Tag Archives: RMG Selection

Culture Shock Is No Shock

111 Culture Shock Is No Shock By Robert Parkinson-CEO of RMG Selection

This article is about the new expat-executive in China. I am writing to offer my perspective on what it’s like to be the new boy (or girl) in a country that some people regard as the embodiment of culture shock itself.

First I’m going to talk about two typical situations that I have encountered over 10 years in the country. Then I’m going to offer some analysis. These are just my opinions, but I hope you find them helpful.

All Change!

The first pattern of expat-behavior which I have experienced as a new GM in China, and heard repeated by many others, is the “All Change Please” mentality. The confident expat is “pumped up” at being sent to “one of our most important markets,” delighted to have a chauffeur (how many middle managers have drivers in the West?), and still flush with the afterglow of flying at the front, or at least the middle of the plane. She or he wants to do one thing and one thing only: MAKE THEIR MARK! (If you’re British) KICK SOME BUTT (If you’re an American) or DEAL WITH ISSUES! (If you’re from down-under).

Logically, relocating to a place like China is something of a high-profile position so there is a natural desire to impress others and get results. However do keep the following in mind:

The road to Sino-Success is littered with the souls of expats who go back early or whose contracts are not renewed because they “fixed what wasn’t broken.” If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.

In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey says you should listen first; then you’ll be listened to. This is just logical — but it’s amazing how many people do not do this, and nowhere is it more appropriate than China.

It is true that Western culture and Asian culture are different. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you have to change what you do 180 degrees, but you certainly do have to respect the people (and their communication preferences, which I will address later).

The following is a good example for illustration. Imagine working in London, for a Chinese boss who speaks to you in Mandarin. If your boss insisted that the “British way” did not work in Britain, how would you react? I would think he needed mental health treatment. Isn’t it true that many foreigners make exactly this mistake in China?


The second misperception which runs right through my network of GM level connections, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises, is that one of your biggest challenges is the “head-office.” An experienced businessman I know well, who has had enormous and repeated successes, says, “I’ve been doing business in China for 10/12/15 years (etc),” and that simply is not the case. Getting on a plane three times a year and coming to China for a week is not “doing business here.” It’s a tiny, jetlagged glimpse through a tiny crack in a window. This is not the real-time real-life day-to-day understanding of a community/country that you get from living somewhere.

The problem, of course, is that head-office believes it is. They think they do “get it” and that they are qualified to make judgements about “your market,” and actually they are – a bit – because what they lack in ground-level understanding, they gain in perspective.

Here are some points to think about:

Congratulations. You are now officially a juggler. Your job is not to general-manage, it’s to manage (cope) with the expectations of the local staff (and of course you spend your first two years tripping over your own mistakes — I know I did) and the demands of head-office. You are now more therapist than general manager. Congratulations again.

Whoever said running a business was unambiguous?  There will be things that never make sense. Get used to it. Ambiguity is part of the job. One major U.S. computer manufacturer actually tests for “ability to handle ambiguity” as an HR competency

Remember who you actually have to live and work with on a day-to-day basis.

Remember who pays for your driver and biz-class flights.

Ten Years on

Ten years after moving to this wonderful, crazy, frenetic, confusing, engaging place that’s called the People’s Republic of China, I consider that I have learned a few things that I’d like to share:

Yes, there are cultural differences, but there are far more similarities…however…

… Chinese culture is ancient, really ancient. Do you really think you can reverse how people intuitively think and do business? Remember my earlier Chinaman in London story.

I think the key point is listening and communication. Don’t obsess over getting “your own way,” obsess with being seen as someone who will listen (by the way, I still remind myself of this daily, and I am no expert).

Following on from the last point, DO NOT turn your internal company relationships into “us & them” situations where it’s your local staff vs. the head-office. This is fatal. We’re all people working for the same company, with the same goals. We will have the same basic needs.

The more interested you are in China, the more interested you’ll become.

Learn more Chinese. Just being able to order beer is not enough.

There you go. I hope this is useful to you. Good luck.

