下一家公司开诚布公地说明年终奖发放时间,并商定在这之后的入职时间。但是总有一些情况导致跳槽不能两全其美,比如现公司发年终奖太晚,比如下家公司的职位需求非常着急,再比如你自己也不希望再在现公司消耗下去等,那么针对不同级别,刘君给了不同的建议。


Basic-level Staff: Annual bonus would not be much.

对于基层级别员工来说,其未来职业发展都应该是其第一选择。如果可以明确新公司可以提供一个 3~5 年内更优质的发展,事实上在职业初期的涨薪幅度也会是不小的,所以从经济和发展角度都是优选。更何况,对于基层级别员工,无论年终奖占一年收入几成,其绝对值都不会太大,以后再看这个放弃不会觉得可惜的。 Career development should be the first choice for basic-level staff. If the new company promised better development in 3 to 5 years, then accept the new position is wiser both from the perspective of money and development. Because on the initial stage of your career, usually higher salary increase  is offered. Further, annual bonus normally would not be that much no matter how much it accounts for one’s salary. So basic-level staff won’t regret to give up the current job.

中层员工,有 3 种情况可以考虑放弃年终奖

Mid-level Staff: In these 3 cases, you should give up annual bonus.

对于中层级别员工,事实上是比较复杂的决定。取决于你个人年终奖多少,未来公司提供的机会如何。我会建议以下几个情况可以在冲突时选择放弃年终奖:1. 从中小型公司跳槽到大型公司。2. 从不带领团队到带领一个 3 人以上的团队。 3. 基本薪水涨幅在 50% 以上。在一些特别的情况下,也可以考虑和下一家用人单位签订签约奖金作为放弃年终奖的补偿形式
The situation for mid-level staff actually is more complicated. How much is annual bonus? How is the position offered by the new company? All these should be taken into consideration. Here are three cases in which I suggest you give up the annual bonus. First, you are leaving from a small and medium-sized enterprise to a large-sized enterprise. Second,  you will lead a team with three members while you are not a team-leader in the current company. Third,  over 50% of salary increase is offered. And in some special conditions, you can also discuss with the new company to give you sign-on bonus.


High-level Staff: You can absolutely achieve both.

对于高层级别员工,很多公司都是会给予股权、期权年终奖,其行权期会有 3~4 年的时间,数额涉及也比较大,而且这些高层级别员工也是市场上稀缺的人才,一旦和新的公司达成跳槽的共识,新公司也很难很快找到其他 BACK-UP 人选,所以无论是何时发年终奖,这类型的员工都可以和新公司商谈在年终奖之后再入职。

The new position always offer high-level staff stocks and  option bonus which can last for about 3 or  4 years. It can be a large amount of money. Moreover, high-level staff is in strong demand in the job market. Once they agree to change their job, the new company can’t find replacements in a short time. So it is alright for high-level staff to ask for joining the new company after receiving annual bonus.


Career Builder – Goal-Setting for the New Year

Goal-Setting for the New Year  

Are you a bad planner? Actually most of us do not like planning, and want a life as free as a bird. However, it turns out that we cannot live well without planning! Why is goal-setting so important in career building? How can we make a reasonable plan to make our life better? In this episode of Career Builder, we are going to focus on goal setting. Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG Selection, offers practical suggestions based on his experience. Listen to the radio program to find out more on this topic.

