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RMG China Talent-Flow Survey 2 Released (English Version)


The year 2013 started relatively sluggishly in many recruiting sectors compared with the beginning of 2012, and this sluggishness continued for the first and second quarters with many local and international companies exercising caution with respect to new hiring and replacement recruitment.

However it is worth noting that the first edition of RMG’s talent flow survey (TFS1) reported a number of very interesting findings and developments in the job market, which included:

  • Going West – more companies are exploring expansion opportunities away from the East-Coast metropolises and ‘mega-cities’ of Central China. Blue-collar workers who would once be regarded as unskilled are now skilled, and demand better wages and living conditions and, crucially, jobs nearer their home-towns and families.
  • The second finding from TFS1 was the lack of consistency between industry sectors. Some sectors started the year sluggishly, whereas some bucked the trend with an optimistic hiring outlook.
  • There were many other interesting findings in TFS1. Key points concerned how, why, and when people would look for a new job. TFS1 contained some important data on this subject which has been followed up and expanded upon in TFS2.

So now to the new Edition: RMG China Talent Flow-Survey Edition 2. This time RMG Selection is invited to cooperate with University of Nottingham, and receive near 4000 respondents in two months. On one side, with the technological change and world economy impact, we can see that some famous enterprises plan to downsizing. On the other side, the survey also observes new industry hotspots and regional hotspots. For instance, the real estate, agriculture/ forestry and fishing industries still advances triumphantly under the adjustment force. In addition, for the regional hotspots, Chengdu is becoming as the southwest business development core, and Xuzhou relight again as the old industry area. Graduates have experienced “the hardest graduation season”, and the senior talents are always as the hot cakes. This is our employment market, and it is our talent market.  In addition to more useful data on employee motivation, movement and engagement with headhunters we have identified some interesting trends in ‘hot’ industries and cities. Media and Real-Estate, for example, are still some of the most buoyant industry sectors hiring. This is interesting, particularly in terms of real-estate after years of talk about inflation caused by local government loans and a resulting real-estate bubble. We also discovered that of those surveyed in Chengdu over 70% had changed jobs, for example.

In addition to the findings of the TFS2, RMG sees a much more solid hiring market in the Third and Fourth quarters: Many more positions that have been on hold are now being filled and this expansion has been particularly apparent at a senior level. Clearly as the UK and Europe stabilize and as the US manages to keep dodging the cliff appetite for risk is rising.

 Please feel free to ask for a free report copy via [email protected] or fill in the form below. 

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RMG China Talent-Flow Survey 2 Released (Chinese version)

