Tag Archives: Employees

Talent Crunch – RMG CEO on China Daily

Gianni Serra, the Asia representative manager of ELS srl, an Italian event management company, is a worried man these days as he cannot find the “ready-to-use” talent needed to get his business up and running in China.

“The education programs in China have not kept pace with global education standards,” says Serra, who is searching for Italian-major graduates in China. “Many of the people I interviewed had good language skills, especially in writing and reading, but lacked in communication and problem solving skills.”

Like Serra, many foreign enterprises and domestic firms are now finding that talent is not just the scarcest commodity in China, but one that is essential to maintain economic momentum.

At first glance, it may sound odd that in a nation of more than 1 billion people, there is a talent shortage. But that is the reality. Though there are no exact numbers to estimate the actual shortfall, it is widespread and not confined to any specific industry. Human resources still remain the most formidable challenge for the big, small and medium-sized firms in China along with the multinational and foreign companies.

More than 59 percent of the 160 China-based respondents in the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ annual global CEO survey admit that hiring in China has become increasingly difficult. The survey points out that the talent shortage is spread across all sectors, with an acute shortage of senior and middle managers.

According to a study conducted by Manpower Group, 33,000 global employers found that vacancies at the managerial and executive level are more difficult to fill in China than in other countries.

Such findings have serious implications for both foreign multinationals and State-owned enterprises and private companies, especially as many of the latter are nursing global ambitions.

Arthur Yeung, academic advisor to the Executive Education Program of the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai, says demand for skilled and well-educated people has outpaced the supply in China, especially after the economy has moved into the high value-added mode.

“The talent shortage in China is acute and a major source of concern for local companies and foreign multinationals,” says Yeung, who is also the Philips Chair Professor of Human Resource Management. “China used to be a manufacturing-driven economy, where there are a large population of blue-collar workers and factory managers to manage the process. But ever since it shifted its focus from manufacturing to high value-added industries, the challenge of attracting and retaining staff has gone up.”

“The shortage of talent could slow China’s growth as productivity gains slow,” he says.

Growing demand

Robert Parkinson, CEO and founder of RMG International Business Consulting (Beijing) Co Ltd, a recruitment consultancy, says that China has grown so rapidly in the past decade that the demand for talent is not able to match the potential for domestic growth.

“The US took nearly 60 years after World War II to achieve the kind of growth that China has done in 25 years. So naturally, you will be more stable if you grow more slowly,” he says.

China might have a vast pool of low-cost labor, supplying everything from textiles, toys and computer chips in a short time. But the “China speed”, the pace at which products are designed and factories are equipped, appears to have hit a speed bump when it comes to creating qualified graduates.

A report published in June by McKinsey Global Institute says that China will still face a shortage of about 23 million college-educated workers by 2020, despite producing the most college graduates in the world.

Fewer than 10 percent of the Chinese job candidates on average would be suitable for employment in a foreign company, the report says.

Learning gap

Parkinson at RMG International Business Consulting explains why many graduates, despite good paper qualifications, are often said to be unable to adapt themselves to the working environment, which often plays a major role in the talent shortage issue.

He says the Chinese educational system focuses on learning a lot of facts and curricula rather than teaching people to think creatively.

“In China’s education system there is general focus on specific experience and technical ability rather than the ability to lead, manage and market,” Parkinson says.

“In the US and Europe, there has been an economic boom for the last 30 years, and halfway through that, people started to realize that it was not good to be a specialist in just one technical area. The ability to sell, think out of the box, and imbibe transferable skills are more important than knowing how the factory production line works.”

Employers are facing a shortage of talent across a broad range of industries, but the fiercest demand is for skilled and experienced workers in sectors with huge growth potential.

In the accounting industry, the demand for qualified Chinese accountants has skyrocketed in the past decade, as a growing number of private and State-owned enterprises are seeking public listings both at home and abroad.

“The growing complexity of accounting management has made it difficult for audit firms to find experienced accountants,” says the managing partner of a local audit firm, on condition of anonymity.

