Tag Archives: China Headhunter

Are You Ready for the Pre-interview

are you ready for the pre-interview (2)

EXCITED about your first interview with a big Chinese manufacturer? Trying on outfits in the mirror? Are you imagining yourself suavely conversing with high-level managers, delighting them with your sharp wit? Time to wake up!

The bad news is that overconfidence can torpedo your chances in an upcoming job interview. I’ve laughed my way through dozens of lackluster interviews and could share quite a few stories with you. But more importantly, I want to share some practical tips about pre-interview preparation.

First things first, a good first impression is half the offer. Lots of foreigners do not really take their interviews with Chinese HR people seriously. Some show up dressed in T-shirts, jeans or even flip-flops. Others appear in wrinkled shirts or dirty shoes. These poor dressing habits leave HR with one impression – unprofessional! In this regard, how hard is it to choose a nice suit, iron your shirt, and clean yourself up? It doesn’t take much effort to present yourself in a way that conveys an impeccable impression. It won’t take long, so don’t be too lazy about showing that you really want the job. Another friendly warning is on the use of perfumes and scents. Lots of foreigners like to spray on some CK or Burberry before they go out for dinner, dates, parties, coffee and so on. However, an interview is not a social call. Put yourself in the shoes of an HR professional, looking forward to meet you but instead being assailed by the overpowering aroma of your favorite fragrance. The smell of any kind of perfume or fragrance can be distracting. So I suggest that interviewees hold back on the cologne before an interview.

The next point I would like to talk about is preparing for the interview questions. HR people can ask as many questions as they like, and I understand it might be difficult to prepare for every question. But there is one simple part which every interviewee should prepare beforehand: the self – introduction. It sounds very easy, doesn’t it? A lot of people think self introduction means repeating their CV for an hour. Dream on. You only get one minute to show your best face – If you miss it, then you will probably lose your chances right away. So a good self introduction consists of professional experiences as well as individual introduction. Take 15 seconds to show your characteristics and interests. The next 45 seconds are very valuable because this is when interviewees briefly talk about past experiences and achievements. If one of your points is lucky enough to prick the ears of the HR people, the rest part of the interview will follow naturally. For this reason, do take the time prepare to impress HR with a well rehearsed self-introduction.

Last but not the least, if you think that you are going to “rock” the interview empty handed, you might end with a different four-letter word. What does a good interviewee bring to rock the show? Among the thousands of interviews I have had, those who came to me with notepads left me with a strong impression of attentiveness and diligence. They took notes when I explained about the difficulties of the position and what HR expected. Overall, these candidates went through the interview with the HR manager much better than I expected. Also, see what other materials you can bring. If your job is about graphic design or strategy consulting, why try to explain your work in the abstract when you could bring in your best project to impress them visually?

Frankly speaking, thousands of how-to-prepare-for pre- interview tips spin in my head. To remind interviewees every single detail would probably take me ages. So before I finish my chatter and natter, I would like to give you one last pointer. Remember to check out the weather and traffic before you go for an interview! It’s lovely to bike to the interview under clear blue skies, but an unexpected heavy rain could interrupt you in an instant. Or in another scenario, you check that it takes you an hour to travel from where you live to your destination. You come out with a taxi around 8 am but find yourself trapped in rush hour traffic. These might be extreme cases, but when you live in a big Chinese city you have to prepare for every single possible eventuality. If you have followed my tips above, you should be well-prepared for the pre-interview. So don’t mess it up by showing up soaking wet and two hours late!

CV – the Vital First Step

News CV

Latest article from Robert Parkinson (CEO & Founder of RMG Selection) on China today! # CV – the Vital First Step# To keen overseas job seekers who want to work in China: When enjoying the excitement of coming to China to find a job, does it ever occur to you that 100 of the CVs you’ve sent out don’t even get a glimpse from the Chinese HR?! Find out how to present yourself in CV together with Robert now!

