Tag Archives: Chinese Recruitment Agencies

Civil Servant Exam – RMG CEO on CRI Beyond Beijing Today

Robert Parkinson, CEO & Founder of RMG Selection was invited to talk about the Public Servant Exam which is the spotlight of current issues on CRI Beyond Beijing Today. What does so many people taking the exam mean for the workforce in China? Robert will tell you from different perspectives.

    Listen to the radio: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/10/19/2861s728125.htm Watch video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc3NDIyNjYw.html Watch video on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgWzx1uf4TQ

9 Steps Guideline – Hire to Keep Your People – RMG CEO on Business Tianjin

If we ask any professional person who works in a leadership, P&L management or strategic HR role for the most pressing problems in their work, the answer often focuses on two key points: how to hire the right people in the first place, and then how to keep them. In fact, the more employees we keep, the less hiring problems we will have in the future, as we benefit from the ‘stability snowball’ effect. As a recruiter of more than 15 years, I have learned to see the concepts of hiring and retention holistically, i.e: not as two independent processes, but rather as one. So here we share with you our 9 RMG golden rules of hiring to keep:

1. Ownership: Usually there will be several rounds of interviews before you offer someone a position. You get opinions from each interviewer and you often deal with the challenge of multiple time zones and complicated agendas. The resulting problem is that nobody seems to ‘own’ the hiring process. No one person takes responsibility for the new hire. This may result in losing good candidates, and a poorly perceived hiring process. SOLUTION: the hiring-manager owns the process and makes the decision. Do you take team input and feedback? Yes. Is it a team-decision? No, because the problem with ‘team-decisions’ is that nobody is ever quite sure who’s made it.

2. Money just can’t be the reason (ever): Make sure someone does not join you just for more money. Salary is the simplest way to attract your people away from you if that’s the only reason people join you in the first place. Successful employment relationships evolve when the values, goals and beliefs of the employer and employee are shared. In fact the decision to take a new job is rarely just about the money. However it often does seem that way, and it is important to get to the heart of the matter: what’s really important to your potential new team-member about their career? ACTION: Find out what really drives your new hire, and if, after thorough professional evaluation you conclude it’s just about the money, don’t move forward, because you’ll regret it if you do.

3. Pay them enough: We’ve dealt with why money shouldn’t be the only reason to hire, but it also can’t be the reason to put someone off. If the market’s paying 25k a month, then it probably makes sense to pay 26k if you like the person. Put simply, if you find someone is willing to join you for good reasons, then pay them well. Don’t (allow anyone to) play games with the candidate because it will make you look bad: a candidate who expects 35k per month, who is offered 28k a month after 4 rounds of interviews, will not flatter your hiring process on Weibo!

4. A definite salary scale: You need to set it up and then stick to it. Do not make any exceptions – keep a good internal equity. Any special treatment will break your system and the balance of the whole team. In other words you need to have a salary structure that is flexible enough to attract the right people, but is structured enough to reward the different grades in your organisation. Good candidates who genuinely want to join you will understand that exceptions can’t be made.

5. The Total package: The perceived value of your total package is very important. Set up other incentives which are not purely cash based: overseas trips (the top RMG performers are off to Thailand in July!), extra holidays, recognition systems (for good work), prizes/vouchers, team-building nights, etc will all encourage your people as well as being clear indications of commitment and investment in staff. You should also provide training and contribute towards a pleasant working environment.

6. Time and attention: When new people join, the manager should spend time with them and pay attention to them. The manager’s time means a lot to a new recruit. People will perform better when they see people notice them when they are new to your company. Too often, when candidates leave their new jobs quickly, they report that there was no induction process, or that they felt like they were getting in the way, or that no-one told them what to do. See your time with your new hire as a direct investment in the success of them and your company. This is particularly true of candidates in the first 5 years of their working life.

