Tag Archives: HR consulting

低潮期HR更重要 HR Function Values More in the Tough Days


Robert Parkinson, the CEO & Founder of RMG selection, has shared some of his own thoughts regarding the importance of HR professional. There are three important points of HR’s work in the tough days: employee lay off,talent retaining and recruiting.

虽然冬天还没有完全覆盖全国,但相信很多企业都已经体会到了经济严寒的威力。根据人民大学发布的报告预测,2015年全年GDP实际增速为6.9%,GDP增速的“破7”,非金融性行业增速的“破6”,工业主营业务收入的“0增长”,GDP平减指数、企业利润和政府性收入的“负增长”, “衰退式顺差”的快速增长以及“衰退式泡沫”的此起彼伏,都标志着中国宏观经济于2015年步入深度下滑期和风险集中释放期。作为企业内部的HR,也面临着更加严峻的人才挑战,开支的缩减、关键人才的流失、裁员的压力等等无不挑战着人力资源工作的极限。如果认为只有销售、市场才能从根本解决公司困难,HR只要少花钱、处理好善后问题就行了,那么,这个公司的生命力真的很值得怀疑。事实上,我们发现,在人力资源上投入特别关注的企业往往更容易度过经济困难期。

在经营困难时期,HR的工作重点大致分为三个方面,  “炒人”,  “留人”和“招人”。每方面都可以为企业带来难以估量的价值。


这大概是HR们最不愿意见到又最容易在经济低谷期遇到的课题,无论是老板还是董事会,看到效益下滑需要缩减成本,第想砍掉酌就是人力成本,这部分的成本也占总成本较大比重。在“经营四圣”之稻盛和夫的经营哲学中,铁定的规律是:  “无论如何,绝不裁员,除非员工自愿离开”。他认为,裁员或许可以解公司燃眉之急,但如此循坏下去,只会令员工对公司失去信任。在公司陷入困境的时候,经营者明智的选择不是裁员,而是和员工结成条心,携手共度难关。只有这样,员工才会对公司产生种归属感,并愿意通过自身的努力将才华倾力奉献给公司。相信很多HR也抱有类似的想法,但对于绝大多数企业来说很难实现。至少,在老板提出裁员时,HR部门定要先问个问题:“为什么?还有别的办法吗?”所有的企业都以商业利益为首要目的,但看到业绩不好就马上炒人的想法是非理性的、不合逻辑的。我们需要做的,是跟高层起坐下来商量,看有没有办法把盈利提高等等,并且让公司管理层明白也许这些方法对账面的影响会远远优于炒掉50个工人的影响,因为炒掉工人至少还要付遣散费,同时还可能对公司声誉、员工凝聚力造成深远的影响。

对于无法避免的裁员,裁谁、怎么裁,则是体现人力资源部门管理艺术和价值的时候了。  般裁员的顺序,临时工,基层工人肯定会优先被裁掉,但这样做不仅裁掉的人数众多、牵连极大,节约的成本右时连需求的  半都达不到,还可能会伤害到员工的感情。越是困难的时候,越应该体现出与员工共患难的精神。  昧要求员工对公司忠诚,但遇到困难时公司却先想着如何快速裁员,这种冷酷的做法是很难取信于人的。其实,这过程的操作可以更人性化点的,比如提供降薪或停薪留职的方案供员工选择;做好离职沟通,了解员工离职之后可能的问题;在推荐信、赔付方式、再就业信息方面给予更多方便等。这不仅避免了离职纠纷,也让留下的员工对企业更加认同,从而将“减分项目”转变为“加分项目”。


