Tag Archives: China Headhunter

RMG Selection Christmas Party – an Innovation

RMG Selection Christmas Party – an Innovation

RMG Selection’s Christmas Party was held at Tims’ Texas BBQ in Beijing on 20th December, 2012.

The party is divided into 5 main amazing parts: the Christmas BBQ Dinner, the Party Performance, the Secret Birthday Interlude, the Christmas Gifts Exchange and the RMGers’ Speech.

The Christmas Party is filled with special and sweet food from Tim’s BBQ accompanied by candles, lyrical music, classic American cuisine and a relaxing & warm atmosphere.

The party performance is mostly about team performance. Every team has the innovation and their own team style, called the RMG-Style. Chinese Free talk “Sanjuban” started the beginning of the Team performance. The party reached climax with the splendid belly dancing. The most creative and sexiest dance attracted everyone’s attention. There is also a living theatre and mixed dance which made everyone laugh.

The most moving scene of this party is when RMG had prepared a birthday cake for one of its RMGers.

The Christmas gifts exchange was another highlight of the party. The special RMG Rules make it’s really a secret that which gift you will get finally.

Before the end of the party, RMG CEO gave a speech with excitement, he said: “it was the most original, polished, entertaining and outstanding Christmas party I have ever attended in 14 years working in the recruitment industry.”

If you want to know more about the party, please check here:

RMG Website: www.rmgselection.com

RMG News Website: https://www.rmgselection.com/news

Sina Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/rmgselection/profile

Tencent Weibo: http://t.qq.com/rmgselection

RMG Facebook:www.facebook.com/pages/RMG-Selection/150082111680523

RMG Twitter: twitter.com/rmgselection

RMG Linkedin:http://www.linkedin.com/groups/RMG-Recruiting-4315498/about

RMG Renren:http://www.renren.com/431318185/profile

罗迈国际圣诞晚会 – 创新视觉

罗迈国际圣诞晚会与2012年12月20日在Tim’s 熏烤房成功举办。


晚会以Tim’s 熏烤房的特色大餐拉开序幕,温馨欢乐的场面伴随着点点烛光,抒情音乐和特色美国菜肴。

晚会的演出以团队演出为主。每一个团队都有自己的创新点和团队特色,罗迈国际称之为“罗迈国际Style”。 由罗迈国际首席执行官和员工们一起表演的三句半拉开了团队表演的序幕。晚会在一曲肚皮舞的表演中达到高潮,创新而又性感的舞蹈吸引了每一位观众。同时还有幽默高效音乐小短剧,博得现场笑声连连。





罗迈国际官方网站: www.rmgselection.com

罗迈国际新闻网站: https://www.rmgselection.com/news

罗迈国际新浪微博: http://e.weibo.com/rmgselection/profile

罗迈国际腾讯微博: http://t.qq.com/rmgselection



罗迈国际Twitter: twitter.com/rmgselection

罗迈国际 Linkedin:http://www.linkedin.com/groups/RMG-Recruiting-4315498/about 

12 Golden Rules to Hire and Keep Your People – RMG on New Manpower



Read the whole article: http://view.online.zcom.com/full/28185/42.htm?prev

Income Gap between Male and Female in China – RMG on CRI

A study by The All-China Women’s Federation says the income of Chinese female urban workers when compared to their male peers has fallen by 10% and by over 20% in rural areas. The survey suggests the income gap between men and women is growing partly because of sexual discrimination. According to another report done by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, gender is one of the 5 most cited factors for job discrimination. –Julia Broussard, Country Program Manager at the UN Women China Office. –Robert Parkinson, Founder and CEO of RMG International Business Consulting Corporation. -Hema Kripalani, A Journalist and Radio Host Working in Beijing.

Listen to RMG on CRI: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2012/12/12/2861s737995.htm

RMG Video – Why Clients Choose RMG (with Chinese and English Subtitles)

The latest video of RMG is published. We have a strong talent pool; we have different ways of managing our staff. We satisfy our clients’ needs at the right time. Accuracy and speed is our trumps card. Mr. Robert Parkinson, CEO & Founder of RMG Selection tells you why so many clients choose RMG Selection to be their business partners.

why clients choose RMG

Watch the video on Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc3Njc0MDMy.html

Watch the video on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ugo-U3zjjw

Professional Etiquette – RMG Senior Consultant on Beijing Radio

一条关于在咖啡馆进行的面试结束后该由哪一方来付帐的微博近日引起了网民的争论,现在我们也来关注一下面试礼仪和技巧的话题。Job interviews can be very stressful. Interview techniques may help you to build confidence and increase the chance of being hired. Our Christine talks to Cecilia Li, senior consultant of RMG International Business Consulting Co. Ltd, about interview techniques, let’s find out more.

Listen to the radio: http://am774.rbc.cn/netfm/english_service/