“We can’t grow fast if we don’t have access to qualified people.”

Elisa Mallis, chair of the Human Resources Working Group of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, says for European companies the talent shortage is at all levels but more acute in the leadership rungs.

“In China, many people become managers much earlier than expected. So there is a lack of experience and specific leadership competencies compared with their global counterparts, especially in strategic thinking, being highly adaptive, collaborative and open and in skills related to empowerment and people development,” she says.

Cherol Cheuk, general manager of Hudson Shanghai, an international recruitment company, says with rising domestic consumption, not only will the demand for goods and services go up, but also the demand for skilled people in service sectors.

“If you look at the healthcare industry, it is the only industry that has not been affected by the global economic turmoil,” she says. “Since most Chinese people are moving up to the middle class level, they are also now more keen than ever to ensure longer life with proper healthcare facilities. So there is a huge demand for such services, especially in medical business and allied sectors like biotechnology and medical equipment.”

According to a report by Antal International China, a global executive recruitment organization, China’s most talent-demanding sectors are luxury goods, hospitality, leisure, finance, retail and healthcare.

“These industries are all service-oriented, probably because the concept of ‘excellent service’ is still quite new in China,” says Sarah Jones, head of operations at Antal International China. “The talent shortage mainly lies in the mid to senior-level bracket, due to the fact that very few candidates have the required five years’ experience needed to fill those positions.”

A limited supply of talent and the increasing challenge of recruitment are also resulting in high turnover rates.

A report by Hudson shows that across all sectors in China, 52 percent of the employees remained with one employer for two years or less, while 7 percent remained for more than four years.

A similar survey of China’s business climate by AmCham-China in 2011 showed that the voluntary turnover rate had risen to 20 percent in 2010, the highest rate in the last decade.

Foreign multinationals increasingly report that their employees are leaving to join State-owned enterprises and private companies rather than the previous common practice of switching from job to job in search of ever-higher paying jobs at foreign companies, the report says. The rise of Chinese global employers will place additional pressures on multinational employers to retain their top talent, it concludes.

China’s executives and leaders are now looking at alternative strategies such as internal training and building a larger base of potential managers including those from overseas.

Jones at Antal International China says human resource directors need to rethink their recruitment strategies in China, as “hiring expats for professional and managerial positions does not appear to be a sustainable solution, as they hardly understand local culture and business style”.

Zhou Xing, assurance partner of PwC China, says that good company culture, training and promoting recruits are key to keeping a low turnover rate.

“We are doing what we can to help them grow and learn new regulations and rules of accounting as well as other soft skills for career development and give them a clear and attractive career path and a sense of pride of being part of the company,” Zhou says. “Most of our mid-to-senior managers are from entry-level positions and have been working in the company for more than 10 years.”

She says the turnover of PwC China remains close to 15 percent, an average of the global turnover in the auditing industry, meaning that the staff are quite satisfied with the current working conditions.

PwC China hired about 1,900 graduates in 2012 from more than 18,000 applicants, an increase of 18 percent over the previous year.

“We don’t have any problems in hiring raw recruits, and most of them are very intelligent, hardworking and willing to take the initiative,” Zhou says.

But some argue that despite the fact that multinational companies train and promote managers from entry-level positions, the process is time-consuming and costly.

“Sometimes companies have a very shortened timeframe within which to develop their staff into senior leaders, and it will take several years for these employees to be future leaders of the organization,” says Yeung at CEIBS in Shanghai.

“So I think companies need to accelerate the process, provide select employees with special training and mentoring to put them on a fast track to secure future company management positions.”

Government strategy

In recognition of the risks of talent constraints on business, the Chinese government rolled out its 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) outlining a strategy for finding and nurturing talent, with the idea of bringing 2,000 skilled Chinese home all in an effort to meet the country’s pressing talent demand.