在经济低谷时期,比裁员更难的大概是留人,留住你的“高净值”员工。越是市场萧条,企业越需要能够创造利润的员工(其他企业也需要!)。每损失个这样的员工,企业的净利润就要受损。在我从事招聘工作1 0余年的时间里发现,越是困难,企业对高素质员工的需求越高。在招聘行业有个定律,  “特别优秀的候选人永远有市场,而且是强烈的市场需求”。那么,特殊时期HR能用什么留人呢?第  ,薪酬方面建议有升有降,根据绩效及时进行工资调整;第二,制定临时奖励措施,即特别奖励在效益低下时做出贡献的行为:新签客户、成功推荐优秀人才、节省大额预算等,这种奖励不仅是刺激产值的措施,同时也茌公司内部创造种积极向上的气氛。每当企业效益不好时,最令员工厌烦的往往是那压抑的气氛;第三,是将关键人才纳入长期奖励计划中,仔细就他们的奖励、职业发展、可能的升迁计划进行对的交流,让员工体会到希望与关怀。毕竟,心理上的安全感才是不离职的关键。



其实,高薪也许能在短时间内吸引人,但绝对稳不住人。  “人是为人工作的”,他在哪里感觉舒服、安全、有奔头儿,就会在哪里工作,再高级的工作环境,也抵不上个优秀的、有魅力的老板,再多的薪酬,也比不上全方位的发展计划和员工困难时企业提供的人性化关怀。在招聘过程中,明确自己职位的“独特卖点”,与候选人保持持续、良好的沟通,全方位理解求职者在目前工作、生活多方面的状况和需要,可以更好地将他匹配到公司。  段从最开始就“正确”的关系很少会在后面出现问题,而段从金钱开始的关系也往往结束干金钱。


9个建议帮助公司人建立职场个人品牌 9 Career Tips for your Personal Brand Building

personal brand

“我在知乎上有20万粉丝。”作为一家创业公司的 CFO,吴桐在和投资人见面时常常拿这个作为话题,而 对方往往会对他这个“新身份”感到好奇,也因此对吴桐 和他的公司表现出更多兴趣。

在加入这个创业公司之前,这位上海财经大学的毕 业生先后做过4份和财务相关的工作,也参与了不少审计、尽职调查、财务分析、融资上市等工作。2012年,他 开始玩知乎,回答了比如“阿里巴巴为什么不在中国内 地上市”“哪些原因让人离开四大”等热门话题。“因 为之前那几段多样化的工作经历,让我在回答财务问题 的时候,不光站在会计的角度,也站在经营的角度去谈 自己的观点。”

半年之后,吴桐收获了第一批粉丝,其中不乏创业 者和金融从业者。这让他意识到,原本作为兴趣的分享 行为正在帮助自己建立起一个个人品牌。

什么是个人品牌?拿最近很红的电视剧《琅琊榜》 的故事就能解释。主角梅长苏因心思缜密、擅长谋略在 琅琊榜上位居榜首,太子和誉王听到了关于他的传闻, 为了增加自己最终获得皇位的可能,在还未与梅长苏见 面的情况下,就争相将其纳入麾下。你可以这么理解, 梅长苏用12年的时间在江湖上建立了自己的个人品牌。 放到现在这个社交化的现代职场来看,公司人建 立个人品牌的意识也正变得越来越强烈。“中国的老一辈,比如四五十岁左右的人,他们的概念主要还停留在‘我是集体的一部分’。而如今从年轻人身上可以看到 的是,每个人都认为自己是不一样的,且都希望自己很 重要。”Ruben van den Boer是人力资源咨询服务公司罗 迈国际(RMG Selection)的高级顾问,在他看来,个人品 牌在国外已经比较普遍,某一些专精尖人才愿意且有 意识地展示自己,形成个人风格和知名度。而在中国, 一个很明显的特点是,年轻一代的公司人希望把自己的 所知所得展现出来,并渴望获得认可。

促使这种意愿变得强烈的另一个原因是,如今建立个人品牌的途径变得便捷了许多。信息传播渠道的发 展让吴桐这样乐于分享的人不再需要向行业期刊或媒 体投稿,取而代之的,是博客、微博、微信,以及各类信 息交流网站,这些互联网渠道都加速了信息传播的速度 和广度,让公司人可以随时分享自己的观点,也利于受 众聚集。

这种现象带来的问题是,越来越多的信息在平台上共享,能不能吸引别人的关注,主要取决于你的内 容。“大量信息集中式地生产,让人们觉得自己不是缺 少信息,而是需要有人来告诉他们哪些信息更有价值, 这个时候,个人品牌能起到一些作用。”海底捞首席品 牌官陈祺告诉《第一财经周刊》。