Read the original link at: http://www.chinatoday.com.cn/english/life/2014-08/05/content_633245.htm

APAC GR 2014

  gr award We are delighted to announce that RMG Selection is shortlisted in the following awards in APAC Global Recruiters this year! •Best Marketing Campaign •Best Job Board •Best Recruitment Consultant Introduction of Global Recruiters Awards APAC: The Global Recruiter Asia Pacific Industry Awards are a unique opportunity for the recruitment industry to celebrate its achievements in this part of the world. With a judging panel drawn from local and global experts, these highly regarded awards secure greater recognition for individual recruiters and companies, attracting potential new clients and cementing reputations across the industry. RMG in Global Recruiters APAC 2013: • Best Recruitment Consultant – Winner (Lilly Di Cao) •Best Small Recruitment Business – Highly Commended •Best In-house Training – Highly Commended •Best Marketing Campaign – Highly Commended We are quite looking forward to the award ceremony on October in Singapore!

号外号外!罗迈国际(RMG Selection)成功入围2014 年环球招聘者亚太区以下奖项:

1.      最佳市场企划

2.      最佳求职平台

3.      最佳招聘顾问



罗迈国际2013年环球招聘者亚太区获奖情况: 1.      最佳招聘顾问——获奖者,Lilly Di Cao 2.     最佳小型招聘企业——最佳提名(二等奖) 3.     最佳内部培训——最佳提名(二等奖) 4.     最佳市场企划——最佳提名(二等奖)



