Tag Archives: greeting from RMG

RMG Skiing Trip

谁说团队建设不可以欢乐多多?!罗迈国际大家庭南山滑雪之行,某些同志说滑雪如冲浪一般 (大神级别),某些同志们摔得五花八门呀 (哎 可怜屌丝级别)!看RMGer们大展风采咯!

Work should be fun! We had team-building in Nan Shan recently! Some RMGers are really good at skiing, others just enjoy falling again and again! Check it out here!


Watch more at: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzAyMzIzNTQ0.html

Merry Christmas – RMG Selection

Christmas is in the air! We wish all the HR workers, Job seekers and diligently working employees and employer’s Merry Christmas! RMG has launched the Christmas Video. Come and see what kind of wishes RMGers have for the New Year. 罗迈国际祝所有的人力资源工作者,求职者,各行各业辛勤工作的职场员工以及管理者圣诞快乐!!来看看罗迈国际的美女帅哥们的圣诞祝福和圣诞愿望吧!!!超温馨, 超有创意, 一定要来围观啊!


Find it on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkwODgwMzM2.html

Find it on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLZJ6h6yuXE