除了让自己变成各类社交媒体上的知名帐号,线 下参加行业论坛、研讨活动等也是打造个人品牌的一 种方式。在这个社交时代,人们已经不仅仅满足于线上 交流,尤其是出于拓宽人脉的目的,更多人愿意在线下 面对面地交流和探讨,因此,如果你有心关注自己的行 业,就会知道各种大小规模的活动正在你的身边发生,

参与这些活动,有机会的情况下适当地发表一些自己的观点和看法,个人品牌也会因此建立起来。 这样做的好处首先在于,随着个人品牌知名度的提升,你的有效人脉会越积越多。特斯拉的HR钱前就在 “在行”上认识了不少创业者,而这些有想法的创业者 有可能成为钱前未来面试的候选人。吴桐通过知乎结 识了一批数据统计类人才及金融界的同行,他所在的公 司目前正在和知乎上他的一位关注者合作共享一个数 据统计模型。

建立个人品牌也会促使你不断提升自己。钱前的经 验是,如果你把一个很专业化的东西与人分享,或许还 会牵涉到一些跨行业的知识,就像如今餐饮O2O不仅 要懂餐饮还要懂物流,当她遇到这样的咨询者时,她就 需要提前做很多功课,了解对方的行业,才能帮助对方 选择人才、使用人才。

如今,个人品牌正在成为公司人越来越重要的职 场竞争力,它会给你带来更多的发展机会。钱皓原先在 咨询公司工作,因为对互联网风投产生了兴趣,便开始 浏览这方面的信息,同时在微博上做笔记、分享观点。 3年的坚持,让他在微博上有了23万粉丝,也使他完成了 从咨询到创投圈的转型。“应聘之前老板就看了我的微 博、微信账号,这些对我的求职自然是有利的。”如今 钱皓是晨兴资本的投资经理,他会经常利用自己的个人 账号帮晨兴做一些信息分享。

越来越多的例子向我们证明,经营好自己的职业 形象、建立自己的个人品牌已经成为增加公司人职业竞 争力的重要加分项,别人在提到你时会给你贴上哪些 标签也决定了你在人才市场的价值是多少。


1   专业性更强的职能更容易做好个人品牌

行业间的差别是不大的,无论你身处热门行业还 是冷门行业,只要 你的观点独特、理 解深刻、有创造 力,能给别人带来有效信息,就有可能成为别人认可的 “行家”。吴桐甚至认为,在一些冷门领域里,有质量 的观点更容易让公司人建立自己的品牌号召力。

Ruben van den Boer认为,比起行业差异,职业间的 差异或许更值得探讨。相较而言,面向市场、客户这样对个人能力和经验要求更高的职能更容易建立职业品 牌,比如营销、销售、市场等岗位,另一方面,技术为主 的职能也容易让公司人成为icon,当然前提是你要够专 业,且能提供新视角。

2  除了专业和职业,还有其他因素

在建立个人品牌时,你的专业和职业固然重要,并 且可能占了非常主要的因素,但 从另一个角度来说,你的兴趣和知识面、审美和趣味、是否有创造力、做 事风格等等都可能成为你个人品牌的一部分。

3  最好从中层开始

建立个人品牌这件事是有风险的,对于刚入行的职 场新人来说,贸然在公共平台或场合发表自己的观点 并不一定是件好事,反倒可能给人留下不成熟的印象。 “对于入门级职场人,还是应该先积累3至5年,有了一 定经验和成就之后,个人品牌才更有说服力。”Boer给 出这样的建议。

发展到公司中层之后,因为工作内容涉及到组织运 行、公司策略、人员管理,这使得公司人的视野会更广 阔,对于行业内的积累也已丰富,并开始接触到很多跨 行业的知识,这些经验和眼界更能使公司人得到其他 人的信服和认可。