Jenny Sun, Principle Consultant of RMG Selection, was interviewed by CBN Weekly to analyze the talent demand condition in the third quarter of 2014 based upon data from the 2013 RMG Talent Flow Survey. To read the original post, please clickhttp://www.yicai.com/news/2014/07/3989640.html 第三季度人才需求报告 摘要:从全国范围看,大公司在第三季度的招聘需求继续保持稳定,其中北京地区的就业市场最为乐观。 文|CBN记者 胡昱 cbn 对很多公司人来说,或许只有在考虑换工作的时候,才会去关注人才市场的行情,但如果从更专业的角度来看,招聘和求职的市场行情其实是一个始终变化的动态存在,很有必要对其保持适度的敏感性。 许多专业的人力咨询机构会定期发布招聘或求职市场的前景预期调查报告,以数据调研为基础对人才市场进行总结和预测,既是给公司的招聘建议,也是给公司人的求职参考。《第一财经周刊》计划在职场栏目推出这样一个新系列,我们将定期采集各大人力资源机构发布的报告,进行深入全面的报告解读,帮助公司人了解求职市场的现实情况,这是这个系列的第一期。 《2014年第三季度万宝盛华雇佣前景调查报告》以中国内地的4271家公司为研究对象,统计了它们在未来三个月内招聘和裁员的意愿。这份报告显示,中国内地企业第三季度的净雇佣前景指数为+14%,与上一季度相比下降了1%。与2013年同期相比,上升了1%。 首先让我们明确一下什么是净雇佣前景指数。它的计算方法是用某个区域内期望增加员工人数的雇主比例减去期望减少员工数量的雇主比例,可以直观反映出未来一段时间内的就业前景是否乐观。 对于公司人来说,这些数据能帮助大家更好地从人力资源角度去理解因为国家政策和经济形势变化所引起的人才需求变化,并作为职业选择时的参考。 关于第三季度的招聘需求趋势,《第一财经周刊》采访了相关的人力资源专家,对这一季度可能产生的就业前景变化做出分析和预判,希望对你有所帮助。 A 不同区域的企业招聘需求变化 华南地区企业招聘信心略有减弱 根据万宝盛华集团(中国)的报告,华南区域第三季度的净雇佣前景指数为+13%,季度间相比下降了2%。万宝盛华集团(中国)董事总经理张锦荣表示,这个数据变化值得公司人注意。 华南地区集中了中国大部分的制造企业,主要以劳动密集型的服装鞋帽和电子电器产业为主。近几年电子电器产业发展更加迅速,同时,大部分服装鞋帽企业也完成了品牌化,产业结构已经基本调整完毕,因此华南地区的雇佣指数长期都属于稳中有升的状态。张锦荣认为第三季度数据的变化主要来自两方面的原因。首先是持续的劳动力成本上升,企业很难招到合适的员工,“富士康已经换了五个城市,”张锦荣说,“工厂从东莞搬到郑州,企业的人力成本会下降30%。”另一个原因来自劳动争议引发的社会心理的变化,以裕元鞋厂为代表的企业员工罢工事件使得华南地区的公司招聘信心减弱。 华中及华西区域的招聘需求较为稳定 华中及华西地区近几年完成了包括上下游的全产业转移,当地土地和劳动力价格对于公司来说都很有竞争力,因此这几年吸引了大量企业进入,2010年至2012年期间的净雇前景佣指数曾一度超过+50%,经过这几年的发展,当地纷纷建立起设施完善的开发区,企业招聘情况趋于稳定。因此张锦荣认为,尽管该区域公司的招人意愿不如前几年产业转移时那么强烈,但总体情况还比较乐观,净雇佣前景指数为+11%。 全国各区域间的招聘需求目前较为乐观 从全国范围来看,第三季度公司的招聘需求仍然较为活跃,与上个季度相比,没有显著变化。张锦荣认为,中国正步入转型的关键时期,政府已在加速发展铁路建设和保障性住房搭建,同时帮助小型企业减税,从而支持趋弱的商业环境。中国经济稳步增长的基础尚不牢固,而内部增长的动力仍需增强。 B 不同城市的企业招聘需求变化 调查中我们也发现,在众多城市中,北京的公司招聘需求最大,净雇佣前景指数为+18%,是五大城市之首。同时,深圳的招募需求较稳定,净雇佣前景指数为+16%,与上一季度相比,下滑了3%,与2013年同期相比,雇佣预期保持相对稳定。上海和成都的公司在未来三个月预计也将稳步增长企业的员工数量。 北京的雇佣前景很乐观 从报告中可以看到,北京企业在第三季度的招聘需求预计呈现出2012年第四季度以来的最强态势。与2014年第二季度相比,净雇佣前景指数上升了2%;与2013年第三季度相比,上升了3%。 张锦荣分析,在整体经济下滑的大背景下,北京人才市场的这种变化主要还是来自于政策变化带来的信心:一方面与河北的经济一体化建设需要在地铁、公路等基础设施方面进行投入,这将带来大量的就业机会;另一方面北京也在进行产业结构调整。“现在是北京产业升级的关键阶段,北京将加快尖端产业的体系建设。”张锦荣说,“传统产业的创新转型、新兴产业的增长以及产业结构的进一步完善,这些都是促成北京就业市场乐观的原因。” 成都公司人的跳槽意愿强烈 与华西区域的情况相对应,整个西南地区近几年完成了包括上下游的全产业转移,经济发展趋于稳健,成都作为其中的代表,雇佣指数相对较低,企业用人的需求并不像之前那么强烈,因此其第三季度的净雇佣前景指数为+9%。 但另一个发现表明成都的公司人目前已经习惯了这种高速发展带来的机遇。根据罗迈国际商务咨询公司发布的《2013中国人才流动调查报告》,从2013年开始,成都希望换工作的人数居高不下,比2012年上升了近 30%,罗迈国际商务咨询公司资深顾问孙慧娟认为,在成都举行的2013年《财富》全球论坛是鼓舞成都人换工作的契机,大家都认为各行业在迅速发展,有大量新工作机会。对于这些公司人来说必须注意现在时机的变化,了解到企业招人意愿在下降。换句话说,现在已经不是换工作的好时候了。 企业想要跨城市吸引人才仍有难度 我们曾经做过新一线的职场调查,从一线城市向新一线城市转移也许是未来越来越明显的趋势,但现阶段一线城市仍表现出相当的人才号召力。 根据科锐国际《2014中国人才景气报告·雇员》显示:61%的领导层人员和57%的专业员工仍然希望留在一线城市工作,对一线城市的公司人而言,“职业发展机会”是促使他们留在一线城市的主要原因之一。目前大多数知名的中外企业总部仍然集中在一线城市,因此留在一线城市对于很多公司人来说意味着更好的职业发展。 一线城市人才对于去二三线城市工作的另一个顾虑是出于地域文化的差异和家人的安置。 科锐国际人力资源有限公司高级业务总监曾诚举例说,科锐曾经为一家500强企业在成都的分公司成功从一线城市寻找到高管,过程中,它们除了向这位高管澄清职业发展机会,还必须帮助他了解成都当地文化、风俗、生活成本、城市发展规划等,并协助这名高管安置家人。 而对于本身就在二三线城市的公司人而言,“接近家人”是他们希望一直留在二三线城市的主要原因。 C 不同行业的企业招聘需求变化 从行业来看,参与万宝盛华集团(中国)调查的金融、保险及房地产业、制造业、矿业及建筑业、服务业、运输及公用事业(1505.516, -1.84, -0.12%)、批发及零售业等6大行业的公司均不同程度地对2014年第三季度做出较积极的招聘预期。服务行业的招聘需求最高,净雇佣前景指数为+15%,与上季度相比,净雇佣前景指数上升了1个百分点,与2013年同期相比保持不变。另外,批发及零售业和制造业的净雇佣前景指数均为+14%,运输及公用事业的净雇佣前景指数为+11%,而金融、保险及房地产行业、矿业及建筑业的净雇佣前景指数分别为+8%和+7%。 服务业是第三季度雇佣指数最高的行业 根据万宝盛华集团(中国)的报告,第三季度服务业招聘需求最大,净雇佣前景指数从第二季度的+14%上升到+15%。张锦荣认为,这主要和整体政策变化有关。中国正通过不断推进商业服务业来重组经济结构,拉动国内需求并提高就业机会,从而使中国经济不过分依赖制造业,因此发展商业服务业,如设计与开发、科研、营销与售后服务等都将被设为未来的重点。 建筑业求职行情不太乐观 第三季度矿业和建筑业的净雇佣前景指数下降得最为明显,季度间相比,大幅下降了10%,这主要和房地产业趋冷相关。中国经济近年来非常依赖房地产行业,它对GDP的贡献和社会就业的拉动非常重要,因此如今房地产行业的不景气也直接影响了下游的许多行业。 零售、运输、金融和制造业较第二季度均有下降 零售、运输、金融和制造业的净雇佣前景指数分别都下降了3%。张锦荣认为,这与整体经济形势变差有关,这些行业变动和经济形势趋冷的曲线吻合。同时,他也指出制造业中的高端制造业会提升一些雇佣指数,“高端制造业的蓬勃发展带动了经济重组与升级的步伐,这将带来巨大的人才需求,并为2014年的727万高校毕业生提供更多的就业机会。”张锦荣说。 D 最紧缺的三类职位 根据万宝盛华集团(中国)对于2013年人才短缺调查的统计,2013年中国内地最难填补职位的前三位分别是技术人员、销售代表和管理层/高级管理人员,这个趋势在2014年还会持续。值得注意的是,技术人员和销售代表已连续第二年排名前二。 另外,统计也显示工程师、销售经理等岗位也连续两年排在十大紧缺职位里,万宝盛华集团大中华区董事总经理徐玉珊表示:“销售人员助推企业业绩增长,他们的作用至关重要,但销售一直以来都是最难填补的职位之一。另外,此次调查结果也反应了雇主对工程师的供应不足感到压力,面对基建及铁路项目的蓬勃发展,工程师已连续八年成为人才紧缺职位。” 本文原载于一财网,阅读原文请点击: http://www.yicai.com/news/2014/07/3989640.html

