Tag Archives: headhunter

How Star CEO Attractiveness?




Recently, Business Insider released one of Universum Global survey which target MBA employees, the survey content including “how much do you want to work for them”, “how attractive is the company culture “and “which companies are the most inspiring”, etc. The result shows that Google is most attractive enterprise for business school students, because of Larry Page set up “almost omnipotent” development goals for the Google, and Starbucks is ranked third, because of its CEO Howard Schultz is an outspoken leader, he is not only as the company culture preacher, also have original ideas to current events. Lilly Cao, the partner of RMG Selection has been interviewed by CBNweekly about star CEO influence, involving three kinds of star CEO and some advices. 高管或可加分,公司人还需谨慎,尤其要注意的是你自己的职业发展计划。 对于公司人来说,选择进入一家公司的原因是多种多样的,薪酬、公司文化与自己的契合度,以及自己的职业目标等等。还有一个潜在,并且重要的因素是,一家公司的Leader是不是有足够吸引力。 最近,美国商业博客Business Insider发布了Universum Global的一项对象为MBA学生的雇主认可度调查,调查内容包括“你有多想为他们工作”,“公司文化对你有多大的吸引力”以及“哪些公司最为激励人心”等等。 调查结果显示,Google对商学院学生的吸引力最大,因为拉里·佩奇为公司设立了“几乎无所不能”的发展目标,而星巴克排名第三,则是因为它的CEO 霍华德·舒尔茨素来是一位直言不讳的意见领袖,他不仅是公司文化的传道者,对当今时事也有独到的见解。 事实上,这些星光熠熠的“明星高管”不仅对尚未踏足职场的新人具有吸引力,他们对提高企业品牌的知名度也有很大的作用,豆丁网营销副总裁王宇为这些新型的明星高管总结了行事路径:“CEO不再需要西装革履、温文儒雅,最重要的是像一个新锐媒体一样,有观点、有特点、有棱有角且真实,不装腔作势。从穿着、品位、普通话是不是标准来衡量他们已经有点过时,CEO们如今在传播中最重要的还是要贯彻自己真实的价值观,未来十年,一个能言会秀的CEO,将继续为企业节省下大笔的营销开支,胜过雄兵百万。”—明星高管对雇主品牌产生的正面作用将会越来越明显。 《第一财经周刊》采访了几位职场专家,试图深入把明星高管的概念具体化,梳理明星高管的类型,探讨明星高管可以从哪些方面为雇主品牌加分。 另外,对于公司人来说,因为崇拜明星高管而进入一家公司不失为一种便利的职业选择,但是这种选择背后也有很多风险,这也是职场新人需要注意的。 A 解读明星高管 明星高管的类型 在传统媒体时代,企业领导一般会被贴上“年轻有为”、“勤奋刻苦”、“平易近人”等平面化的标签,新闻稿件不是过分夸张就是流于平淡,不足以对公众产生吸引力。社交媒体给高管们更多机会展示自己,罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的合伙人曹迪说,当前最容易产生明星高管的是IT行业、社交网络和地产行业,因为他们的客户人群不稳定,而行业速度发展又很快,行业竞争比较激烈,企业更有意愿用明星高管来吸引目光。曹迪将明星高管分为以下三种类型: 导师型 此类明星高管平易近人,不仅在专业领域有很高的成就,同时像导师一样通过写书、互动的方式向追随者传达和交流经验,从而提高品牌的知名度、吸引人才。以创新工场创始人和CEO李开复为例,作为青年学生的偶像,他通过建立Free Desk,为实习生提供一个免费、自由的办公桌和一些有挑战性的工作任务,大学生可以通过这样的方式积累工作经验,为步入社会作准备。 