The program is aimed at encouraging experienced engineers, scientists and other experts of Chinese origin back from the West to grow more domestic companies into the ranks of the world’s top 500 companies.

The commencement of MBA courses in many colleges is also testament to the government’s effort in increasing the education level of China’s workforce and to build an innovation economy.

China’s business schools such as CEIBS in Shanghai and the Guanghua School of management at Peking University now rank among the top business schools in the world.

However, some say that China is not a good breeding ground for training talent, and if China is not able to provide a more competitive and creative environment, it cannot generate talent.

“I think how people are going to be managed needs to be changed in China, because people need to realize that the kind of ‘top-down’, ‘managing to please the boss’ is not good in a modern competitive enterprise,” says Parkinson of RMG.

“If you have a culture that encourages ideas and criticism and people work there not just for the money, then you have a sustainable development in your company.”

Read the whole article: http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/weekly/2012-08/31/content_15722771.htm

Read the magazine:  https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_aug_cd_rp.png

Stago, Top 8 Secrets to Make High-efficient Employees – RMG CEO on Training Magazine


员工绩效提升问题始终是企业关心的核心话题。员工的绩效表现与企业自身的经营策略、人力资本管理成熟度有着千丝万缕的联系。 在血栓与止血领域,就有这样一家高绩效表现的全球领袖企业:思塔高(Stago)。这家1945年起源于法国的跨国公司,在2003年成立中国分公司,仅仅依靠170人的员工队伍就迅速赢得了中国约30%的市场占有率,位居前三甲。不过,它的雇员数量只占其他两家公司的十分之一,并且,员工流动率很低。以销售人才的流动为例,在思塔高,平均每7~8年才出现一次。而据了解,通常,这个行业内的销售人员几乎每1~2年就会流动一次。 那么,为何思塔高的员工绩效如此之高,流动率如此之低? 秘笈1:只专注“一滴血” 思塔高(中国)总经理Philippe Barroux介绍说,思塔高是法国一家从药物分析起家的公司,由Jacques Viret先生创始于第二次世界大战末期。在古希腊语中,Stago恰有“一滴(血)”的意思。 起初,Stago只在法国销售一种用于消解肝功能障碍的药物。1962年,公司创始人的妻子因患DIC(弥散性血管内凝血)综合症而病逝。