Tag Archives: CRI

Income Gap between Male and Female in China – RMG on CRI

A study by The All-China Women’s Federation says the income of Chinese female urban workers when compared to their male peers has fallen by 10% and by over 20% in rural areas. The survey suggests the income gap between men and women is growing partly because of sexual discrimination. According to another report done by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, gender is one of the 5 most cited factors for job discrimination. –Julia Broussard, Country Program Manager at the UN Women China Office. –Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG International Business Consulting Corporation. -Hema Kripalani, A Journalist and Radio Host Working in Beijing.

Listen to RMG on CRI: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/12/12/2861s737995.htm

Brain Drain in EU Countries – RMG Consultant on CRI Today

Young people are leaving their countries, those hit hardest with the sovereign debt crisis, and fleeing to Germany, UK and France with better economic oportunities. The escape of young Greeks and Spaniards, among others, is not hard to understand, given the unemployment rate in the countries stands at 53% for those under the age of 25. In Spain, about a quarter of the population remains out of work. How serious is brain drain? According to a report by NPR, one young female scientist who now works in Germany, was quoted saying nearly every one of her friends in the Science field have left to work abroad. -Max Price, Partner at Antal International China. -Gayle Allard, Professor of Economics at IE Business School in Madrid -Michael Segalla, Professor of Management at HEC Paris.

Listen to RMG: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/08/10/2861s716537.htm

Guanxi Who — The Perfect Year-end Summary — RMG CEO on CRI Easy FM

绕不过的年关,饶不过的年终总结。每到年底,众多上班族在期待年终奖的同时,都得先过一个关口:写年终总结。如何将琐碎的工作每年都写出新意,实在是考验上班族的难题。该如何写好年终总结呢?罗迈国际商务咨询(北京)有限公司总裁Robert Parkinson告诉你。

Listen to RMG: http://english.cri.cn/4926/2011/12/28/1561s673651.htm