话题型 这一类的明星高管在媒体的曝光度很高,媒体不仅报道他们在事业方面的新闻,还聚焦在生活的各个方面制造话题。所以话题型的明星高管自身的形象非常重要。 例如Facebook的创办人马克·扎克伯格,除了他的事业,备受关注的还有他的成长经历和感情事业,甚至他的家人也被媒体追踪报道。 天才型 这类的明星高管在专业领域可被称作为天才,知名度极高,所以他们的一举一动都备受崇拜者的关注。而且还有很多人都希望能够成为像他们一样的成功人士,但是切记天才型的明星高管很难复制。例如史蒂夫·乔布斯,苹果公司的员工对他的崇敬简直是一种宗教般的狂热。而他生前的一举一动也影响着“果粉”,更多人从乔布斯身上,了解苹果公司的理念和文化,并因此希望成为该公司的员工。 B 明星高管能为公司带来什么 任仕达中国区人力资源总监钮晨辰认为,虽然公司出售的是产品或者服务,但是在公司推广方面,人比产品更有吸引力。阿里巴巴的创始人马云就是个例子,一开始,人们对马云创业的故事感兴趣,随着阿里巴巴的发展,加上不断充实的新故事,马云好像变得越来越有魅力,于是才有了后来阿里内部员工大会广受瞩目这样的事件。雷军和他的小米也有着类似的状况,好的企业和好的领导是可以一起发展的。 钮晨辰认为,从公司的角度来看,明星高管的打造一定要摈除短视的做法,换句话说,一两次用高管的个人奖金去酬劳下级员工并不能真正提升雇主品牌,因为影响公司发展和员工满意度的还是合理的薪酬体制,健康的薪酬体制必须包括对员工工作年限和公司贡献的考察,满足员工的自我实现需求。 但是明星高管除了能够为公司吸引优秀人才,还可以为公司带来什么具体的好处呢?罗迈国际合伙人曹迪认为,首先,这对提高企业、品牌知名度很有好处。其次,能增加企业与大众之间更加人性化的互动和信息交流,这能帮助大众满足对某一家大公司的好奇心,进而更加关注这家公司以及它的产品,有可能直接转化为公司的利润。对于投资商来说,能跟一家拥有明星高管的公司产生业务往来,也能从一定程度上提升自己的知名度。 而对于公司内部来说,明星高管能起到榜样示范的作用,公司员工不仅可以近距离地接触和学习明星高管的工作态度和方法,还能激发起员工们的干劲,使得团队创造出更好的业绩。 曹迪建议,有这样一些做法可以为公司竖立有正面效应的明星高管,从而为自己的雇主品牌加分:
  • 增加高管在社交媒体与大众的互动,对于重大公众话题评论。
  • 参加电视、采访节目,增加在媒体的曝光度。
  • 适度透露一些工作生活平衡的情况,塑造其更加有血有肉的形象。
  • 用博客等文章汇聚注意力。
  • 像李开复那样和关注者分享自己的经历和经验。
C 公司人也不要过分迷信明星高管 明星高管毋庸置疑会对雇主品牌产生正面的影响,但是对公司人来说,公司的文化氛围,未来的发展,制度体系的合理性以及公司给员工搭建的平台事实上更加重要,韬睿惠悦全球市场总监Sharon为职场新人提出了一些建议。 公司领导力和明星高管不是一回事 很多人会把明星高管等同于领导力。但实际上领导力包含的范畴比较广,也不仅仅是明星高管,对求职者来说,更重要的是公司高层所具有的领导力。公司的领导力包括建立合理的员工辅导机制,平衡员工的付出与回报,得到员工的信任,帮助员工度过变革期等等,这些都比明星高管的光环更值得求职者重视。 企业背后的故事更重要 明星高管的形象是媒体和企业共同塑造的产物,作为求职者来说,应该多关注本质的东西,比如明星高管何以变成明星,其中一部分因素与求职者是没关系的,当公司人将自己的职业生涯和这家企业发生联系的时候,了解背后的故事和企业的文化可能更重要。比如有的企业一直以来以拼搏的形象示人,公司的高层也多是奋斗成功的故事,这样的企业其实并不适合节奏比较慢、希望稳扎稳打的求职者。 企业的未来跟你有关系 可能公司人选择一家企业是看到该公司高管吃苦耐劳一路打拼,成为了一个优秀的企业家,或者他非常能创造企业氛围,带领公司往前走,但与你相关的最主要问题是,他能不能给你创造未来? 对此,公司人同时还应该问问这些问题:公司的沟通氛围透明与否,是倾向于开放还是保守?能否和主管直接接触?公司能为我提供什么样的授权?公司的资源能在多大程度上为我所用?我在贯彻我的想法的时候是否会有阻碍?这份工作能否满足我对生活与工作的平衡度的要求?—这就像两个人结婚一样,如果单纯以貌取人,完全不了解这个人的个性特质,就无从知道对方与自己是否匹配。事实上,在这方面,直属领导给员工带来的影响远远大过高管,因此,在面试或入职时尽早了解你的直属领导,可能更加现实。 Read the original version at: CBNweekly 