大量信息集中式地生产,让人们觉得自己 不是缺少信息,而是需要有人来告诉他们 哪些信息更有价值。这时,个人品牌能起 到一些作用。

4  而职场新人可以先在公司内建立自己的个人品牌

如果你能像前文提到的几位公司人一样,凭借自己 的专业知识储备在行业中建立口碑固然好,若你还未能 具备这样的能力,其实在自己的工作环境中也可以打造 个人品牌,一些外企把这称为credit,它取决于你的做事 态度、个性、能力、创造力等。它可能最后体现在:当你 的同事想到你时,他们的印象是“这人做事靠谱”还是 “他做事马虎且没有创造力”……

5  把内容放在效率更高的平台

钱皓从2012年开始在微博上分享内容,但到了2013 年,他开始把重心转移到微信上,这比很多同行都早了 一步。“因为我发现人们迁移社交平台背后的核心其实 就是获取信息的效率,哪个平台获取信息效率更高,大 家就往哪里迁移。”正是看准了这点,钱皓预感到微信 或许能取代微博解决信息爆炸后的效率问题。“好的内 容加上好的渠道,才能更有影响力。”

6  哪些内容是值得分享的?

对于公司人来说,经营个人品牌就和做产品经理 一样,要清楚自己的受众是谁?你要向他们传达哪些信 息?如何体现你的差异化?“如果你希望这个领域有更 多人了解你,就多看看这个领域的人都在关心些什么; 如果你希望推动自己有更好的职业发展,就需要多推 一些对所在行业的深度思考。”钱皓的头两份工作是在 咨询行业的两家大公司,之后他去了腾讯做QQ团购的产品经理,“当时我找到了自己的定位差,因为做咨询 的人没时间打理个人品牌,而和互联网行业的人相比, 我的抽象思考能力可能更强一些,因此我会用咨询公司 的分析方法来分析互联网行业中的问题。”

吴桐一开始预期的受众就是一群没有财务基础的 人,因此他在社交平台上写内容前会更多考虑这些用户 的感受。“我会尽量写得清楚易懂,如果遇到很难理解 的事,会举一些大家好懂的例子。”

7  别占用了你的工作时间

在行业中建立个人品牌多是利用工作之余的时间 和精力来完成,如果因此占用了平时正常的工作时间, 显然不妥。Ruben van den Boer经常会帮企业寻找他们 需要的人才,“企业并不希望看到你花太多时间在社交 网络上更新内容,或是在一些职业平台上更新你的个人 简历。”换句话说,这样做会让你的雇主感觉你是企业 里的不稳定因子。

8  如果还在职场,要知道哪些不能说

公司人在做一些案例分析时,难免会提到自己现在 或曾经的工作经历,这时,请捂好你的雇主、前雇主,包 括合作伙伴的商业机密,不仅如此,薪酬福利、独家技 术、内幕信息、规章制度条例等信息也不适合拿出来放 到公共场合说。

9  职业品牌对发展有利,但也不是万能药

个人品牌会是公司人职业发展上的一个加分项, “我会判断这样的候选人会具备额外资源,这个资源 可能是有效的。”作为HR,钱前认为建立自己的个人品 牌会对公司人工作有所帮助,但也不是决定性因素。

Ruben van den Boer说他在帮助企业招人时,更看 重候选人真正的经验,比如具体做过什么项目,获得了 哪些工作成就。而这个人在行业内是否有知名度,只能 作为一个锦上添花的参考项。


  1. 积累行业相关的人脉 了解或关注你个人品牌的人, 往往是对你所在的行业感兴 趣,或是本身就是你的同行。
  1. 提升能力和经验 与同行多交流能让你接触到 很多自身工作中无法碰到的 案例,这些案例有时可以打开 你的视野,帮助公司人积累不 少实践经验。
  1. 带来更多的发展机会 建立个人品牌,换句话说就是 在行业里建立信任度,若别人 提到你时,想到的是专业、创 造力、踏实等关键词,那么谁 不愿意和这样的人合作呢?
  1. 综合能力的提升

建立个人品牌对公司人的信 息收集能力、写作能力、快速 学习能力都有很高的要求,有 时还需要有演讲能力。

Asking for Time off from Work


Inevitably, we all experienced the times when we had to ask for a time off at work for whatever reasons. Yet asking boss for a time off has been regarded as the most nerve-wracking issue by a lot of us. In this episode of Career Builder, Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG Selection is going to share some of his thoughts and experience from an employer and HR specialist’s perspective.

