Tag Archives: Staff Management

Get Rid of the Underemployment – RMG CEO on Human Resources




Read the magazine: https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_hr_sep_rp_10.jpg

How to Communicate with Your CEO? – RMG CEO on Business Tianjin

Last weekend, when having dinner with an HR manager of a well-known IT company in China, I asked him what he thought of his position in the company. Since we are old friends, he was quite frank and gave me an example. He said, “As you know, ‘dinner culture’ is very popular in China, especially in our industry. I’m often invited for lunches, suppers and cross-sectoral gatherings. Sometimes I’m a little late, but they will all wait for me, including the leaders of other departments. I usually talk a lot during the dinner no matter what the topic is. It is not that I want to talk that much, but that others will lead me into the conversation. Last Monday, I attended an enterprise development conference for senior managers on behalf of the director of our department. Throughout the conference, I barely got the opportunity to speak. Even when I tried to say something, the seniors just looked the other way. When the discussion was finished, they told us what our department should do in areas, such as recruitment and assessment. That was the end of the conference, and that was our ‘position’.”

This is, in my opinion about the most interesting part of the HR department of Chinese enterprises. On the one hand, the HR department is highly respected in China and regarded as a department that cannot be offended. This has a lot to do with the fact that, as a department in charge of staff, the HR department is an important source of a great deal of the company’s internal and confidential information. Besides, it gets to know something about salary, welfare, personnel appointment and removal in advance. Thus, everybody is more or less afraid of the HR department. For instance, recently, in a world-renown pharmaceutical company, the HR manager of a branch company in China was forced to resign for using confidential information to seek personal interest.

On the other hand, since the HR department is not a production department and doesn’t create profit directly, it seems to be treated as a subsidiary to the product from every angle. According to a recent telephone survey conducted by RMG Selection, 70% of the respondents did not consider the HR department as a strategic department. As many as 40% to 50% thought that the HR department was similar to an administration department in small and medium-sized companies. It seems that the HR department doesn’t get involved in the strategic management of the company, reducing it’s importance.

Nevertheless, in my experience of co-working with successful Western enterprises, great importance is attached to the HR department owing to its contribution to areas related to business, rather than its role as ‘personnel manager’. In England, most HRDs and vice-presidents in charge of human resources act as the business consultants of the company rather than directors within the HR department. In such companies, the HR department is established as a centre for sharing and consulting, providing comprehensive services—from recruitment to personnel training, from external market brand to internal cultural exchange, from personnel to business. In my opinion, this is a comparatively ideal development model for the HR department.

Now that we have a clear idea of the position of the HR department, it is easier to understand HRDs’ position on the company’s strategic conferences. Based on the current situation of China, the starting point is to understand that the HR department is an interdependent department in terms of strategic function. Here, ‘interdependent’ refers to an independent and interdependent relationship. For most of the time, the HR department treats itself as an independent entity, but consciously or unconsciously, it also engages in the ‘relationship’, so hardly manages to act independently. Therefore, in high-level meetings, it is crucially important to take a firm attitude of ‘not being afraid of being independent’. As plenty of information about the company is in the hands of HRDs, the HR department is able to make a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of problems than other departments. In order to make use of the independent position of HRDs, three main principles should be followed:

1. Do not abuse power. The HR department is responsible for welfare, salary, personnel appointment to and removal from the company, but the staff of the department ought not to misuse this information. The HR department is the provider of service not the controller of the company.

2. Do only what is right for the company. This is far easier to say than do. It requires a comprehensive and repeated consideration for every problem, from the perspective of every department, in order to prevent any measures that may do harm to any sector of the company.

3. Set the bottom line. Confidential and unreliable messages and information which may have a negative effect, cannot be revealed under any circumstance.