Why Am I Drawn to a City of Smog?

Why Am I Drawn to a City of Smog?


Staring out the window on a rainy Sunday, I have to say that life is a bit boring here. By “here” I am referring not to Beijing, but my quiet hometown in the U.K. This is no longer surprising to me. Recently several journalists interviewed me, asking if the thick smog would cause a massive outflow of expats from China. After reading the dismal reports from foreign news agencies, I decided it’s time to explain how I feel about smog after 10 years in Beijing.

Economic Meltdown?

Although the European economy has been shaky for the past two years, many Europeans still look forward eagerly to a booming economic upswing. These illusions were shattered cruelly in March, when The Guardian reported that the European crisis is far from over. On the contrary, the growing impoverished classes in seven European countries are suffering worse than ever. With this going on, why would expats go back?

On the other hand, with China’s growing prosperity, every foreign entrepreneur knows it is the place to look for profits. International companies only employ efficient, smart and creative people to establish and lead their branch offices in major cities and find out how much they can make on the Chinese market. This means that Beijing is a city full of talented and able expats. Speaking as an expat, business opportunities and elite connections are an important draw to this city, and I’m certainly not the only one that thinks so.

For those at management level, leaving Beijing means forfeiting half of their base salary. Foreign companies want to bring their best people to Beijing and keep them there for years, so they do their best to make life easy for employees in their new habitat. Most companies offer generous expat package plans, including housing funds, private cars and drivers, children’s education, living expense subsidies and pollution compensation for employees who work in China for long periods of time. All these expat benefits might exceed half an expat’s annual base salary. So for a foreign manager, leaving Beijing means lower pay and higher expenses. Would you give that up?