为此,创始人专门研发了一种血凝试剂,来帮助临床大夫诊断血凝与血栓问题,比如手术时的大出血、血流不畅等。1978年之后,有战略眼光的Jacques Viret开始只专注血栓与止血领域的发展,卖掉了白手起家时的药品公司,成立了Stago诊断公司,以打造全球血凝领域建有卓越标准的的领头羊。 “这种专注意识促成了后来一系列有效诊断工具的诞生。临床大夫依靠这些工具当场就能诊断出问题,而不再寄望于二次机会。”Philippe指出,在培训每一位新员工时,思塔高都会如此强调:“我们销售的产品不是衣服,用户没有第二次选择的机会,因为每个结果对应的是一个病人的生命。我们所关注的就是高质量的诊断产品、有效的服务。” 秘笈2:重视规则 在思塔高的核心价值体系中,重视规则是其很重要的组成部分。它们强调:坚决不走中间路线或是灰色路线。 如同员工开车,平时他可以爱怎么开就怎么开,但在公司,他就必须遵守各项规则,方可确保企业发展的安全性、稳定性。“即使按这种规则来行事会更复杂,我们也仍然坚持这么做。”Philippe说。 不过,这位自1988年起就在思塔高工作的“忠诚之士”,对“中国文化”也颇有心得。Philippe指出,在中国的外企务必要理解具有中国特色的文化特征,否则很难走向成功,比如,部分中国人有“钻空子”的特征倾向。所以,在思塔高,只要员工、客户在遵循规则的前提下,公司也会因势利导,量力而为。 “我刚到中国的时候,还遇到过一件‘新鲜事’——有一位客户问我‘贵公司有没有与代理商合作的合同书?’。”Philippe回忆说:“当时我愣了。我说‘没有么?’,并非常纳闷——在中国做生意,难道不是按合同办事么?” 秘笈3:追求自然式发展 目前,专注于血凝领域的思塔高,在全球的业务量已超过10亿欧元。“可以确定的是,我们已进入中国市场的前三位。至于是第二还是第三,现在还是未知数。因为中国政府尚未公布新的官方统计数据。”Philippe表示。 正如Philippe所强调的,思塔高只专注于血栓与止血领域,它们不太关注短期利润,追求的始终是企业的自然式发展。所以,不只是在中国,思塔高在全球都不主张给业务部门很大的绩效指标压力,也不会因此而随便解雇员工。“因为思塔高认为,人力资源是公司最重要的一种资源。我们需要依靠他们来实现稳定且长远的发展。” “当然,我们也不会大张旗鼓地去宣传公司出色的财务数据报表。我们只想安安静静地发展。”Philippe说。 秘笈4:终身工作 据Philippe介绍,思塔高在中国的员工总数约有170名,除了在公司办公室的工作人员以外,其他人员每天都在区域上拜访客户。 “在公司人力资源团队中,我们也只有三名成员,一位总监和两位助理。”Philippe表示,目前公司的人力资源管理正有条不紊地进行着,包括人事管理、薪酬绩效、培训发展、职业规划等常规领域。 以职业规划为例,思塔高认为,只要员工没有犯大的错误,他们可以在这里终身工作,并可以把公司当成自己的“家”。“我有一个法国朋友,他在思塔高已工作了32年,上周也来到了中国。所以,这种抉择变化完全取决于员工自己。”Philippe说。 “不过,并非所有人都可以成为一名总经理。”在Philippe看来,中国的员工大多以为自己总有一天会当上总经理,“这是一种多么令人吃惊的思维模式”。因此,在思塔高,公司会明确对员工阐明,每一位员工都会得到平等的发展机会,但不应该讲究“面子”,简单地述求于职务头衔上的晋升。“他们也不需要以辞职之名来威胁。假如有员工这么做了,我会幽默地对他说‘我办公室的门是开着的,你可以离开了。’” “他们本可以在公司终身工作下去的——因为在思塔高,有超过70%的员工都已签署了无固定期限合同。”Philippe说,“这样,无论团队、业务改变,工作地点调整,或者承担更多的职责,或是内部调动,他们都可以接触到一个新的环境,以拓展其才能。” Philippe表示,退一步来讲,即使经过每年的年度绩效评估(EAP)发现,5年或10年之后的他,能力已有了很大提升,而公司暂时无法提供相对应的岗位,思塔高也会推荐他到别的优秀企业去发展,并欢迎他的“二进宫”。 秘笈5:年度绩效评估 在思塔高,对员工和他们的上级来说,每年的年度绩效评估都是一次绝佳的讨论机会。他们会共同回顾过去的一年工作,包括工作态度、工作成绩、工作预期以及技能提升度等,并且为来年制定新的工作目标。 Philippe介绍,思塔高的年度绩效评估内容分为三部分:首先,公司将评估的等级分为有待提高、中级、高级等不同层次,对每位员工进行评估和审定;然后,根据员工和上级最初制定的工作目标完成度,施行不同额度的年度奖金激励,20%~100%不等;最后,再次确认相关工作职责,调整每个员工新的工作任务。