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过完年想跳槽可年终奖还没发,怎么办?-job changing without annual bonus

Q daily-min

This article is published on <Q Daily>. Tony Liu, consultant from RMG Selection in the IT industry, offers suggestions about how to deal with a dilemma-job changing without annual bonus. Go for the new position? Or stay in the current company to get annual bonus? How to choose between these two has always troubled employees. In fact, employees of different levels should think differently.


50 薪虽然对大多数人来说想都不要想了,但有个双薪、三薪的,好像也还算不错。年终奖确实是一些公司留人的一种手段,但对于公司人来说,觉得真的受够了,但又不想错失这份收入,有什么办法呢?

《好奇心日报》采访了罗迈国际商务咨询(RMG Selection)的互联网行业猎头顾问刘君,他给了一些建议,大家不妨参考下。

<Q Daily> invited Tony Liu, consultant from RMG Selection in the IT industry, to give suggestions about how to choose between  a new position and annual bonus. Suggestions are as follows.

就目前的状况来看,公司年终奖的发放主要集中在每年一、二月份,比较及时的公司会在上一年12 月底发放完毕,较晚的公司会在春节过后即发,但也有部分公司会到六月份才将年终奖发放完毕。所以,如果年终奖发放时间是比较正常的大多数,完全可以和下一家公司开诚布公地说明年终奖发放时间,并商定在这之后的入职时间。但是总有一些情况导致跳槽不能两全其美,比如现公司发年终奖太晚,比如下家公司的职位需求非常着急,再比如你自己也不希望再在现公司消耗下去等,那么针对不同级别,刘君给了不同的建议。


Basic-level Staff: Annual bonus would not be much.

对于基层级别员工来说,其未来职业发展都应该是其第一选择。如果可以明确新公司可以提供一个 3~5 年内更优质的发展,事实上在职业初期的涨薪幅度也会是不小的,所以从经济和发展角度都是优选。更何况,对于基层级别员工,无论年终奖占一年收入几成,其绝对值都不会太大,以后再看这个放弃不会觉得可惜的。 Career development should be the first choice for basic-level staff. If the new company promised better development in 3 to 5 years, then accept the new position is wiser both from the perspective of money and development. Because on the initial stage of your career, usually higher salary increase  is offered. Further, annual bonus normally would not be that much no matter how much it accounts for one’s salary. So basic-level staff won’t regret to give up the current job.

中层员工,有 3 种情况可以考虑放弃年终奖

Mid-level Staff: In these 3 cases, you should give up annual bonus.

对于中层级别员工,事实上是比较复杂的决定。取决于你个人年终奖多少,未来公司提供的机会如何。我会建议以下几个情况可以在冲突时选择放弃年终奖:1. 从中小型公司跳槽到大型公司。2. 从不带领团队到带领一个 3 人以上的团队。 3. 基本薪水涨幅在 50% 以上。在一些特别的情况下,也可以考虑和下一家用人单位签订签约奖金作为放弃年终奖的补偿形式
The situation for mid-level staff actually is more complicated. How much is annual bonus? How is the position offered by the new company? All these should be taken into consideration. Here are three cases in which I suggest you give up the annual bonus. First, you are leaving from a small and medium-sized enterprise to a large-sized enterprise. Second,  you will lead a team with three members while you are not a team-leader in the current company. Third,  over 50% of salary increase is offered. And in some special conditions, you can also discuss with the new company to give you sign-on bonus.


High-level Staff: You can absolutely achieve both.

对于高层级别员工,很多公司都是会给予股权、期权年终奖,其行权期会有 3~4 年的时间,数额涉及也比较大,而且这些高层级别员工也是市场上稀缺的人才,一旦和新的公司达成跳槽的共识,新公司也很难很快找到其他 BACK-UP 人选,所以无论是何时发年终奖,这类型的员工都可以和新公司商谈在年终奖之后再入职。

The new position always offer high-level staff stocks and  option bonus which can last for about 3 or  4 years. It can be a large amount of money. Moreover, high-level staff is in strong demand in the job market. Once they agree to change their job, the new company can’t find replacements in a short time. So it is alright for high-level staff to ask for joining the new company after receiving annual bonus.


Career Builder – Interview Preparation Part I


Everybody knows to prepare for your interview. Why? The preparation can increase your possibility to win the position. The reality is, more reality you know, the better possibility you will get. Here in our studio is Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG Selection – a leading Asia focused executive search business. He’s going to tell us how to prepare a job interview today.

Listen to the original program

1. Does appearance really matter?

I wouldn’t give a second chance to someone in jeans. Of course the appearance in a face to face interview does matter. The appearance includes everything that you bring with you. Not only the cloths, but also your hair style, your cell-phone, bag and so on. ? A navy blue, dark gray or black suit is appropriate for most positions. Be sure it’s cleaned and pressed. Shirts should be freshly laundered and well pressed ? Shoes that are black and freshly polished are a safe choice for an interview. Socks should be black or blue and worn over the calf. Ladies, avoid open-toed shoes. ? Fingernails should be short, clean, and freshly manicured if possible. Hair should be well-groomed and freshly trimmed. Avoid combing or brushing hair with your jacket on ? Jewelry should be limited and subtle. Avoid colognes or fragrances completely.

