Tag Archives: China Headhunter

Networking or Notworking Events?


FROM the very day you land in Beijing, either to become a fixed-term “Jinger” or to make Beijing or some other city your medium to long-term home (as with many of us), all you need to become involved in the nonstop networking events put on for us in China is an email address. You will soon find that with a modicum of effort you are subscribed to tens if not hundreds of networking event mailing lists. In this article I’d like to offer a perspective on these gatherings, according to my time in China (nine years and counting), and some suggestions on how to get the most out of them.

First of all, the term “networking event” in China can denote a gathering of as few as 10 people. Don’t assume the word “networking” that precedes the event announcement means there will be lots of people with the same objectivesas you. Broadly speaking,there are three different types

of networking event:

1. Morning events: These tend to be the most serious and worthwhile. Often sponsored or hosted by one of Beijing’s several hundred chambers of commerce, they typically include an expert (often on a fascinating topic such as changes to tax regulations, or the long term outlook for inflation – narcoleptics beware!), a local celebrity promoting his/her latest book, or a visiting politician checking out China. The advantage of these events is that they tend to attract the more serious/senior members of Beijing’s international community because they have specific themes and, of course, because they provide a free, fairly lavish breakfast. In other words, you might meet someone helpful and/or senior.

2. Evening events: These tend to be called “social” networking events, and as implied, are entirely social in nature. Usual China rules apply: Make sure you take a brick of business cards with you, and be prepared to “press the flesh” of many different species of Beijinger. Having met some very interesting people at these events, it seems to me that pinpointing and regularly attending the right type is the key to making successful connections. People to avoid include the many experts in the world of offshore financial services.\ You should also bear in mind that serious business people rarely attend evening gatherings because they coincide with getting-up time in Europe when they’re busy working.

3. The third type of networking event is actually a party in disguise. Don’t get me wrong, I love a party as much as the next man, but keep in mind that China-hands know how to party hard, and that such parties include the “beautiful people” whose lives consist of frenetic shuttling between the gym, sunbed and party circuit. For inexperienced expats looking to make valuable connections, I would advise the following:

∙ If you meet someone genuinely interesting, don’t lose their business card and (after waiting a couple of days to avoid appearing too eager) invite them for lunch or a coffee to see if the rapport still holds

∙ Employ a strategy: A prolific networker friend of mine’s technique is to walk straight up to someone and say “Hello, didn’t we meet before at the XYZ event?” and guess what? It’s a great ice-breaker.

∙ Keep in mind that if you ask people questions they will respond and reciprocate with their own. If you don’t they won’t. Try to ask more original questions than “Where are you from?”

As with any human relationship, good ones take time. Remember, you can’t eat an elephant in one go; it has to be one slice at a time. So follow up, keep showing your face and you are bound to make solid connections.


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News Plus – Robert on CRI talking about majors and job market


Robert on CRI Phone Interview

With the coming of the annual College Entrance Examination, choice of major is again a big problem for Chinese students. What’s the best major in the job market? Is specific major background really vital to employers? What should college graduates focus on at the beginning of their career? Robert Parkinson, CEO and founder of RMG Selection joint News Plus and talked about majors and job market in the program’s phone interview.

一年一度的高考就要拉开帷幕,选专业依然是困扰中国学生的一大难题。究竟什么样的专业好就业?雇主们真的十分在意特定的专业背景吗?初入职场,大学毕业生应该特别注意什么?罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的CEO-Robert Parkinson近期接受了CRI News Plus栏目的电话采访,让我们来听听他的看法吧。



一家前景不错的公司向你发出了聘用邀请,尽管你非常希望加入这家公司,此时也不要过于兴奋。职场上很多人太过冲动,收到其他公司的录用通知后就迫不及待地给现在公司的人力资源部门递上草草拟写的辞职信。他们认为立刻结束现在的工作是正确的选择,否则会影响他们到新公司办理入职手续。 然而他们却忘记了在匆忙离职过程中人们经常会犯的一些小错。这些错误看似没有什么特别,但是很容易让自己在老雇主公司多年的努力付诸东流。等到新单位要求做新员工背景调查时,恐怕老同事和经理就不能为你美言啦!其实,谨慎处理离职过程非常有必要。以正确方式全身而退,我认为需要考虑两个要点。首先,做出离职决定前,是否清楚根本离职原因?其次,一旦决定离开,离职过程中需要注意几点?让我们从根本离职原因开始探索离职可能引发的危机!

1. 辞职决定是否出于一时冲动?



2. 哪些因素会影响跳槽决定?




1. 先向人力资源部门递交辞呈,后告知直线经理

在中国生活工作了十多年,我对于人际交往和关系的认知有了一些改观。中国人视“关系”为生活中一个非常重要的方面。没有到位的 “关系”,办事和工作上的进展不会那么顺利。我认为这个道理也适用于员工的辞职过程。我常看到员工辞职时纠结于是否和直线经理谈离职原因,碍于情面很多员工会选择直接越过这一关。他们没有给直线经理任何提示或暗示就把辞职信发给了人力资源部门,希望以此避免与直线经理间的“关系”危机。殊不知把自己与直线经理间的信任纽带抛在脑后,当人力部门将意外消息告知直线经理时,经理会表现出的讶异以及遭人背叛的感觉。除非员工确定在入职新公司前不需要直线经理帮助你做背景调查,否则请务必在递交辞呈前与直线经理促膝长谈一番。

2. 递交辞呈等于一天离职


3. 尚未完成离职,自动进入“懒散模式”