 Liulichang Antique Street is a magnet for international tourists.

Witness to a Country’s Epic Changes

In Beijing, “change” is the one thing that stays constant. My job requires me to take frequent business trips to Hong Kong and Shanghai. After 10 years of travel, I can testify that neither city has developed as diversely as Beijing has. Ten years ago, Beijing was a city of shabby buildings, dirty roads, crowded buses, and few bars or malls. However, over the years the skyscrapers grew higher, the subways became modern (and much better than in Paris), and huge shopping malls appeared along wide and clean boulevards.

According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, Beijing’s Gross Regional Product (see the chart) increased steadily between 2006 and 2012. Secondary and tertiary industries grew by over 50 percent in the same period.

The key factor in assessing a city’s development is the added value of its tertiary industry. Also, government investment in real estate increases every year. China’s achievements over the past decade impress and fascinate me. Beijing has become a brand-new city. I firmly believe that “change” is a key word for every country, city, and company for creating a better future.

Additionally, many expatriates and domestic migrant workers find it difficult to return home after the dynamism of Beijing. I often explain this with the cat allegory: imagine a cat, used to a cozy life at home, accidentally discovering the wonderful outside world. He could not experience anything better. Would he still be willing to stay at home and be a good cat? The answer is probably no. Once attracted to Beijing, people expect to be part of the city.


There are job fairs in Beijing all year round. Some of them specifically target expats or foreign companies.

Golden Opportunities for Career Start-ups

A young and energetic Dutch employee has worked in my company for almost two years. When he finished postgraduate studies in Amsterdam University he immediately came to China to look for work. During the interview I asked him why he wanted to work in Beijing. He replied that he regarded the Chinese capital as a place to develop his career path. The answer was simple, but he proved this logic over two years. From an immature recruiter he became a professional team leader who knows the recruiting business and the niche market in and out. Such opportunities are the dream of thousands of young European graduate. Therefore, many young people seek internship experiences in Beijing and Shanghai.

This is evident from the popularity of overseas internship programs in recent years. AIESEC, the biggest student networking organization, does brisk business sending foreign students to do internships in China. The existing and rapid developments of AIESEC allow young people who live outside China to see how career opportunities and development there differ from Europe, Australia, America and other countries.

If they realize how fast career development is in Beijing, then they will probably decide to stay longer. Then the crux becomes businesses and companies’ platforms in China. Fortunately, the good news is that expats are surrounded by many business opportunities and good companies in Beijing. Companies in media and legal industries typically ask their headquartered employees to work in Beijing once or twice a year. Furthermore, sales and marketing disciplines in pharmaceutical and logistic industries are releasing more positions in Beijing for expats. As China gradually becomes an indispensable part of the global economy, I see no reason why young expats would give up a made-in-China experience.

According to the latest A.T. Kearney Global Cities Index, Beijing is now one of the world’s top 10 global cities. This surprises some people. They cannot believe that smoggy, air-polluted Beijing is among the top 10. However, I am not surprised by the big stride Beijing just made. The fast-changing city deserves the trophy.

Air pollution is a problem to be solved by the Chinese government. In April, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with visiting German Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel. They discussed cooperation in developing clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection technology. This is the latest and best proof of the government’s determination to make Beijing a clean city! In the long term there is a brighter, greener Beijing ahead.

 Read the original link at: http://www.chinatoday.com.cn/english/life/2014-06/04/content_622406.htm


星巴克,苹果等大公司对 LGBT 市场的重视,催生了更多企业关注粉红市场(pink money)。对于中国的大型企业来说,变化也正在发生。随着企业规模扩大,计划打入国际市场,慢慢意识到企业责任感和多元文化的重要性,也逐渐意识到 LGBT 是不可忽视的。罗迈国际咨询经理肖忆云近期在接受好奇心日报的采访中也提出了他对LGBT群体和企业文化建设的看法,强调从文化上开始培养一家企业的价值观。以下为《LGBT中国报告二:粉红市场》全文,原文链接:http://www.qdaily.com/display/articles/1223


3000 亿美元市场?

