Tag Archives: Asia Recruiting Agency

Job Hopping Season by the End of a Year , Gorgeous Turn of Job Seekers – Marie Claire@Work

熬到年中了,很多公司都是这中坑爹的作风,等到年中才能发上一年度的奖金!可奖金到手后烦心事儿也华丽丽地来了,要是顶着晋升无望,加薪渺茫的职场天花板继续为老东家效力,还是狠心告别过去奔向新天地呢?看嘉人@work采访罗迈国际资深职场人Lilly Cao 给出的专业职场建议吧!

Lots of companies give the annual bonus by the mid of the year, which is quite irritating for most employees. After getting the bonus, trouble comes again. Should the employee continue the loyalty in the home company or develop one’s career in a new place. Check out by reading the interview from Marie Claire@ Work with Lilly Cao. Read the article: https://www.rmgselection.com/news/job-hopping-season-by-the-end-of-a-year-gorgeous-turn-of-job-seekers/

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RMG China Talent-flow Report on Recruitment International

Chinese Recruiting Pattern & Trends – Bachelors Beat Doctors!

According to the statistics of RMG China Talent-flow Survey, among the online job seekers, only 9% employees with bachelor’s degree receive no responses in the last 6 months
Chinese Recruiting Pattern & Trends – Bachelors Beat Doctors!RMG Selection initiates China Talent-flow Survey 2012 – 2013 Report. China Talent-flow Survey is designed to understand the current talents flow trends on region, company type, industry and positions within Greater China Region, and get an insight of changing job and how do candidates engage with headhunters. According to the statistics, among the responses from online job seeking, employees with doctor’s degree are less popular than those with bachelor’s degree. MBA does not show its advantage in online job seeking. Employers have different requirement in the aspects of education background for employees of different positions and different type of work. Higher education background doesn’t mean better job opportunities. Finding one’s niche in life, making a timely judgment, and then the education background will become the assistance of your career.
Online job seeking result: Doctors are less popular than bachelors; MBA does not show its advantage According to the statistics of RMG China Talent-flow Survey, among the online job seekers, only 9% employees with bachelor’s degree receive no responses in the last 6 months, while as many as 24% of employees with a doctoral degree receive no responses. Employees with an MBA, which are (allegedly) highly reputed, get a rate of 93% in responses, which is almost the same as those with a bachelor’s degree only who get a 91% response rate. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that MBA does not necessarily show its advantage in the online job seeking process that it is reputed to. MBA is the most popular client for headhunters; doctors have no big difference with bachelors. According to RMG China Talent-flow Survey, among the bachelors who have found a new job, 46% of them have been placed successfully by headhunters, while the number for doctoral degree holders is 47%, which is almost the same with bachelors. Among job seekers with an MBA, nearly 67% of employees change job successfully through headhunters. Although an MBA does not distinguish itself in online job seeking, it is obvious that headhunters pay more attention to employees with MBA’s degree. Employees with a doctoral degree do not have any special advantage in the eyes’ of headhunters, according to our report’s findings. MBA do not have advantage in positions of starting career, but advantages appear in mid-high end positions. According to RMG China Talent-flow Survey, we can see that bachelors and MBA receive the same number of responses in online job seeking. 66% of bachelors receive more than 5 responses, while 64% of MBA holders receive more than 5 responses. Thus it is clear that an MBA does not any great advantage in the completion for junior-level positions. However, for the mid-to-high end positions where headhunters are important, MBA holders receive much more responses than bachelors. 46% of bachelors change job through headhunters, while 67% MBA are placed successfully into a new job by headhunters. An MBA does not have advantage in the positions of starting career. However, MBA has got the best advantage in mid-to-high end positions where there is headhunters’ engagement. It is gradually a trend to seek job through headhunters No matter bachelors, masters, MBA or doctors, the rate of seeking jobs through headhunters is very high, compared to companies own recruitment efforts. According to the result of the survey, almost half of the employees of bachelor’s and doctor’s degree change job successfully through headhunters, among them, the rate of bachelors is 46%, the rate of doctors is 47%, and nearly 67% MBA job seekers find job through headhunters. In the meantime, 52.26% employees think that calls from headhunters are more professional (than companies’ own HR departments), while 31.2% of employees think that calls from companies’ HR direct are more professional. As shown in Chart 3. It is becoming a trend to seek job through headhunters. Headhunters are becoming more important and more active in the job market and talent flow. Headhunters have been a new power in talent flow.

Link to the article: http://www.recruitment-international.co.uk/news/chinese-recruiting-pattern—-trends-%E2%80%93-bachelors-beat-doctors-18687.htm

Download the full reporthttps://www.rmgselection.com/tfs

Big City VS Small City – RMG on Economic Daily








Read the whole article: http://paper.ce.cn/jjrb/html/2013-02/23/content_145424.htm

RMG Video – This is the World of RMG Selection 2012

罗迈国际RMG Selection祝您新年快乐、心想事成!回顾2012,总有点点滴滴难以忘怀。有汗水,也有喜悦,有困难,也有成绩。借此15分钟的视频,感谢每一位RMGer 2012年的努力付出,相信2013我们会创造更杰出的成绩。感谢您的观赏!


Watch the video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE1NjAyNTcy.html

Watch the video on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b74rFnEkVmw&feature=youtu.be

Exclusive Interview of RMG – Profession Vane – RMG CEO on Beijing Radio

眼看这个金秋十月马上就要过去了,每年的十月也是一个跳槽的小高峰。 Starcy近日有幸采访到了RMG罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson 先生,他将就一个目前职场上出现的新动向,做一个细致的讲解。比如近日,《才富》在智通人才网上发起关于职场“回头马”调查,300多名网友参与调查,近五成(47.06%)网友表示自己曾经有过“回头马”的经历或正有意向成为“回头马”。 同时也有31.38%的企业HR愿意向“回头马”抛出橄榄枝,希望其回归老东家。但回马枪杀不好可是会反伤自己的,在这过程中员工要注意什么?企业如何建立好的制度找回最合适的人?让罗迈国际RMG的顾问告诉你。 Listen more: http://am774.rbc.cn/netfm/english_service/movie/201211/t20121108_692866.htm