  1. We cannot live without planning. But in terms of career building, why is planning so important?
  • Social scientists and psychologists have constantly measured human behavior and they find out the more you measure, the more you improve.
  • Second thing I would say is that failing to plan is the same as planning to fail. You are doomed to fail without a plan.
  • People do hate planning but I also think people like balance. Most of us want to achieve more in life, be it working life, be it wealth, be it personal life, and by planning (setting goals), we will achieve a better and more fulfilled life. Planning is a good habit to make one’s life better!
  1. Could you go on and give us a couple of different angles on how to plan and how to do things?
  • The first point you may well-heard of it in the past, that is an acronym called SMART objective. “S” stands for specific, “M” measurable, “A” achievable (according to one’s capacity), “R” relevant, “T” timely.
  • A well formed outcome is much more sophisticated in terms of goal setting. The first thing about this is that you state goals in a positive way. We all need to make goals more real and more tangible.
  • The goals should be “ecological” (friendly) to ourselves. If something is too costly, don’t do it.
  • Another key point is that a goal is not well-formed unless we control the goal, which means we started it and initiated it. We need to be in control of the situation, and mobilize resources around to support our plans.
  • The well-formed outcome’s got to be compelling. But we have to strike a balance between reality and a compelling goal.
  1. We all need incentives or motivations. How can career building young people get spiritual incentives by planning?
  • The word “Timely” is the key part of the SMART objective and a well-formed outcome. By knowing when you achieve the goal, which stage you are on, you can figure out the top priorities of your life and get motivations.
Smart objective well formed outcome  
  1. What is the good timing for people to start planning? Shall a new graduate start planning once he leaves campus?
  • The answer is absolutely yes. Graduates need to divide their first career year into monthly segments that will contribute to overall year plan.
  • Five year plan is not suggested. And in my view, lifelong goals will change as you go through your life, so I don’t go for long-term plans.
  • In conclusion, I advice people to have short-term, specific, smart objectives instead of lofty, long-term plans. Yearly plan is rather great.
Listen to this episode of Career Builder at CRI: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2015/01/08/3481s860597.htm


新闻公告 赵京(Celina)正式出任罗迈国际的集团首席财务官,工作地点为北京的公司总部。她将负责所有公司法人事务并改进集团的财务系统和流程。 Celina为公司带来了近20年的财务经验,之前她曾负责国际招聘公司科锐安拓在整个中国区的财务运营,其在业内20年的经验还包括财务团队管理、资产处置、再融资和改制,以及包括与第三方财务人员接洽的有效经验。 罗迈国际集团创始人兼首席执行官潘瑞宝(Robert Parkinson)说:“我非常高兴Celina加入了管理团队。我们相识多年,她在人力资源市场中以专业性和丰富的经验出名。她的加入对整个团队带来的价值不可估量,我也相信她能够为公司做出巨大的贡献。” 关于这一任命,Celina如是说:“Robert Parkinson在中国的人才市场有很高的声誉,不仅是因为罗迈国际的迅速壮大并获得了一系列国际奖项,还因为他在上一家公司所取得的成就,在他的领导下公司规模从5人迅速发展至超过100人。我知道RMG在中国市场有着可以相比较的发展轨迹。选择RMG对我来说是理所当然的。   媒体咨询,请联络集团市场主管Sophie Li,邮件地址:[email protected].

Celina Zhao Jing appointed as Group CFO at RMG Selection

Celina Zhao Jing appointed as Group CFO at RMG Selection

It can be announced that Celina Zhao has been appointed as group CFO of RMG Selection based in the firm’s headquarters in Beijing. Her responsibilities will be to lead the finance function for all of the company’s legal entities and to improve and upgrade the systems and processes of the group.

Celina brings to the company almost 20 years finance experience, latterly at the international recruitment firm Antal International where she was responsible for the entire China finance operations. Celina’s 20 years experience in the services sector includes management of substantial finance teams; asset disposal; re-financing & restructuring as well as substantial experience working with third party finance vendors.

Robert Parkinson, Founder & CEO of the group commented “I am delighted that Celina has joined the executive team. We have known each other for many years and she is well known for her expertise and finance experience in the Human Resources market. I am delighted that she brings so much to the table, and I feel sure that her contribution to the company will be considerable.”

Commenting on her appointment Ms Zhao said “Robert Parkinson is very well known in the China talent market both for the rapid grown of RMG Selection which is already an award winning brand and indeed for the success of his former firm which under his leadership grew from 5 to over 100 staff. I know RMG already has a comparable, if not larger, foot-print in the China market place. RMG for me was therefore a natural choice.

For any media enquiries, please contact Sophie Li, Group Marketing Director via [email protected].