        与2012年初相比,今年年初许多行业招聘工作的预热过程都呈现出相对缓慢的趋势。由于诸多本土企业和国际公司对于开放新职位和招聘替换职位时非常谨慎,这种缓慢的趋势也贯穿了2013年的第一和第二季度。     尽管如此,我们还是在罗迈国际商务咨询公司进行的第一期《中国人才流动调查报告》 (TFS1)中提及了一些有趣的中国人才市场的现象和动态。RMG中国人才流动调查(China Talent-flow Survey)即是一项旨在挖掘中国变化经济背景下的人才发展与流向及其原因的调查,并根据中国国情,将地域、企业类型、工作经验、教育程度和性别等因素涵盖在内。第一期调查我们共获得1000余人参,上百家媒体报道,诸如中国日报、第一财经周刊等知名媒体皆引用相关数据及结论,并且尤其受到人力资源业内人士的高度评价。以下几点为主要发现:   “人才西行”。越来越多的公司发现发展商机与中国东海岸的那些大城市甚至是巨型城市已经渐行渐远了。曾经被贴上“无技能”标签的蓝领阶级现今都具备了某种技术或技能,他们对于薪金待遇和生活水平的要求在逐渐上升,而且不想远离家乡对他们来说也变得至关重要。   第一期报告中的另一个的发现是去年各个行业招聘情况呈现出参差不齐的状况。年初,一些行业的招聘情况进展得非常缓慢,相比之下,某些行业的招聘需求显得非常乐观。     在报告中有趣的发现确实太多了,主要的部分涉及到人们如何找新工作,为什么换工作,以及什么时机换工作。关于跳槽这个主旋律,第一期《中国人才流动调查报告》中收集了很多重要的数据。在第二期报告中,我们又继续收集了相关数据,并进行了更加详细的分析与扩展。     本期即为第二期调查,并应邀与英国诺丁汉大学合作,经过2个余月共收集到近4000回复。一方面,受科技变迁和世界经济影响,今年我们看到了一批老牌名企的裁员计划,同时,我们的调查也发现了新的行业热点及地域热点。比如强力调整下仍高歌猛进的房地产业、异军突起的农林渔牧行业,比如渐渐成为西南发展核心的成都、散发新活力的老工业区徐州。大学生们经历了“最艰辛的毕业季”,而高端人才却也一直炙手可热。这就是我们的就业市场,这就是我们的人才市场。     关于第二期《中国人才流动调查报告》,我们不仅深入分析了关于人才跳槽动机,人才流动和猎头人才关系,本次调查还发现了一些流行行业和城市的变化趋势。例如,媒体和地产行业仍处在一些招聘活动最活跃行业的行列中。这其实是一个很有趣的问题,尤其是考虑到我们已经谈论了多年的由于政府借贷及地产行业泡沫所引起的房价价格虚高问题。同时,我们还发现来自成都的70%调查参与者都经历了跳槽。     除了本期报告中的这些主要发现,罗迈国际也看到了第三和第四季度招聘市场的稳固。 许多之前空缺的职位现在都找到了合适的人选任职,这在一些高端职位上尤为明显。这当然与英国和欧洲的稳定状况以及美国对风险容量上升的控制有明确关系。     索取第二期《中国人才流动调查报告》TFS2),请发送邮件至 [email protected] 或填写以下表格 [contact-form to=’[email protected] ‘ subject=’Please sent me the download link of TFS2′][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Company’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]      

One Day of RMGer

有没有觉得猎头工作很神秘?有没有看到过猎头招聘很心动?探究秘密的机会来了!! 全程记录罗迈国际(RMG Selection)猎头的一天工作,专业!专注!而且乐趣多多!!在欢乐中成长、于忙碌中闪耀! Wondering what is the life of a headhunter? Have you ever felt the sense of mysteriousness of TALENT HUNTING! Here comes the opportunity to find out the secret of RMG headhunters! “One Day of RMGer” records a day of headhunters in RMG Selection. Professional, hard-working and lots of lots of fun! Every RMGer grows up in the joyful environment! Every RMGer glitters in their busy work. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjM0Mjc0MjI4/v.swf 

The Company was Acquired, What Would You Do?

CBNweekly interviewed Ruben van den Boer, the senior consultant of RMG Selection. The exclusive interview was about how compnay merge and acquisition influence the employees, and how would employees react to the circumstance.