Read the whole article: http://www.businesstianjin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5072:hr-how-to-communicate-with-your-ceo-&catid=161:2012-september&Itemid=100

Read the magazine: https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_btj_sep_rp.png

Golden Rules for High-efficient Human Capital Management – RMG CEO on Training Magazine


什么是人力资本?就是公司的竞争力、知识及其个性属性,而这些常常隐含在通过劳动力实践产生经济价值的公司里。 几乎所有团队领导都宣称,人力资本是他们最重要的资本。但事实上,我很少见到有人真正针对这项“资本”来做些什么。如果你的公司真想认真地对待它,那么,做好人力资本计划将起到决定性的作用。松下的一位经理曾经总结道:“什么是管理?管理就是做计划”。人力资本计划,其实就是这样一种有力工具——它帮助组织着力于有效的行动,并保证商业成就和其他各项目标的达成,同时,它能帮助组织积极主动地评估、计划和回应有可能的人力资本挑战和需求。这样,通过建立计划、发展劳动力,然后练习实践的方式,就可以达成组织的愿景、使命和目标。 那么,人力资本挑战包括哪些呢?从经验来看,通常,它由有能力的领导者、职工技能发展、推动高生产力,以及保留组织内最优秀的人才等组成。所以,人力资本计划可以建立一个由政策、实践和行动组成的框架,来指导组织努力满足劳动力需求。 以下10条经验之谈,将有助于公司创造高效的人力资本计划,提高人资管理效率。


倘若缺乏对人力资本重要性的认可,那么所有针对工作框架的努力都可能会付诸东流,或者至少会较大幅度地降低行动的优先级。 意识到人力资本对组织表现的这一决定性影响,是开始起草任何人力资本计划的最底线,也是关键的第一步。例如,诺华总部曾经将它们在另一国家的公司总裁调至中国做中国区总裁。而这位总裁在他原先的岗位上做得非常成功,销售业绩也是全球第一,所以,总部当然希望他能在中国复制这个成功模式。然而,仅仅半年过后,他在中国区的销售业绩下滑了30%以上。人力资源管理者大为不解:员工还是那些员工,产品还是那些产品,市场也还是这个市场,各种市场调查也显示各方面均没有变化,这到底怎么了?后来,员工调查结果显示,中国区的员工们觉得,新来的总裁并不关心他们,有一种隔离感、被抛弃感。这就是原因。 所以,那些意识和行动迟缓的组织,往往会忽视一点:他们首先需要进行自身人力资本的改造,才可能承担起更大的订单合同,而不是先签下大的生意订单,再开始考虑招人或者对现有人才进行培训。到那时,亡羊补牢为时已晚。


千万不要把人力资本看作一项与成本相关的开销,实际上,它是一项可期待回报的有效投资。从人力资本的角度看,企业可以做两件事情: ·提高每一个员工的受益度 ·简化或减少每一个员工的无为成本 如果选择第一项,那么,请将所有提供给组织的东西都计算一下。提供差异化的产品可以使企业控制一个市场(对比苹果公司就知道了),同时要清楚,如果没有员工巨大的才华支撑,这些产品或者服务都将不复存在。 如果选择第二项,一定要特别小心。因为组织一定不愿看到由于过低的人均成本而导致员工流动率大幅攀升的现象。所以,用关注成本变化代替单纯地减少成本将是不错的思路。 1998年哈佛商学院的案例分析就显示,西尔斯百货公司通过先投入培训,提升直面客户的雇员的能力,再来提高客户的体验。这个做法直接增加了西尔斯的业绩。该公司还监测了员工交互作用、客户反馈和随之而来的财务结果的增长变化。 根据特定的行业与业务制定公司的实践目标

近十年来,挖掘和仿效别的公司的成功实践,似乎已成为一种流行趋势。然而,不要因为其他公司都在使用这种实践,你也随意决定使用它。只有在组织采用有针对性的、与自身业务相关的人力资本行动时,这种实践才能发挥得更好。 不幸的是,仿效型公司仍屡见不鲜。通常情况下,其他公司的实践方法并不适用于另一家公司,也不会给组织带来价值。只有员工专注于在公司的特定工作,根据自己的实际情况来制定人力资本行动目标时,这种仿效做法才有意义。因此,组织需要仔细研究每一项人力资本计划的管理过程,其中的所有实践内容务必要紧紧围绕自身的商业目标。


当你准备付诸行动的时候,要保证组织的行动与其他各项行动一起发挥作用,互相协调——否则,整个系统就会向着你的目标反方向运作。在这里列举几个矛盾实例: 1. 如果你想促进团队合作,但你的激励项目是针对个人行为开展的,那么,你就无法达到预期的目标 。 2. 如果你按季度发放奖励金,但是你半年才做一次工作总结,那么,这样的机制也不会有效果 。