  1. What is the best and efficient way to ask for a time off from work?
  • Give your employer or supervisor a notification as early as you can. It helps them to have an idea of what to be expected as well as the time to make appropriate adjustments.
  • It is never a good time to take a time off, but you still have to take it. Make sure you have gotten the jobs done properly and arranged your work in advance before bringing your request. Gets your result there and then ask the question.
  1. What must we avoid when we are asking for a time off?
  • Ill fake is never an ideal way to ask for time off. It will damage your personal credibility at once if your employer indentifies it. And pretend sickness to ask for annual leave might even jeopardize your job security – 16% of the employers have told that they have fired the malingering staffs after found out their faked illness in an online American survey which 5000 respondents participated.
  • Do not state your application for annual leave as a done deal. The way you express your request also matters a lot. It is rather a immature way to do it.
  1. What are the potential influences asking time off might have in one’s career?
  • Your manner towards the job counts. People would make observations and judgment of what kind of employee you are based on how you apply your time offs. Although it is employees’ entitlements to have their time offs. The ones who give priority to his or her working progress are still often preferred.
  1. What other suggestions would you give from an employer’s perspective regarding to this topic?
  • Good bosses should also encourage the high performers to take some time off. There is nothing wrong about having a rest to sharpen the sward.
  • Good will is earned with any company. As a new comer who just joined for 6 months you need to earn it before wanting to get your payback (annual leave for instance).
  • The No.1 element people want to find out about is their companies not only just care about money or numbers but also truly value the wellbeing of their employees.
Listen to the original radio, please click here: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2015/10/28/3262s901617.htm   

Leave Management is a System Starts from the First Day


What is the most nerve-wracking HR issue? From my past 15 years’ experience in human resource consultant business and numerous conversations I had with over thousands of HR professionals and employers, I have realized it is not the employee recruitment that we often talk about that worries the companies mostly, but the problem caused by staff demission.

There are plenty of possible solutions when a company is lacking of applicants for job vacancies: such as advertising, improvements of pay and conditions or seeking help from third party’s support. Employee leave management, by comparison, could be a really thorny issue for the employers since it is often too late to remedy when your staff already applied for his resignation.

Defective employee exit management

  1. Abomination on separated staffs

The loyalty to employer has been one thing every company valued greatly. It brings me no surprise to witness these hates and blames that have been put on the employees who applied for their resignation, as it is often seen as “betrayal” by the employers.

However, there is actually no necessity to have such hatred on your separated employees. The society we are living today is far different from dozens years ago when your employee might have a life-long career in your company. Your employees’ resignation means nothing but their pursuit for a more suitable career developing environment, just as good as employers dismiss the staffs who no longer fit into the companies’ development. Take you staff’s resignation personal should be the last thing to do when you are having a staff who is still working hard and following company’s policies before his off boarding.

  1. Feel frightened for staffs’ leaving

Based on the aforementioned company mindset, this type of companies tend to simultaneously afraid staff exit as they usually worry about the negative impact the exit would trigger on other staffs’ thoughts internally as well as the jeopardy it might cause on company’s reputation and promotion externally. An example would be the ASUS’s dilemma led by its founder Wei qiXie’s resignation, who had sent an e-mail to the entire manufacturing department and disclosed the cronyism of ASUS’s high level personnel.

The ASUS case shows the damage a high level offbording staff could make. Yet, is it really an issue raised by employee separation? Or is it an unnecessary trouble due to the lack of control on staff’s status observation and relationship management? Being frightened by staff exit would never provide a company any good, as employee turnover itself is always inevitable. But the employers could always minimize the negative affects by implementing the right management strategy to prevent such failure in advance.