2. What is the “Must Have” in an interview?

? Printed directions to the interview, as well as (the recruiter’s) phone number and the client’s phone number ? A pad of paper and pen ? Three copies of your resume (make sure the resume is identical to the one supplied to the interviewer) ? Gum or mint – Prior to entering the building, chew mint gum or a breath mint, but do not chew gum during the interview ? If women, some products for freshen up. ? If you are applying some design/project, you could bring an album. Or even better, you build up a website to show your projects

3. I have known the company name and location, what else should I know before go there?

There are a lot! The more you know today, the better chance you will get tomorrow! Things to search: ? What’s the company? History, products, recent news, culture ? What’s the industry? Main competitors, features, future developments ? Who is the CEO or Founder? Name, bio and famous affaires ? What is the position doing? ? What’s the process of interview? How many rounds it will have? Do I need to prepare for paper test? How many interviewees? Way to search: ? At least company website – but not only the home page ? Baidu & Google – see any interesting news ? Everything is on Social Media – it’s a good place the find CEO or staffs of the company. Linked in is a very professional website where you can find career of CEO or the line manager. ? Search on your own networks, especially your headhunter friends. With them you can know the process of interview or main content of interview

4. Are there any special tips from headhunter?

? Plan your schedule for the interview day, leave double time to the interview. You don’t know what will happen. So you will be nervous if anything suddenly happen and you don’t have time to do. ? Go to the company one day before if you have time. Then you can have better control to time. And also, it helps you to be more relax when interview ? Make sure you arrive there 5 – 15 minutes before the interview time



近来知名电器行业日企松下为外派到中国的外籍员工买“霾单”在中外媒体都引起了轩然大波!外媒对于中国外籍人才未来的流失的形势表示非常不乐观,中国媒体则对外企为何不为中国本土员工提供污染补偿表示愤愤不平。两股负面情绪的交战引起很多身处其中的外籍员工的思考,以外媒报道来看待中国目前的雾霾形势,或许一些外国人会为了健康选择离开,然而这并能代表每一个外国人的想法,更不能在外籍人才流向中起主导作用!介于不久前英国金融时报以及彭 博社记者采访了我对于目前北京雾霾污染的情况以及想法,我不得不说看到这些外媒报道时,我认为他们尽力最大化了雾霾的负面影响,而这对于目前在中国工作外籍人员来说似乎并不公平!尤其是看到了一些外籍高管抱怨这里的天气影响了他们的心情,他们的工作,甚至影响了他们的孩子。这里我想我有必要强调带着幼童的特殊外籍群体,因为他们患上呼吸道疾病的几率确实很大,所以为了孩子的健康他们有必要考虑是否应继续生活在雾都。然而在这以外的外籍人员真的会大批量离开中国吗?在我看来这不一定,根据我在中国十多年的经验和体验,被外派到北京上海这样的大都市对外籍高管是一把双刃剑,雾霾PK双倍薪金福利(以外汇计算),对很多欧美高管都有极大的诱惑力!






Read the original link at : http://www.ceconline.com/hr/ma/8800070603/01/

The job market is tough for oversea returnees – Robert on CRI Today

China is viewed as one of the most promising emerging market around the globe, attracting a lot of Returnee to work here. Partly because of this, the talent market in China has become a heated topic. Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG Selection, gave his opinions on the situation that these returnees have to face in CRI. With his human resource experiences of more than 10 years, he also gave his suggestions to this group of people.

随着近些年来国外留学的流行,海归就业已经是一个屡见不鲜且备受关注的话题。但是海归的就业目前仍然面临着很多的问题。罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson 做客CRI,就海归工作市场的问题发表了他的看法。同时针对目前的中国人才市场,他也提出了自己的几点建议。

CRI Today pic Listen to the original radio here: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2014/04/04/2203s820547.htm

Major cities losing their allure for new graduates

Major cities losing their allure for new graduates

RMG China Talent Flow Survey 2013 (TFS2) appears in China Daily again! This is the second version of Chinese job market and talent flow market research since 2012! There are 13 classic questions and specific analysis based on region, gender, education background, industry, function, age etc. People who are interested in getting more info about job market in China should not miss TFS2!

After much consideration, Ying Hanlu decided against finding work in Beijing and Shanghai and instead returned home after graduating in the summer.

“My boyfriend and I were having a hard time with a long-distance relationship, so after he found a job in our hometown I followed,” she said.

Rising property prices and tightened restrictions on hukou – permanent residence permits – made life “too uncertain”, said the 27-year-old, who finished graduate school at Shanghai International Studies University. She plans to marry her boyfriend next year.

A study released last week by online recruitment company Zhaopin and Peking University’s Institute of Social Sciences found collegestudents are showing less interest in working in China’s mega-cities – Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou – after graduation.

Only 38.7 percent of the 10,800 students from 200 universities interviewed said they would choose to work in the three cities aftergraduating, a downward trend for three consecutive years, from 53.8 percent in 2011 and 42.1 percent in 2012.

Soaring property prices, air pollution and traffic congestion were major reasons, according to the report, Best Employer Award2013.

Similar findings can be seen in the RMG China Talents-Flow Survey 2013. Although 35 percent of the 4,000 employees polledchoose to stay in one of the major cities, 53 percent said they had considered relocating to second or third-tier cities, up 16 percentyear-on-year.

Some expressed a willingness to move further to even smaller cities.

“As the central government is tightening the household registration policies in major cities, I suppose the inflow of talents will beaffected in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai,” said Max Ma, chief operating officer of FESCO Adecco in Shanghai, a multinationalhuman resources company.

Zhu Hongyan at Zhaopin said her company’s data show in recent years small and medium-sized cities in central and western regionsof China have provided more job opportunities than eastern counterparts.

“The local economies in developed cities in East China are slowing down while the inland cities are quickly catching up and many big companies are expanding their business to second or third-tier cities, which have created more jobs for educated young people,” she said.

Mobility among different cities is helpful for China to realize a more balanced development among different regions, said Robert Parkinson, founder and managing director of the international recruitment group RMG Selection.

Contact the writers at [email protected] and [email protected]

(China Daily USA 01/27/2014 page5)

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