期间,员工与其上级进行的年度绩效评估,被思塔高视为一项每年正式的例行活动,讨论内容既含有书面补充的,也有上司与员工之间相互承诺的内容。 “中期评估(即指在年度绩效评估后的6个月,比如6月或7月)也可以被列入计划。它的作用是调整或者重新定义年度工作任务,如果最初目标有变化的话。”Philippe说。 秘笈6:个人发展方案 年度绩效评估的另一种意义在于,它是一个讨论职业发展和培训目标的机会,同时也是在思塔高和员工之间建立一个“双赢”关系的好时机。“所以,为员工制定个人发展方案,可以在一个长期发展过程中,促进员工的成就感并使员工能够更高效、更卓越地投入工作。”Philippe表示。 一般地,思塔高在每年的1月份首先完成对总监级员工的考评,接着是经理级员工,至2月底全部评估完毕。期间,对照上年的工作目标和来年的年度任务,调整员工的个人发展计划。“当员工来问我‘明年的工作任务是什么’时,我会反问他们一句:你对公司的年度目标和个人发展方案了解多少。”Philippe常常这样鼓励员工去自我发展与探索。 当然,在制定个人发展方案时,思塔高也会询问员工:是想更多的提升能力,还是想获得更高的薪金。“如果员工想在3~4年晋升为经理,那么,公司会结合年度绩效评估结果,为他定制匹配的职业发展方案。”Philippe说。 秘笈7:培训指引 思塔高发现,在员工职业发展与团队管理的过程中,管理技能、销售技能等不同的培训与发展需求被反复提出,为此,思塔高建立了较完善的员工培训系统,包括内部培训、外方提供的培训。 Philippe介绍,员工主动提出多种发展需求,是思塔高培训内容多样化的直接原因。这些训练课程包括:技能性的、科学研究性的、沟通技能、团队管理、项目管理、办公室信息技术、个人发展以及语言培训,等等。培训实施时,员工可以根据他们所处的整个职业生涯阶段选择不同的培训课程。 “有些课程是在职位转换后必须要求的,因为可以帮助员工获得或者提升相关技能。”Philippe说,“与总部相比,中国分公司像是一个‘直辖市’,培训也是自上而下进行的。” 以对一名新员工的支持为例,思塔高所有的市场/销售文件,无论销售代表、客户技术支持或者产品经理,只要一到岗,就遵循一套完整的培训途径指引。比如: ·“产品”知识、血凝的科学及医学知识 ·在培训中心交替进行的多种必备课程 ·访问公司的各个基地 ·跟随领域内有经验的同事一起工作 ·客户联络,加深对“顾客”需求和问题的理解 “出于对提高品质的持续专注,思塔高还监控着自身培训课程的有效力,并且在每一轮培训的最后,总能得到员工民意调查的满意结果。”Philippe说,“确实,这项在培训方面的重要投资,也展现了我们立足于人的长期发展的决心,将会提高员工的个人及集体技能,并使整个组织受益。 ” 秘笈8:员工面谈与关怀 在思塔高,人力资源部还有一个年度重要目标,就是去认真倾听员工的心声。这也就是为什么员工每年都可能会要求直接同人力资源部门人员,或者间接地通过中间人——他们的老板,来进行一场个人发展面谈的原因。 Philippe发现,在中国企业中,不少经理人面对下属提出的诸多问题时,常常选择退避三舍,或是“兜圈子”的做法,绕过去不作深度讨论。而实际上,这些经理人、领导们本应该成为员工在工作和生活上的导师。 “再让我们来看看历史上的墨西哥军队。”Philippe举例说。一个军队就是一个团体,从上尉到将军,不同的职位对应着不同的职责。墨西哥军队曾经屡战屡败的原因就在于它的军队里全是将军。“所以,这不是头衔问题,而是职责问题。”Philippe说。对于中国员工的惯性思维,比如3年后要成为高级员工,5年后成为主管,7年后成为经理等,“这种思路也是值得商榷的。他们更需要的是坚守自己的职责岗位,拓展优化自己的职业职能。” 因此,每当有员工就“加官进爵”的事哭着来找Philippe时,他都会如此和他们深入沟通,引导其职业发展。“而每当有价值的员工离职时,我也会非常遗憾,因为这说明我们的人本关怀还有缺陷,还需要继续完善。”Philippe说。

Read the whole article: http://www.trainingmag.com.cn/Article/Articledetail/414494726299.aspx

Read the magazine: https://www.rmgselection.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=164&Itemid=104&lang=en