  1. Mindless employee exit process

Simple or complicated, every organization has its employee termination process. But it differs quite a lot depends on the genuine purpose you are doing it. No matter how “humanized” your separation interview looks like, it will still bring nothing if you are only doing it to meet the requirements asked by domestic law and do not understand the true significance of such conversation. The employee exit process, and especially the separation interview, could be a great value for employers who understand the importance of it other than simply completing the process to have a leaving certificate, as it offers the best opportunity to understand your staff’s real thought and to optimize your business base on it.

  1. Ignored leaver resource management

A company that operated for years often has more exit staff than their current employees. The value of exit staffs could be immeasurable if a company like this could manage these resources wisely: word of mouth; business referral; talents referral or even let the valuable exit staff to return the company and etc. And all of these are built upon how the company will manage these human resources.

Leaving Management Starts from Onboarding

As mentioned at the start, once your employee is officially applying to leave, it would become very unlikely for the employer to retain the employee from resignation no matter you are offering a salary raise or a heart-to-heart talk. After all, your employee would never leave the job without a thorough consideration. That is also why your “employee termination prevention” is vital.

So where should be the starting point of such prevention? Ideally I will suggest you to start from your new staff’s onboarding stage. The first step is about the background checking. The line manager and relative HR personnel should be aware of the new staff’s personal background including: family information (family structure, occupation, salary, age, parent’s residence and etc.); personal information (educational background, major experiences, interests, permanent address and etc.); the main reason to leave the previous job as well as the motivation to join your company. Despite most of the questions will be asked during the job interview, the line manager often focus only on the job related information instead of candidate’s personal information. However, such information plays a crucial role in terms of preventing your staff from resignation, as it provides you better understandings regarding your subordinates’ status-quo and makes it easier for you to make adjustments upon it and prevent any unnecessary issue that may result in their resignation. Imaging you are the line manager of a staff whose wife is in early stage of pregnancy. Your subordinate is very likely to feel dissatisfied or stressful if you

Humanized offboarding system

There is a large amount of enterprises that are still setting enormous barriers for their offboarding employees, such as: withholding documents, setting penalty, blocking working information, revoking social insurance and etc. In fact, these commonly set barriers could hardly reduce the employee turnover, but turn your exited employees to strangers or even enemies of your company. On the opposite, the director of a famous architecture designing company not only put no blame on his section chief who was job hopping to their competitor’s company but also arranged relative personnel to help him finishing his separation process smoothly and promised to continually paying for his social insurance until the next month to let the leaving staff have a complete social insurance record. “There is nothing wrong about the will to explore the outside world, but come back home if you don’t feel a fit.” The director simply told this to his leaving staff. Accordingly, his reaction receives genuinely appreciation from his staff.

Any negative practice would not bring any benefit to the company. And a humanized separation system helps you greatly to manage an ideal relationship with the employee who left. Make sure you have the cooperative attitude as usual for your employee’s check-out procedure.

The completion of your former employee’s separation procedure in no way indicates the termination of your relationship. On the contrary, the value of rehiring former staff could be even higher than bringing new people. The senior specialist of McKinsey Doc. Malick once said: “the new grasses might appear to be greener, but it is often not the case. It might be hard for employer to find the true value of your employees and make corresponding promise based on it at the first time you hire them. But we often explore a goldmine at the second time.” To be specific, rehiring the old employee could bring great benefit to your organization from 3 perspectives. First of all, hiring the left employees would bring a company more efficiency with less cost. According to Fortune magazine, from new replacement searching to job training, the replacement cost itself is 1.5 times higher than the exit employee’s salary. And this number even goes higher for senior positions’ brain drain. The Fortune 500 are averagely saving 12 million dollars through bringing back the old employees.

The second aspect is about company brand building. Establishing “employee rehiring” policy gives your company an open-minded impression to both your internal staffs and external market. Would you choose an unbiased and professional company with such “returning home” policy or a narrow-minded company that always put blames on their former employees were you a job seeker? I think the answer is obvious. Besides, the returning staffs also imply the superiority of the company. This brings another positive effect to your enterprise as it shows to other current staffs that they might have better career development to stick with you and indirectly reduces employee turnover. Last but not least, bringing back employees who had left before brings an ideal chance to optimize your company’s practice. Use this opportunity to find your companies’ problem regarding management and policies could make positive changes dramatically.

