Tag Archives: CRI China

Robert Parkinson – RMG CEO on China Radio International

CEO & Founder of RMG Selection, Robert Parkinson’s live interview on China Radio International (CRI) English. The interview focuses on the Chinese employment market landscape from the result of China Talent-flow Survey.


Listen to the interview at

Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTMyMzAxMTAw.html

YouTube: http://youtu.be/SOYbUWEeZ10

"Naked" Resignation on the Rise in China – RMG CEO on CRI China

An increasing number of workers in China are quitting their jobs before finding new ones. It’s yet another indication that the attitudes of young employees are changing. Some are less likely to be attracted to jobs offering high salaries and more likely to accept positions that provide more equality in the job market and greater job satisfaction.

Listen to RMG: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/04/20/2661s694399.htm

“Naked” Resignation on the Rise in China – RMG CEO on CRI China

An increasing number of workers in China are quitting their jobs before finding new ones. It’s yet another indication that the attitudes of young employees are changing. Some are less likely to be attracted to jobs offering high salaries and more likely to accept positions that provide more equality in the job market and greater job satisfaction.

Listen to RMG: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/04/20/2661s694399.htm
