Tag Archives: RMG Selection

HR: What to Do for Employee Retention in 2013

According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report conducted from January to March in 2013 by RMG Selection, it is shown that amongst over 2000 respondents, the proportion of job hopping reached 32% in 2012. The proportion of people who increased their demand to change their jobs in 2013 reaches up to 43%.  I have to say that the number makes me think of employee retention again, which is quite a bothersome topic to many other companies too. So what can we do to keep them?

Firstly, I have to clarify that keeping staff members does not equate to keeping everybody. A low turnover rate does not mean that the company is performing well in keeping staff members. In this regard, it can be explained by the Pareto Law  that only 20% of people create 80% the value of a company. Therefore, we should only keep those valuable employees. By improving the professional durability of the valuable and enhancing the mobility of the invaluable, a company can stay healthy and dynamic. According to research conducted by RMG Selection among over 200 long-term clients, the recommended turnover rate of the 20% core staff members is only 4%.

In general, the strategy of keeping staff members should be considered both psychologically and materially. Recently, people have been paying more attention to psychological measures. However, the material measure which plays an important role is somehow neglected. Although the incentive of salary increases merely last for less than half a year, the material strategy is still the base due to its existence and rationality instead of its quantity. In this regard, even if you pay more attention to the psychological needs of your staff members, without proper pay raises it is still difficult to ask them to stay.

Most companies have a salary raise system, but it might not be easy to decide the range. Actually, the range of pay raise reflects, to a large extent, the recognition towards the staff members in the year or in the recent period. Specific assessment and step construction can provide great satisfaction for excellent staff members. Therefore, high pay raises should be issued for the excellent employees, while the unqualified ones should not be rewarded in this case. The amount of salary increase needs to refer to the expectations of employees in job hopping.

According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report, the pay raise expectations are listed below.

  • 34% employees expect around 20% to 30% salary increase
  • 28% employees expect around 30% to 50% salary increase
  • Only 17% employees expect 10% salary increase
Excluding the cost consumed in changing jobs, companies may offer a 30% salary increase for those who rank among the top 5% in the performance appraisal based on their own financial conditions. Following a step-decreasing trend, the 5% at the bottom should be considered to be knocked out.

Additionally, diversified material incentives- including annual bonus, training, traveling, and transportation, communication and house subsidies have become the primary choice of many companies.  It is worth mentioning that by taking some humanized steps one can get twice the result with half the effort. Take RMG Selection as an instance; more than 50% of the workforce is female. Last year, one of the female employees was hurt accidentally in a fight on the subway. The human resource department immediately suggested that any female staff members who wanted to practice self-defense should be able to learn it in a sparring club nearby. What is more, half of the cost should be borne by the company. In this case, whether the employee attended the club or not, the influence was quite positive.

As for the psychological measures, an environment where employees can grow up very fast should be created so that they would like to stay in the company willingly. In order to create such an environment, a company should make it clear to every employee about its expectations in the first place. To be specific, the employee should be clear about the expectation of the company, how to achieve the expectation, as well as what kind of results should be gained. Moreover, once employees meet the expectation, they know that they will be rewarded. In this regard, every employee will reduce the time of doing unnecessary work in such an environment and system. Employees will look forward to a bright future. Additionally, a manager should respect his or her employees by using proper language and behaviour. It is not really difficult to make it if you viewpoints are from two aspects. Firstly, encouragement towards small progress should be enhanced. Secondly, before you want to start a conversation or take actions with your employees you should think about whether your words or behaviour would discourage them. Over time, employees can feel the positive recognition from the company and the leader. Last but not the least, besides the number of conversations specified between the line manager and the employee, cross-level communication channels, especially private meetings should be added so that the communication process becomes so much easier. The human resource department should bear part of the responsibility to communicate with employees. Regular conversations  with employees should be arranged, which develops the single-line communication channel to a multi-line tridimensional system.