Rehiring separated employee is never about waiting for them to send you their updated CV, but the relationship management after their contracts’ termination. McKinsey & Company is famous for its well-known “McKinsey Alumni”, which is a roster recorded the information of all employees who had left. Another noted example is Bain & Company’s exit staff management story. Bain & Co not runs a database that recorded the information of over 2000 separated employees, but also appointed a supervisor in HR department to tract their old employee’s career development and make updates on their database accordingly. There are many more companies with all kinds of different preferential policies for exit employees. But they are all taking the same benefit of the policies and attracting more core talents to return.

The demission management system for modern corporations is like a never-stopping machine that starts spinning from the moment at the employee’s onboarding stage. The constant operating and updating system offers advance chances for employers in the market as it includes and facilitates the segments of recruiting, training, staff relations and employer branding and brings you huge advantages.

To read the original article, please click: http://ceoworld.biz/2015/10/09/leave-management-is-a-system-starts-from-the-first-day 

Career Builder – Challenge Your Manager


One of the most intractable problems for today’s young professionals is how to ‘challenge’ their superior when there are necessities to express their concerns or advices. But is “challenging” your manager really a terrible thing? How to question your manager in a way that won’t put your job security into risks?  Please listen to this week’s Career Builder, here Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG Selection – a leading Asia focused executive search business, will share his thoughts about the topic “Challenge” your manager’.

  1. Why it’s not terrible to challenge your manager?
  • The best thing about questioning your manager is that it helps you to clarify for yourself and avoids misunderstanding between you and your boss.
  • Building rapport is especially important in Chinese society. And giving useful advices to your manager could actually boost your relationship with your manager if you did it in the right way.
  • Nobody could claim oneself to be perfect. The definition of successful manager is someone that is always seeking the opportunity to get to know the truth and the chances for improvements. As a manager, you will always need the necessary advices and aids to maximize the team efficiency and let yourself become a better leader. You can be helpful to your manager by questioning him or her.
  • A wise leader does not necessarily to be the one who is best in the field, but an expert who is good at accepting different points of views and absorbing the essence of other employees’ best advices. Consequently, there is no need to be afraid of doing such thing.
  1. What are the tips for young people to challenge the seniors without having the risk of losing their job?
  • Avoid uncertainty and always make sure that your ‘challenge’ has detailed suggestion which could actually help your manager to make improvements based on your advice. You don’t come to your supervisor with your angry complains without giving any constructive advice.
  • Communication skill is really essential in China, where the notion of ‘Face’ plays a crucial role in the business world. Make sure to communicate with your manager in an indirect tongue to minimizing the potential embarrassment. It is wise to make your suggestion focus on the problem you are questioning rather than the person who caused the problem.
  • Try to communicate with your manager in a private environment where no one else is around.
  • Have a good judgment of what kind of boss you are having. The significance of knowing your superior’s managing style is even more important in China.
  1. So what should I do when I am having a manager that is not reasonable?
  • There is always plenty of promising career opportunities for smart people. Leaving the job when you cannot see any potential improvement of the status quo is a considerably good move.
  • Often you will not meet the serious standard to change the job. A compromised way of questioning this kind of boss is to find a good timing and a buffer zone.
  1. As a manager, how to get useful suggestion with better ideas from your employee?
  • Have trust in your staffs
  • Do not take any rational feedback personally. Asuccessful manager should encourage feedbacks from his or her employees constantly. It is important to have a good company culture and not to let your staffs fear to question.
  • Do not suppress the young people in your company. Compare with senior staffs, the new graduates and young employees are often less biased and do not have the baggage from previous working experience. The encouragement for them to speak out is the spirit for them later to delivery really constructive advices. Simultaneously, the space you gave to people to speak could also bring you a lower turnover rate by increasing their commitment to the company.

Listen to this episode of Career Builder on CRI: http://english.cri.cn/7146/2015/08/05/3481s890421.htm