没有哪个公司会对这个数字无动于衷。2012年,星巴克 CEO 在美国公开支持同性婚姻合法化,受到美国美国反同性婚姻组织“全国维护婚姻组织”(NOM)抗议,并且这种抵制扩大到包括中国在内的其他国家和地区。于是中国的同志机构、公益组织和淡蓝网、飞赞网等社交网络就联合发起了“同志反抵制 力挺星巴克”的行动,号召同志们去星巴克消费,并在其门店拍照上传微博,表示支持这家公司。这样来自消费者自发的支持活动,比普通的网络营销更有效,且直接带来了业绩上的增长。


公开支持 LGBT 的苹果公司曾经公开拒绝了美国南部一个州的邀请,他们为苹果公司提供很多优惠政策,希望他们过去开工厂。苹果拒绝的理由是这个州的法律对同志群体有歧视性。要知道美国有 21 个州 LGBT 是被法律保护的,同时意味着另外 29 个州的 LGBT 是可能被解雇的。苹果公司坚持这样的原则,因为苹果的产品在同志群体里使用率很高。Damien Lu 根据自己在美国多年的观察总结道:“有趣的是,美国在同志问题上最进步的州也是最富有的州,大公司也就相对重视这些州的市场。”

大公司对 LGBT 市场的重视,催生了更多企业关注粉红市场(pink money)。在美国,每年会举行 LGBT Expo,即同志交易会,为面向 LGBT 市场的公司提供资源交换的平台。在香港,一款叫 pink dollar 的手机应用在同志人群中很流行,是用来让LGBT 分享消费行为,并且通过评价来列出对 LGBT友好 的商家。LGBT Capital 也在发现对 LGBT 友好的公司,并成立专门的基金对其进行投资,“我们会用一些指标来衡量公司的多元化环境,因为我们相信有多元化环境的公司有更好的业绩,没有歧视和完全的理解会让员工感到非常舒适,对工作有积极作用。” Paul Thompson 说。

中国的粉红市场也已经开始显示出其潜力。淡蓝网移动端 Blued 显示,其 iPhone 的装机率有 40% 左右,远高于陌陌等面向大众群体的产品,陌陌大概是 30%,表明同志群体更愿意投资去买苹果手机;采访的多名同志也表示,他们在数码产品、服装等产品上更加愿意消费。

对于中国的大型企业来说,变化也正在发生。随着企业规模扩大,计划打入国际市场,慢慢意识到企业责任感和多元文化的重要性,因为这在西方市场是关键的评价标准之一,所以也逐渐开始关注不同需求的个体,意识到 LGBT 是不可忽视的。

这些大公司纷纷对 LGBT 群体“示好”,是在多元化的主张下看到了这个群体的重要性,不仅普遍存在于他们的雇员中间,而且是他们消费者和客户的一部分。 “当一家公司要走向全球扩张的时候,要面对各种各样的市场,多元化政策是你必须要考虑的,而 LGBT 就包含在多元化政策中。”IBM 的陈军对《好奇心日报》也这样表示。

有些公司虽然没有明确面向 LGBT 的广告或活动,但他们的主要购买群体是同志;另一些公司直接推出带有明显 LGBT 特征的产品,2008 年绝对伏特加开发了一款彩虹瓶身的限量款酒,叫 Absolut Colors,官方声称是为了纪念彩虹旗诞生 30 周年,十分畅销。面向 LGBT 人群的营销不一定和伏特加原有的男性特质定位相符合,但是这家公司仍然采取了多元化的市场策略。

LGBT 在各个领域的需求开始被更多的商家发现,从中挖掘市场。这在国际上统称为 pink money,泛指同志群体的购买力,他们对酒吧、服装、旅游、理财等各个行业的产品和服务都有自身的需求,这也是很多企业开始关注 LGBT 群体的重要原因。

Paul Thompson 将这种 LGBT 的购买力称之为 LGBT GDP,他表示根据调查,LGBT 不仅收入高,而且更愿意消费:“原因很难用数据来表示,有假设说因为 LGBT 一般来讲没有孩子,而且更注重事业,很多移居到其他地方找新工作,远离家乡,住在大城市里,因为这样他们有更多的自由,而在大城市里他们也有更多的机会赚钱。就拿中国来说,在上海、北京这样的大城市里有更多的同志群体,更自由,来自家庭等的压力更小,收入也可能更高。”