人力资本的目标是要最大化地利用公司对员工的投入成本。这意味着,管理者应对试图达到的目标和渴望获得的结果时,要有超前的意识。比如: 1. 有计划地实施你期望的结果。 2. 决定如何评估你的表现,你成功的基准是什么。 有一位客户曾经反应,他们的员工流动率很高。研究后发现,他们需要改善招聘流程,并作出更好、更准确的聘用决定。于是,这家公司采取了如下的具体措施: 1. 通过让求职者切实了解他们的工作环境来优化应聘者面试流程 。 2. 通过使用评估工具来了解到应聘者与公司的匹配程度。 3. 虽然经过多轮面试,但招聘这个员工的经理仍然可拥有招聘流程管理权和决策权。 后来,该公司统计了人员流失的花费,比如加班成本、招聘成本和培训成本。他们也统计了使用评估工具来培训匹配未来岗位的员工的成本。在年终的时候,公司发现,员工流失率缩减了,也看到了预期的投资回报。 通过这个案例可以看出,组织可以从计划好它们的预期结果开始,进而决定如何评价实践行为的成功与否。


许多中小企业没有人力资源团队,或者可能只有一些经验较少的人力资源管理者,即便是那些配备了完整人力资源部门的大企业,人力资本计划仍然需要有指定的管理者来掌控。企业领导者参与并融入到计划与实施过程中也是十分重要的。他们必须十分愿意参与进来,并且支持这项工作,否则人力资本管理这项工作就没办法进行下去。 对于如今的许多企业,人力成本是企业最大的成本之一——这是一个重要的成本,但同时也是一个重要机遇。当你需要你公司的领导者参与到人力资本管理计划中时,你就需要帮助他们从业务和人力两个角度来理解这项计划——但同时,你还必须将测评措施实施到位,这样他们可以对这项工作负责。那些要传递给企业领导者的信息包括:成功的雇员、成功的运营、成功的客户等,这些与提高销售业绩是一样重要的。


随着人力资本计划的向前推进,它将需要进一步的调整,并要保证这些调整的落实。 例如,也许你做了一个决定,需要再雇佣5名销售人员来开辟一个新的业务领域。你也确定该如何操控以及根据他们的业务技能匹配合适的市场利率。但是,当你实施这个决定的时候,可能会需要一些调整——也许,你最后需要的人员数超过5人,或者你需要修改一下你为他们匹配的市场利率。 持续不断地适时调整是十分必要的,同时,定期对整个人力资本计划做正式的审查也是同等重要的。一个好的审查时间框架是每季度一次。这样,足够长的时间可使工作有实质性开展,同时,当工作上有新的变动时,也不会使你超出控制范围太远。


你还需要在有价值和易于实施的基础上,来优化你的行动。每次行动之前,先问问自己这两个问题: 1. 这些行动将对业务有怎样的价值? 2. 落实这些行动有多难或者多容易? 从理论上说,你要集中力量做那些有极高价值并且更容易做的事。而那些有极高价值却做起来更困难的事,则需要进一步的规划和很大的投资,尽管这些事都会给你最大的回报。所以,优先考虑和限制一些举措将是关键。


从企业目标到个人行为,若能建立一个价值链,你就会更易于实现目标。在这里,有几个问题要问: 1. 妨碍人力资本管理的问题是什么? 2. 我需要具备什么能力来实现企业目标?


记住:一切都是为了服务客户!你需要明白你能为你的客户提供哪些服务。当你从组织外部考虑时,要检查所有的过程和所需的能力都是为了创造最终的客户体验而服务。 在这个过程中,你需要提出以下问题: 1. 我需要为客户开发哪些经验? 2. 我需要什么样的产品或者服务来满足客户需求? 在为你的客户提供你所希望提供的服务的情况下,考虑你每一个雇员的成本和产出各是多少。这些不仅会影响你想要达到的财政结果,而且会产生差异化的组织形态。在此过程中的唯一基准是:好的计划是独特的计划。 复制员工能力远比抄袭一项市场计划或一种产品更困难。而且,事实上,你也不愿意模仿其他人的人力资本计划。 当然,你应该建立适合企业自身特殊情况、商业模式和目标的人力资本计划,应该建立自主的人力资本和员工的能力。因为这样做的结果将是,创造了公司强大的竞争力优势,并且这种优势在市场上不可被轻易复制。

Read the whole article: http://www.trainingmag.com.cn/Article/Articledetail/159655524408.aspx

Read the magazine:  https://www.rmgselection.com/images/rmg%20news_tm_aug_rp_2.jpg