Family First

family first   By Ruben van den Boer My decision to come to China was a pretty simple one: curiosity. I am originally from Holland, but have always been fascinated with China—this mysterious and rising oriental superpower. I bought books and movies on the country, wishing to satisfy my questions. On the contrary, it only inspired more. With China’s economy booming, many amazing career opportunities are currently open to foreigners like me. It was a very natural decision for me to come to explore the possibilities in China. Beijing brims with opportunities and ancient Chinese culture, which is the reason I have made it my home. As a headhunter here, I am surprised by the level of professionalism within the local industry, even though it is relatively new. I have discovered that when considering changing jobs or taking up new employment, families have a huge impact on the decision-making process. Considering my own background, most Europeans make self-development their first priority opposed to family life. Decision-making is thus very self-oriented and independent. As an example, I only considered my interest in China before moving a world away from my parents. From a cultural perspective, the Chinese moral code of family and filial responsibility,xiao, is greatly influential. Local people feel responsible for taking care of their families and even in-laws. Although they are willing to relocate, it should be within a 1-hour flight so they can make it back in case of emergencies. Also, I have come across cases where Chinese candidates would struggle to change jobs because it could affect their families. For instance, one candidate who has seven years experience in marketing always wanted to work as a brand manager. Fortunately, I had just the right opportunity for him with a company in Ningbo, where both he and his family reside. Even though initial interviews went well, during the final round of discussions, he told me that he couldn’t accept the offer because he was supposed to get married this year and prepare to have a baby. His family was not happy about his decision to change jobs since it would be challenging. Therefore, he turned the opportunity down, which I found extremely shocking. I have encountered another similar situation. I arranged interviews for a logistics manager candidate. I wanted to prepare him a little two days before. However, he requested the interview be moved because it fell on the 60th birthday of his mother. When I communicated this to the client company, they responded by saying it was totally acceptable and that they respected the candidate’s schedule. Family is a very basic, but crucial factor for Chinese candidates choosing a job. On the other hand, Western values have infiltrated younger generations, alongside the effects of a fast changing local society, with the youth more independent. I believe that there will be a new balance between family and personal life, with Chinese characteristics. The author is Ruben van den Boer, a Dutch who has been living in Beijing for 4 years.  Read the original version at: http://www.bjreview.com.cn/eye/txt/2013-08/12/content_560157.htm  

Head-hunters marching into state-owned enterprises – HRM ASIA

Head-hunters marching into state-owned enterprises?

According to the China Talents-Flow Survey by RMG Selection, nearly a third(32%) of employees in state-owned enterprises(SOEs) had changed their jobs last year. Of those, half found their jobs through headhunting.

The survey found that 60% employees willing to change jobs through job head-hunters. Online recruitment and friends’ recommendation accounted for 24% and 13%. As seen in the flow of tanlens, the corperate head-hunter is playing a increasely important role.

Where preciously SOEs easily acquired their own staff, they now face tougher competition from the private sector. The survey found that 35% employees of SOEs choose to accept their roles via a heathunting connection. For employees in US and European firms in China, head-hunters and recruitment agencies are undoubtedly the preferred choice, accounting for 72% of the total jobs changes.

More than half of employees think that calls from head-hunters are professional oppotunities, and trust is extended even further for employees at larger firms.

Over 40% of employees in companies of less than 1000 staffs think that headhunters are credible job sources; while over 55% employees in companies of over 1000 staffs think the same.

Robert Parkinson, the CEO of RMG Selection thinks that the headhunting companies in China vary in quality, with only a small number of them having professional work  procedures and genuine guidance and training toward candidates.

“Although the business is becoming more and more mature, how to select professional partners will be a big challenge for most employers and job seekers in the future.” says Parkinson.

猎头开始进军国有企业?HRM ASIA在本期的文章中引用了罗迈国际商务咨询公司的最新调查,在其发表的中国人才流动报告中显示,已经有近32%的国有企业员工于去年跳槽。而在他们之中,有近一半的人是通过猎头找到的新工作。让我们跟随罗迈国际CEO Robert Parkinson先生来了解更多相关内容吧。

HRM Asia - TFS News(small)

Job seekers expect assistance from headhunters – Human Resource



HR China - Apr - cover



Mock Interview – RMG Senior Consultant on 21st Century

上期面试问题由由罗迈国际商务咨询(RMG Selection)高级招聘顾问Cecilia Li提出:

What corporate culture and values would you expect from your future employer? Why are these important to you? Answer: The corporate culture I would expect most from my future employer is a focus on people. Being people-oriented means that a company realizes each person’s value and helps them to realize their full potential. This in turn benefits the company’s clients, investors and partners. I will also develop a sense of belonging if my opinions are respected and understood. This will encourage me to make every effort to maximize the company’s profits.

Read the whole article: http://paper.i21st.cn/story/80174.html