As this is a vast country,  more attention is paid to the cross-regional employees’ retention issue in China. Not only do more and more companies develop branch offices in different cities, but the job hopping choices of people are not limited. According to the China Talent-Flow Survey Report, over 70% of people would like to work in other cities if there are good opportunities. Among them, the proportion of males is 10% higher than that of the females. The data is actually good news for nonlocal recruitment, which is also the basis of keeping employees in different cities. Even for those aged around 31 and 40, who are often regarded as the most family-oriented people, 5% of them could work in other cities. According to our research, the reason why some talents would resign is that they hope to return to their hometown or they would like to work in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. If the human resource department is able to effectively develop the potential of current staff members, not only could the talent-loss be saved, shortage of manpower in new offices can be solved as well.

Here’s good example could learn something from:

United Technologies Corp (UTC) is one of the largest manufacturing companies all over the globe. In July 2012, the acquisition of Goodrich by UTC was finalized; Goodrich and Hamilton Sundstrand got combined to form UTC Aerospace Systems, a world leader offering integrated technologies and systems for the aerospace and defense industries with more than 40,000 employees around the world. According to Cindy, human resource manager of UTC Aerospace Systems in Tianjin, an internal recruitment net is designed and developed by the human resource department. Internal employees can apply for jobs in different cities or subsidiaries or even abroad positions inside UTC. This system meets the needs of those employees who hope to develop in other regions. The application also will not be noticed by the people who are not from the human resource department. Only when the recruitment is accepted, will the notice be sent to the line manager. In this way, the enthusiasm of the employee can be guaranteed.

Employee retention is a long-lasting and extensive issue. On the premise of the guaranteed fairness, different measures should be developed towards different classes, regions and functions by the human resource department. For instance, it is indicated in the report from RMG Selection that last year the flow rate  gap amongst different functional departments reached 30%. The highest one was government affairs (55%), while the lowest belonged to the IT industry (18%). Therefore, by improving and practicing constantly we can keep those valuable employees.

By Robert Parkinson

What is China Talent Flow Survey?-RMG Selection

RMG Selection is launching the China Talent Flow Survey the 2nd Edition.
  • Have you ever wonder why youre employee leave?
  • Do you know what is the most attractive industry in China?
  • Is it the right time for you to change your job? Where to?
Find out  more about your questions and answers in the Talent Flow Survey Video. 罗迈国际发布了中国人才流动调查第二期。
  • 您的员工为什么离职?
  • 什么是中国最热门的行业?
  • 是否应该换考虑跳槽?

China Talent Flow

Click here to watch the video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTc1Mjc5Nzgw.html    

Hardest job hunting season for college graduates-CRI

This year, nearly 6.99 million students will graduate from college, an increase of 190,000 compared with 2012. This number is the highest since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.One of the most important indexes of employment, the job contract signing rate, is on a downward slope compared with last year, indicating 2013 will be a tough year for graduates.Watch the video about the interview with Robert Parkinson, founder of RMG Selection, sharing his views about this job huntting year for college students   与2012年相比,今年的毕业生总数(699万)又增长了19万。这是自1949年建国以来毕业生数量最多的一年。作为最重要的就业指标之一,今年的签约率呈现出急剧下降的趋势,这意味着2013年将成为毕业生就业最艰难的一年。你对于中国毕业生艰难的就业形势有何看法呢?即刻点击链接,观看罗迈国际CEO Robert Parkinson在中国国际广播电台节目中的独家看法吧: CRI Watch the video on: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY3NTU0NTQ0.html Or listen to the interview on:  http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/05/27/2861s767175.htm#sthash.EIQ37j4G.dpuf  

Head-hunters marching into state-owned enterprises – HRM ASIA

Head-hunters marching into state-owned enterprises?

According to the China Talents-Flow Survey by RMG Selection, nearly a third(32%) of employees in state-owned enterprises(SOEs) had changed their jobs last year. Of those, half found their jobs through headhunting.

The survey found that 60% employees willing to change jobs through job head-hunters. Online recruitment and friends’ recommendation accounted for 24% and 13%. As seen in the flow of tanlens, the corperate head-hunter is playing a increasely important role.