To keen overseas job seekers who want to work in China: While anticipating the excitement of coming to China to find a job, does it ever occur to you that maybe 100 of the CVs you’ve sent out won’t even get a glimpse from the Chinese company HR? Does that shock you? If you expect to get a good job because of your years of work experience and career achievements, would you believe that the Chinese HR might miss your point entirely? Having worked as a headhunter for 15 years and lived in Beijing for 10 years, I have read thousands of resumes from foreign job seekers, and can tell you that just a few changes on your CV could make your dream career in China a reality!

The first thing we need to understand is just exactly how long CVs are scanned for, particularly for junior and mid-level positions. It’s about 23 seconds. That’s all! So when you’re composing your CV, what you leave out is just as important as what you put in.For example, I’ve seen resumes that are literally flooded with information. I recently read one from a senior manager that was eight pages long! Piling on details about your work experience will only make HR workers lose interest. Of course, all work experience matters in one’s career, but you have to bear it in mind that it’s important to distill it down to key responsibilities and achievements, and write as concisely as possible.Last but not least, remember that you are only as good as your last deal. So you should devote the space that your experience of 15 years ago would take up to your current job. Employers aren’t so interested in what you did 15 years ago, so balance the space in your CV accordingly. As a general rule CVs should take two sides of A4. One page isn’t enough. But if it’s any longer than three sides, your CV will not be read.

Don’t be coy about photos or age. Specifying age might be banned in the U.S., but it isn’t here: age is relevant, so include it. Likewise, Chinese hiring authorities like to see photographs. But make sure the one you show isn’t a studio-style shot that is flattering but does not reflect your age! I met a candidate last week whose CV and the photo on it impressed me and gave me a good feeling. But when she entered my office it was clear that the photo had been taken 10 or more years earlier. This to me was tantamount to deception.

Don’t tell stories from the 1960s: I like reading biographies of people like Steve Jobs and Angela Merkel, and the career stories of job applicants take up a considerable share of my reading matter. But Chinese HR have absolutely no interest in the career stories applicants tell on their CV. Describing a job in the 1960s on a supermarket check-out is not really advisable, especially for senior job seekers. Another point I want to make is about the order of work experience. I strongly recommend reverse order – starting from the most recent job. This will instantly inform Chinese HR whether or not you fit the position. The same applies to education background part. Start with your most recent and most impressive academic degree to make the best HR impact.

Bullet points: Keep it brief: I clearly remember one of my university courses on writing cover letters. A cover letter is indispensable to job applications in most Western countries. But no matter how hard or long you work on your cover letter, it really makes no difference to HR people in China. Remember, the Chinese HR worker only allocates about 20 seconds to each CV. Nobody will spend extra time reading your cover letter. What you can do is to write a brief, professional e-mail. In my headhunter capacity, I suggest that this email include specific attributes, in the form of bullet points, which make you the right person for the company. This, again, will help Chinese HR workers spot your suitability for the job. Job hunting in a completely different country is no easy task, and your CV is the vital first step towards your Chinese dream career. Nobody expects their painstakingly prepared resume to be cast aside after a cursory glance. If you take a few minutes to incorporate in it my suggestions, I can more or less guarantee more responses from Chinese HR departments. If not, well, you can always come back to me, as long as you don’t apply for a position that bears no relation to your previous experience.

RMG logistic recruitment specialist is invited to FC Club as a guest speaker!

RMG logistic recruitment specialist is invited to FC Club as a guest speaker! Taking the latest RMG China Talent Flow Survey 2013 (TFS 2) to the networking Event! Do you want to know the hottest jobs in 2014? Do you want to know what happened in the job market in 2013? What kind of Expats are needed in SOEs? What skills do you need to know as an expat? All in here: http://www.fcclub.com/app/event/detail/214?uid=1#  Come and join with Ruben in this fantastic event this Thursday!