7. Calculate hiring costs: What is the financial cost of hiring a new staff member? How much does the time taken cost? Are there external recruitment costs? What is the total cost of a new hire not working out. What are the costs to your company’s reputation and employment brand? Once you count the full cost in financial terms, it will help show you the importance of a well thought-out hiring process and help you place extra attention on details that previously did not receive enough importance. Viewing the hiring and induction process from this perspective will also help you to think more creatively.

8. Be aware of non-verbal communication in both the hiring & induction process: People’s eyes won’t lie to you! When you talk with your candidates or your existing team, do look at their eyes and be aware of their body language. Those signals tell you much more than the words (much much more!!). Are they happy/unhappy? Satisfied/dissatisfied? Open or hiding? Wise managers trust both their own instincts and the non-verbal signals from their people. It is said that only 7% of a communication’s importance is attributable to the actual words.

9. Trust your instincts: Human beings make decisions instinctively (and emotionally) and then search for the facts to justify them. Whether or not you believe this to be true, it is certainly worth keeping in mind that your feelings do provide a great compass to guide you towards, for example, a need for further information. Trust them.

Read the whole article: http://www.businesstianjin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4933:hr-9-steps-guideline-hire-to-keep-your-people&catid=152:august-2012&Itemid=100

Read the magazine: https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_btj-aug_rp.jpg

Overseas Education Degree – RMG Senior Consultant on Beijing Radio

Listen to RMG: http://res.audio.rbc.cn/wygb/tsj/tsj2012061516004983.wma

Gray Shade of Offshore Customer Management in Standard Chartered Bank – RMG Partner on 21 CBH

渣打不是个案 外资银行“离岸客户”管理灰幕









渣打的改变从2011年1月开始。一个不得不提的关键名字——魏元科(Ryan Gwee),2011年1月底被任命为渣打银行私人银行中国区总裁,彼时他已经在渣打私人银行任职超过10年,在新加坡和香港担任过多个管理职位,获任前担任渣打银行(香港)私人银行客户经理主管。


渣打私人银行2011年3月14日的联合每日报告显示(下称“3.14报告”),每位客户经理的名字后面,除了“已经存在”和“2011年新增客户数”栏目外,额外增加了一栏“Throw”,细分为“Cases Thrown”和“Successful Cases”。

“之前没有Throw栏。”前渣打员工解释,“已经存在”和“2011年新增客户数”代表的是内地客户情况,“Throw”代表的是内地客户经理推荐到海外渣打私人银行客户的情况,其中“Cases Thrown”代表推荐的客户数,“Successful Cases”代表成功推荐的客户数。


此外,当日报表还显示,从2011年1月1日到3月14日,中国区新增在岸客户25位,新增离岸客户13位,新增的海外客户数量几乎占内地新增客户的一半。其中,一位名为“Cindy Jiang”的客户经理的海外业绩居首,一共推荐了6位海外客户,成功4位,但其内地客户数量为零。


但前渣打员工笃定地称,Cindy Jiang没有任何在岸客户管理经验,只做离岸客户。“2011年5月前,渣打每日报表都有离岸客户指标。但后来去掉了,改在私下统计。”








同魏元科一起来到中国的,还有其两名下属——陈俊安(Sean Chen)和Vivian Tang,二者及魏本人均为新加坡籍,都拥有国外开户资格,陈即为王伟证明中提到的客户经理。






















据前渣打员工介绍,2011年上半年,魏元科、陈俊安和Vivian Tang,分别担任上海、北京、深圳三地私人银行主管的同时,原有高管或离职、或调任其他部门,原有客户经理也大量离职。管理上,魏元科直接向位于新加坡的东半球私人银行区域主管汇报,并实质上拥有业务范围内的人事权,并不与渣打中国发生过多关系。








Read the article: http://epaper.21cbh.com/html/2012-04/20/content_22390.htm?div=-1 http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2012-4-20/5MMzcyXzQyMTc5MQ.html