Where preciously SOEs easily acquired their own staff, they now face tougher competition from the private sector. The survey found that 35% employees of SOEs choose to accept their roles via a heathunting connection. For employees in US and European firms in China, head-hunters and recruitment agencies are undoubtedly the preferred choice, accounting for 72% of the total jobs changes.

More than half of employees think that calls from head-hunters are professional oppotunities, and trust is extended even further for employees at larger firms.

Over 40% of employees in companies of less than 1000 staffs think that headhunters are credible job sources; while over 55% employees in companies of over 1000 staffs think the same.

Robert Parkinson, the CEO of RMG Selection thinks that the headhunting companies in China vary in quality, with only a small number of them having professional work  procedures and genuine guidance and training toward candidates.

“Although the business is becoming more and more mature, how to select professional partners will be a big challenge for most employers and job seekers in the future.” says Parkinson.

猎头开始进军国有企业?HRM ASIA在本期的文章中引用了罗迈国际商务咨询公司的最新调查,在其发表的中国人才流动报告中显示,已经有近32%的国有企业员工于去年跳槽。而在他们之中,有近一半的人是通过猎头找到的新工作。让我们跟随罗迈国际CEO Robert Parkinson先生来了解更多相关内容吧。

HRM Asia - TFS News(small)

Workplace issues of freelancers – CBN Weekly

work and freelancer

How should individual freelancers do to manage their work lives? If they want to go back to workplace, what should they pay attention to? All of the answers are showed in 251st CBNweekly, which discusses about career development and planning of freelancers, and how should they catch oppotunities. Rooty (Likun) Xu, senior recruitment consultant of RMG Selection, was interviewed by CBN weekly for this topic.







本期职场,《第一财经周刊》将与罗迈国际资深顾问徐力琨 (Rooty Xu from RMG Selection)、中智人力资源管理咨询有限公司常务副总经理应利以及中智上海外企服务公司福利保障部经理张燕华一起,围绕自由职业这个话题展开讨论,给那些准备单干的公司人们一些切实有用的建议,以及提醒大家注意一些可能被忽视的问题。

A 什么样的人适合自由职业 What type of people can be freelancers? 

目标 In terms of target



职业能力 In terms of capability 



个性 In terms of characteristics


另外罗迈国际资深顾问徐力琨 (Rooty) 强调自由职业者需要外向、沟通能力强,并且具有融合性。这是因为,在企业里工作每个人只需要负责自己单一的领域,“例如在企业里做科研,你可能只需要钻研于研究工作。”徐力琨说。发展也是直线上升的。而自由职业者需要同时兼任自己的销售、市场、人事、会计等工作。自由职业者更需要推销自己,拓展自己的买方市场。


B 自己如何缴纳社会保障 How should freelancers take care of their social insurance issues? 




此外,徐力琨 (Rooty) 还建议自由职业者在缴纳常规社保的同时,可以选择购买一些商业保险,为自己增添保障。




生育保险:徐力琨 (Rooty) 提醒,生育保险的缴纳相对麻烦一些。自由职业者如果希望能够享受生育保险,最好不要中断缴纳。因为如果曾中止过缴纳生育保险一个月或两个月,那么,需要满足在断档之前缴满9个月,并且恢复缴纳之后连续缴满12个月,才能拿到这笔保险。




C 如何获得人脉和信息 How to build up network and get useful information? 

为自己做Marketing  You need to do marketing for yourself




通过各种渠道收集信息 Collection information via different channels



D 如果重回职场 How to return back to career life at companies? 

心理调整 Adjust one’s mental status






求职注意事项 Pay attention to job seeking 

徐力琨 (Rooty)表示,自由职业者在重回企业的过程中往往会在简历和面试中犯一些错误。最突出的一条就是对自由职业经历的描述,以及为何希望回到企业工作的原因。比如有人是因为遇到财政危机,但在面试时对于这个原因轻描淡写。“这事实上对求职者是不利的。雇主想问出些东西,重点不在于你做自由职业是成功或失败,目的是让大家都能接受你重回职场的理由。”徐力琨说。


回到企业的优势 Be clear about your advantages



Read more: http://www.cbnweek.com/v/article?id=3184