旅游业是最先挖掘这部分商机的行业之一,因为很多 LGBT 的收入不错,又没有孩子,在本地环境不开放的话,就更愿意去对LGBT 人群友好的目的地旅游,由此产生了一系列为 LGBT 人群服务的产业链。欧美国家的伦敦、旧金山等大城市、亚洲的泰国都是热门的旅游地,在西班牙巴塞罗那有针对 LGBT 的 AXEL 酒店集团,美国的 Atlantis 邮轮公司开发专供 LGBT 的旅游航线,泰国更是成为最受亚洲同志欢迎的地方,因为那里对性的开放和多元化服务。

在亚洲,同欧美市场不同的地方在于,大多数 LGBT 人群都没有出柜,在现实社会中没有公开渠道认识彼此,各方面的诉求得不到表达和满足,于是就诞生了同志群体在线上活跃的社交网络。网络是匿名的,私密性更强,也更容易找到同类,所以催生了一批同志社交网站和应用。

淡蓝网建站于 2000 年,属于较早开办的同志交友社区,2012年 推出手机客户端 Blued,用不到十个月的时间积累了 150 万用户,2013 年 8 月拿到中路资本的 300万 种子投资。资本开始进入这个领域,是看中这类网络社区能精准定位、抓住同志群体的需求,也说明市场开始挖掘同志群体的消费力。



他认为同志群体在生活的需求上和异性恋没有那么大的差异,很多差异都是因为他们生活的大环境压力所造成的。而同志现在最大的需求是无论在现实生活中还是网络上,都缺乏一个真实可信的社区,来让大家根据自己的需求找到“对的人”。飞赞网也推出了手机客户端 Zank,并且希望发展线下活动,通过与一些对同志群体感兴趣的商家合作,来解决同志在现实生活中交友的困扰。

互联网对 LGBT 消费市场的推动不只是表现在交友方面,Paul Thompson 发现,LGBT群体通过网络渠道购物的消费行为也比主流群体更加突出。首先当然是因为在网络上购买带有 LGBT 特征的产品可以减少很多不必要的尴尬;除此之外,耿乐的观点是,有些男同志群体对自己的外形很在意,比较细腻,喜欢在很多品类中挑选和比较,在线上可以有更多的选择;另外,同志群体喜欢消费的产品类型比较时尚、个性、有潮流感,这也是很多电商网站主打的产品定位。不过,总体来看,其实他们购买的产品和大众市场也没太多不同,甚至对有些大众品牌的忠诚度很高,所以 Paul 建议一些大众产品公司也可以把 LGBT 作为目标消费群体,而这些大公司就可以在同志社交网站上做广告,精准营销的效果更好,由此形成 LGBT 消费市场的产业链循环。

目前国内同志市场的空白还有很多,社交需求只是其中之一,服装、健身房、旅游、护肤品、电影、小说等,LGBT 群体的需求正在慢慢被发掘。然而,并不是任何打出同志友好口号的产品和服务,都能被他们照单全收,Paul 指出,理解 LGBT 人群生活方式的不同需求是很重要的。其实 LGBT 和大多数人一样,希望能得到尊重,喜欢尊重他们、让他们舒服的品牌。比如一家酒店,当两个男人在前台办理入住手续的时候,工作人员是否能够平等地尊重他们并且不会用异样的眼光对待他们?这是衡量这家酒店是否对 LGBT 友好的标准之一。所以任何一家不希望失去 LGBT 消费市场的公司,都需要培训他们的员工理解和平等对待任何少数群体;一家拥有多元化环境的公司,包容的不仅是他们的员工,还是日益多元化的市场和他们的客户。

中国的大公司,正在开始创造这种利于出柜的文化和环境,这要得益于跨国公司在中国市场扎根以及中国公司逐渐向海外市场扩张的趋势。2004年,联想收购了 IBM 的个人电脑和笔记本业务,但这种收购不只是生意上的合并,更是人员和企业价值观之间的整合。如果联想不学习 IBM 原有的平等、包容的工作环境,就无法管理好新的团队和雇员;而随着联想自身的市场也走向全球,就更需要融入这种多元化的国际市场。

对于联想来说,是否要像 IBM 那样建立专门的 LGBT 组织呢?也不尽然。罗迈国际的咨询经理肖忆云认为 LGBT 和大多数人是一样的,没有必要建立专门的组织来区分他们;最重要的是提供一个“轻松、开放的环境”,大家彼此尊重不同的生活习惯。“公司如果没有从根本的文化上来给开放的环境支持,不管你搞什么样的活动和措施,这些性少数者他们也不会站出来承认自己的。”肖忆云强调从文化上开始培养一家企业的价值观。

