Tag Archives: Interview

【HR视点】如何在面试中表现最好的自己?How to show the best of us during the interview?


All job seekers want to present the best side of themselves during a job interview. However, the more we want to present ourselves, the more difficult it is for us to express ourselves. During the process of job seeking, employers always assess an interviewee based on educational background, professional knowledge, project experience, team cooperation capability, communication skills and so on. So how to show the capability that the employers are most focused on during the interview? Robert Parkinson, the founder and CEO of RMG Selection shared his views in his latest interview with HR Insight.


Key factors that employers care the most in a job interview: professional knowledge/skills, communication skills and education background

在2015年4月份发布的RMG Recruitment Insider 报告中显示,雇主们在面试中关注度最高的前三项因素为专业知识和技能,沟通能力和教育背景,被关注度分别为66.9%,50.2%和41.4%;而关注度最低的两项则为与公司相符的价值观和证书与荣誉,被关注度为15.5%和10.5%。这项调查是由近600名中国大陆公司HR经理及招聘经理完成的,旨在调查2015年第一季度各行业及公司的招聘状况与薪酬情况。该调查清晰显示,中国雇主更关心应聘者实际应用的能力,与西方雇主非常关心文化与价值观的作风截然相反。也就是说,如果你希望给中国雇主一个完美的面试印象,要多在专业知识和技能和沟通能力方面下功夫!

HR & Line managers have different views in a job interview



Communication skills vary in different interview occasions


Author: Robert Parkinson, RMG Selection –  CEO & 创始人

About Recruitment Insider Survey 

RMG Recruitment Insider Survey is a detailed China-wide quarterly view on hiring. The data is collected from 10 different types of the companies in 10+ key Chinese cities in 20 core industry sectors. All the result we collect come from key individuals, i.e.: HR executives, line managers or the C Suite.. The survey presents details of the recruitment in each quarter of those surveyed, including headcount numbers, salary package details, salary rise increase levels, and demand for new staff.. Considering that the first quarter is a special period for the whole year’s hiring, we also put some questions about campus recruitment in the survey.


Career Builder – The Interview Before Interview


After you sent out your well prepared CV, what thing that you are looking forward? A notice of a face to face interview, right? Please wait a moment, there is a very important part missed by you. The telephone interview. What’s more, sometimes you even didn’t realize that you just did a telephone interview. Robert Parkinson, CEO and Founder of RMG Selection on CRI talked about how to do a telephone interview.

Listen to the original program (in part 2)

  1. Should I prepare for telephone interview?

Many reasons……….here are some of the most important:

  • 90% tel interview happens before the face to face interview. It can be a double check with the follow interviews. If you think the face to face interview important, then the tel interview does.
  • F to F interview happens when you know. But the tel interview happens suddenly (through it you can know when and where to go for FF interview)… So it’s even more important that you have prepared for tel interview
  • The conditions when you have the tel interview are not certain – in a noisy environment or any urgent situations.
  • You can only use your voice and saying to react. There is no eye-contact or body language.
  • It’s shorter. Less time and chance to show yourself.
  • And easy to be ignore – a notice call could be a telephone interview too
  • A small part tel interviews happen when the location or time cannot be matched well. This type of tel interviews is almost same with face to face interview. We will discuss in other issues.
  1. What questions will HR ask in the telephone interview before we meet?

Questions can be:

  • What’s your current situation – on job or leave?
  • Why do you want to leave current position?/ Why did you leave your last company?
  • Why do you want to join us?
  • Your understanding to the position
  • Tips of answering via phone: simple & accurate & show your listening


  • Prepare pen and paper while talk
  • Stand up – yes, your voice will be more energetic when you stand to talk
  • Be prepared for all of common questions
  • Pay special attention on your voice. Show a positive, dedicated and friendly attitude.
  • Use gesture while talk in phone – your voice will be more natural when you do that. The more natural you are, the more HR will like you.
  • Use simple and clear words


  • Don’t treat it as a cheat – even the HR say it is. It’s a interview and can decide if you apply successfully.
  • Don’t answer in a noisy place. It’s very annoying to call somebody when you have to repeat every sentence 3 times
  • Don’t answer in a place with bad signal.
  • Don’t speak too quick – make sure others can hear you very clear
  • Don’t forget to double check all of key information that you two mentioned in the call
  • Don’t forget a thank you email to follow up with HR even it’s just a notice call.

An example of polite way to answer notice call:

HR: Good morning, are you Mr.XYZ?

Mr.XYZ: Yes, it’s me. Who is calling me?

HR: Here’s HR department of AAA company

Mr: Nice to talk with you! May I go to a quitter place? (and find pen & paper)

HR: Yes please.

HR: I’m calling you to invite you for a job interview tomorrow. Will you be convenient from 2~6 pm tomorrow?

Mr.XYZ: It’s good for me too. Would you please give me the address detail? I can write down now.

HR: Sure. The address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Mr.XYZ: OK. Let me double check. Is the place XXXXXXXXXXXXXX? Is the time 2 to 6 pm?

HR: Correct.

Mr.XYZ: Thank you. Do you think anything I should bring with me together tomorrow? Like a printed CV or certificates?

HR: No. Just make sure you come on time. We will have a group interview.

Mr.XYZ: No problem. I’ll be there on time!

  1. If it is just a notice call, shall I ask money in via phone?
  • Those questions are usually asked by foreigners or Chinese graduates from overseas
  • Don’t ask money, especially when you applied a position in Chinese company
  1. What are the things that you must clarify with HR during the call?
  • For Chinese, better to confirm wearing requirements
  • For foreigners, better to ask traffic near the company and walking time between the nearest bus/subway station to the company.

Professional Etiquette – RMG Senior Consultant on Beijing Radio

一条关于在咖啡馆进行的面试结束后该由哪一方来付帐的微博近日引起了网民的争论,现在我们也来关注一下面试礼仪和技巧的话题。Job interviews can be very stressful. Interview techniques may help you to build confidence and increase the chance of being hired. Our Christine talks to Cecilia Li, senior consultant of RMG International Business Consulting Co. Ltd, about interview techniques, let’s find out more.

Listen to the radio: http://am774.rbc.cn/netfm/english_service/

Exclusive Interview of RMG – Profession Vane – RMG CEO on Beijing Radio

眼看这个金秋十月马上就要过去了,每年的十月也是一个跳槽的小高峰。 Starcy近日有幸采访到了RMG罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson 先生,他将就一个目前职场上出现的新动向,做一个细致的讲解。比如近日,《才富》在智通人才网上发起关于职场“回头马”调查,300多名网友参与调查,近五成(47.06%)网友表示自己曾经有过“回头马”的经历或正有意向成为“回头马”。 同时也有31.38%的企业HR愿意向“回头马”抛出橄榄枝,希望其回归老东家。但回马枪杀不好可是会反伤自己的,在这过程中员工要注意什么?企业如何建立好的制度找回最合适的人?让罗迈国际RMG的顾问告诉你。 Listen more: http://am774.rbc.cn/netfm/english_service/movie/201211/t20121108_692866.htm

Mock Interview – RMG HR Manager on 21st Century

上期面试问题由罗迈国际商务咨询的人力资源经理Sandrene Fu女士提出:

When it comes to working for a company what do you think is your biggest weakness?

And how do you plan to get over it

My weakness is that I tend to push myself too much. I might try too hard to make everything perfect in a project or task. This can put pressure on myself and be a burden to my co-workers.

Read the whole article: http://paper.i21st.cn/story/75717.html

Read the magazine:  https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_21st_c_apr_sf_1.jpg