 News post

One Day of RMGer

有没有觉得猎头工作很神秘?有没有看到过猎头招聘很心动?探究秘密的机会来了!! 全程记录罗迈国际(RMG Selection)猎头的一天工作,专业!专注!而且乐趣多多!!在欢乐中成长、于忙碌中闪耀! Wondering what is the life of a headhunter? Have you ever felt the sense of mysteriousness of TALENT HUNTING! Here comes the opportunity to find out the secret of RMG headhunters! “One Day of RMGer” records a day of headhunters in RMG Selection. Professional, hard-working and lots of lots of fun! Every RMGer grows up in the joyful environment! Every RMGer glitters in their busy work. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjM0Mjc0MjI4/v.swf 

China Dream Sours for Foreign Companies (Chinese version)

最近,北京当局对外国企业进行严厉审查的事件频频发生,对此,英国《金融时报》8月9号发表评论文章称,在中国的新领导人习近平宣称的“中国梦”之后不久,对于一些国际最强大的公司来说,很快就变成了噩梦。 文章说,习近平在今年3月继任主席之后发表的讲话暗示,为与中国经济实力相匹配,将采取更加自信的方法,于是,政府调查和媒体报道都开始针对外国投资者,这正在变成国家公务的一种常见特征。 中共的官员称,这只是解决不正之风的更广泛的努力,但是一些外国企业的主管们抱怨,在新的中共领导班子下,外国公司遭遇了特别严厉的审查。 文章举例说,当发改委针对六家外国奶粉公司以反竞争定价政策罚款一亿一千万美元时,那些猜疑在本周被实施了。其中,六家中有五家是世界知名的跨国企业,包括美国美赞臣、达能集团的多美滋和新西兰的恒天然集团。 文章评论说,这是中国2008年制定的反垄断法的第14条首次被这样高姿态的实施。这条法律禁止公司对其产品制定最低零售价。而这一罚款决定仅仅发生在中共警方调查英国制药巨头葛兰素史克,指控其职员行贿的几周之后。 文章说,所有这些外企都不敢挑战中国当局,葛兰素史克甚至称他们的职员可能违反了中共的法律。其他在中国的投资者不得不抵挡中国官媒的媒体的宣传运动,这些宣传运动包括指责他们犯了象质量控制缺陷和客户服务差这样的“小点的罪行”。 比如,4月1号,苹果公司的首席执行官库克(Tim Cook)高调的在中国因“误解”而道歉,并强调苹果公司对中国的“巨大尊重”。中共官媒曾指控苹果公司“贪婪”和“无比傲慢”的行为。   由于国营的中央电视台(CCTV)三月份高调进行的调查报告,称大众车的变速箱有问题,导致大众在中国召回38万辆车。 曾在中国工作过的分析师 史蒂芬-冰(Steven Bing)说:“作为中共的官员,调查国有企业是困难的。所以,如果你想要整顿体制,杀鸡儆猴的话,就把外企做为目标。”但是,中共官员否认有联合起来针 对外国投资者的举措。周四(8月8号),发改委否认调查奶粉市场的定价政策是因为反外国人的偏见所致。 一些观察者相信,北京反对外企的行动仅仅是更大范围政府运动的一部分。上海奥睿律师事务所(Orrick)的竞争律师卡洛克辩论说:“我认为反外国人偏见并不像有些人想的那么严重。在实施反垄断法的背后往往有其它动机。” 其中最主要的就是,中共当局决心平息公众对高物价的不满,特别是铺天盖地的宣传运动就是为了在每个中国公民的思想中培养习的“梦”与每个人都相 关的观念。正如人力中介公司、罗迈国家商务咨询(RMG Selection)的帕金森(Robert Parkinson)所说:“对于年轻职员来说,北京的生活成本已经到了疯狂的地步。” 奥睿律师事务所的反垄断法专家洛基尔(Ms Lockyer)女士认为,当局会利用反垄断法作出更多行动,她说:“之前,《反垄断法》都是关于合并法和合并申请的,但是,去年开始就有迹象表明还有别的事情会发生。特别是发改委增加了人力,这是它要开始摩拳擦掌的信号。” 新三才记者李莲编译报道