Read the original link at: http://www.ceconline.com/mycareer/ma/8800070606/01/ 



近来知名电器行业日企松下为外派到中国的外籍员工买“霾单”在中外媒体都引起了轩然大波!外媒对于中国外籍人才未来的流失的形势表示非常不乐观,中国媒体则对外企为何不为中国本土员工提供污染补偿表示愤愤不平。两股负面情绪的交战引起很多身处其中的外籍员工的思考,以外媒报道来看待中国目前的雾霾形势,或许一些外国人会为了健康选择离开,然而这并能代表每一个外国人的想法,更不能在外籍人才流向中起主导作用!介于不久前英国金融时报以及彭 博社记者采访了我对于目前北京雾霾污染的情况以及想法,我不得不说看到这些外媒报道时,我认为他们尽力最大化了雾霾的负面影响,而这对于目前在中国工作外籍人员来说似乎并不公平!尤其是看到了一些外籍高管抱怨这里的天气影响了他们的心情,他们的工作,甚至影响了他们的孩子。这里我想我有必要强调带着幼童的特殊外籍群体,因为他们患上呼吸道疾病的几率确实很大,所以为了孩子的健康他们有必要考虑是否应继续生活在雾都。然而在这以外的外籍人员真的会大批量离开中国吗?在我看来这不一定,根据我在中国十多年的经验和体验,被外派到北京上海这样的大都市对外籍高管是一把双刃剑,雾霾PK双倍薪金福利(以外汇计算),对很多欧美高管都有极大的诱惑力!






Read the original link at : http://www.ceconline.com/hr/ma/8800070603/01/

Do you really understand employee happiness?

Do you really understand employee happiness 2

Job-hopping after the Chinese New Year has always been a tacit rule for job-seekers in different industries. As a result, headhunters are much busier than in other months. After working in China for around 10 years, I find it difficult both in terms of recruiting and job seeking in this period of time. In early February, Chinese technology industry experts announced the news about the high-end talent shortage, which in fact didn’t surprise me. It was in the process of conducting the RMG China Talent Flow Survey 2012-2013 in 2013 that the full picture of the current talent shortage became clear. I understand that labour shortage is always prevalent in the service industries and on the assembly and production lines in traditional manufacturing industry. However, when I heard about the shortage of high-end talent, as well as confirming my understanding of the market conditions, I immediately thought that we should consider the problems behind this as well.

In order to overcome the difficulty in post – festival recruitment , various companies will optimize their recruiting plans. Some offer highly competitive treatment and supplementary commercial insurance, while others subsidise employee food and accommodation or focus on the enjoyment factor of the working environment. Despite these attractive conditions and all the efforts, the hiring market situation is still challenging. If HR professionals think that it is the “picky” attitude of the applicants that creates the difficulties in recruiting, then they are largely wrong. Do you truly understand what employees need and do you really consider employee happiness all the time? No matter how attractive the offers might be, if employers’ offers do not cater to job-seekers’ demands, they won’t work happily anyway.

There are many ways to improve employees’ levels of happiness. In general, we can increase it through material incentives, mental encouragement or both combined. In order to make the point clearly to every HR professional, let’s get started

with material incentives. With regards to the treatment aspects, most HR people will stop thinking after high salaries, bonus, birthday benefits, annual health examinations and other such typical schemes. However, people’s understanding of material treatment is where the problem is. In terms of material treatments, does dining or entertainment count? When it comes to employees’ happiness, IT mammoth Huawei is quite a good example. It is estimated by the media that Huawei employees’ average annual income amounts to about 280,000 CNY. Talented employees are certainly well paid. The company focuses on improving the environment of the company’s dining hall. I would say it must be hard for employees to be unhappy working in such a nice environment with a high-end dining hall and coffee bar, as well as various entertainment facilities. Of course, companies with different styles and scales vary in their working environments.

Amongst all of the factors influencing employees’ happiness, families play a very, if not the most, important role in their levels of general satisfaction with their work. Kyle Cao, recruiting specialist at RMG Selection, says that many pharmaceutical companies have incorporated the employee family plan into employees’ benefits to stimulate hard work and devotion of the employees.

Do you really understand employee happiness 1

When it comes to employee training, many HR people will think about training projects like induction training, promotional training and study abroad schemes. However, very few of them associate this with having a positive impact on their employee’s happiness. HR departments simply think that they have nothing to do with each other. Frankly speaking, a lot of industries and functions actually need long term training plans. Take RMG as an example here. In the last couple of years people who would like to join RMG always  ask me about training prospects. It is understandable that these people don’t know much about the field and want to get used to their roles as quickly as possible by attending some training sessions. I have to emphasise that what makes employees happy is not basic training but skills-based training and practice.

Employees’ happiness with their role also derives from the recognition of their efforts from the company and the managers. The recognition does not necessarily need to come in the form of a material reward. Sometimes a bit of encouragement from management can evoke the activeness of employees to a large extent. For example, many companies will vote for the best employee of the month, the best seller of the season or the employee of the year. In this regard, why not show high recognition to the best staff members by putting up their pictures on an honour wall? Managers can encourage their employees by sending emails to express their appreciation of their contribution at work. Without much effort, employees’ levels of job satisfaction will go up naturally.

With the Chinese economy maturing and changing from being less reliant on exports, the needs and wants of employees will change too. High salaries will never be the only factor that influences employees’ job satisfaction. With better living conditions, if companies really want to give employees true happiness they must grasp the employees’ psychological demands as well as their material incentives.

If we want to solve the problem of senior worker shortages, why not start by improving employees’ happiness at work? After reading this article, lots of HR professionals might come up with unique ideas for their companies. However, it will be meaningless if it is not followed up with some action. It is every recruiter’s essential responsibility to make sure that every employee enjoys working within their