CBN记者 李会娜

收购方的战略目的决定了之后的人事整合策略,公司人要及时进行自我评估,以尽快确定新的职业方向。 市场研究机构Dealogic发布的报告称,2013年上半年,全球共宣布了1.718万项并购交易,交易总价值是1.25万亿美元。普华永道的数据显示,今年上半年中国地区并购交易总计2118宗,交易总金额为1195亿美元。 这意味着成千上万的公司人在并购交易中保住了自己的工作,或者是“被裁”。当然,并不是所有的公司并购都会影响到人事。“财务投资者基本上不会介入公司的日常运营,目标公司在并购之后基本上维持原样。”普华永道咨询部合伙人方祎说,“而战略性投资就会对员工的影响比较大,并购后的人事整合很多时候是必要的。” 在罗迈国际(RMG Selection) [微博] 职业咨询顾问Ruben van den Boer看来,公司人应该首先做一个自我评估,确定新的职业发展方向,找到自己在合并后的新公司中的存在感和价值感。 收购方同样会对员工进行评估,对于普通员工和管理层都有不同的评估标准。但收购方的战略目标决定了收购之后将如何做人事整合。不同岗位的关键人才大多是收购方要保留的员工。而对于容易发生交集的HR、财务等支持性部门,被裁员的几率会比较高。而另一个受影响比较大的群体是中高级管理者。 《第一财经周刊》采访了普华永道咨询部合伙人方祎和罗迈国际职业咨询顾问Ruben van den Boer。方祎主要为并购交易的公司提供人事咨询,Ruben处理过多起并购案公司的人事咨询,并为上百个并购公司的候选人进行职业发展咨询。 A 被收购员工面临的问题 心理影响最大 对于被并购公司的员工来说,他们面临的一个最大问题是心理问题。“公司人会产生一些焦虑,甚至是愤怒等影响正常工作状态的情绪。”Ruben说。 在这种情况下,公司人可能会失去一些责任心,他们会觉得公司已经被买了,未来还不知道会怎样,会对自我存在的价值产生一些质疑。另外,还会遇到一些沟通障碍,两家公司合并,一定有公司文化冲突的地方,比如管理模式,交流方式等。 另一种情况是虽然这些问题在短期内都会存在,但当一个大公司收购了一个小公司,或者是一个知名公司收购了一个品牌知名度低的公司的时候,被收购公司员工可能会觉得这是“向前一步”,未来能够有更多机会。但如果是“蛇吞象”的情况发生,比如联想收购IBM的PC业务,Ruben说被收购方公司人会更有抗拒感,他们会失去骄傲和对公司的信任。这时候就需要买卖双方都对员工做更多的解释和沟通。 切身利益会有变动 薪酬福利 这基本上是公司人最关心的问题,两家公司的薪酬福利体系和标准都不太一样。“如果收购方的薪酬福利标准比较高,那对被收购方员工来说就是一个利好信号。而如果收购方的薪酬标准本身比较低的话,从保持运营稳定的角度来讲,他们不会去降低被收购方的薪酬,基本上是保持不动。”方祎告诉《第一财经周刊》。同一个公司,也可能因为地区性差异和生活成本有高有低,而有不同的薪酬标准。 但需要注意的一点是,有些企业在“四险一金”方面的操作不尽完善,收购方从合规的角度出发,通常会按规定缴纳“四险一金”。方祎说这可能会产生的一个结果是收购方付出的人力成本的确是提高了,但员工拿到手的工资不一定比原先多。她曾遇到过一个案例就是如此,被收购方员工被告知他们的薪酬福利在并购交易完成后会提高,事实是员工拿到手的钱变少了,最后甚至导致工人罢工。这说明公司人在这种敏感时刻更应该多沟通,多了解并购前后的政策变化细节。 绩效考核 对绩效考核感受比较深刻的主要是销售。因为不同公司对于销售的基本工资和奖金的分配比例不一样,业绩考核指标可能也是不同的。对于像财务、HR这些岗位来说,不同公司的考核指标都差不多,只是绝对值会稍微不同。 劳动合同 在公司并购中,如果是资产交易,被收购方员工的劳动合同可能需要重新签署。如果是“平移”到新公司名下,从员工角度说,其岗位、薪资都不会发生变化,如果按照法律法规的相关规定需要“买断工龄”,公司将会按照每个员工的具体情况一次性支付补偿金,执行劳动合同的更换。方祎说,不管是哪种形式,收购方都会按照劳动法的相关要求进行相关操作。 B 收购方如何进行人事整合 从公司角度来说,“我们在为客户做咨询的时候,都会建议客户先完成新公司的组织架构搭建,然后去确定各岗位合适的人选。”方祎说。公平起见,买方人员不一定会占据所有部门的领导岗位,买卖双方会在谈判和商议中根据战略发展、职位需求、人员具体情况进行人事任免和调整的总体把握,并尽量体现一些平衡。另外,收购的战略目的决定了整合的深度和广度。一般是通过尽职调查和访谈的形式来做评估。 普通员工评估 “对于普通员工的评估,一般看重的是专业知识、学习能力、工作的适应性,以及工作效率和质量。”Ruben说对于销售这种业绩很容易量化的职位来说,收购方做评估的时候就会比较容易,如果是一些不容易量化的职位,专业知识将会是一个非常重要的方面。这关系到收购方的并购意图,例如研发能力,或者供应链资源等,如果你对这些方面的专业知识储备充分,那基本上会是收购方非常想要保留的人才。其次是积极的工作态度,如果你一直表现的比较抵触,那可能会对整个团队的工作氛围产生负面的影响,可能就会面临被解雇的风险。第三就是工作目标要比较明确,这些通过访谈基本都可以得知。 管理层评估 对于管理层的评估,收购方一般会看重三个方面的能力:专业能力、业务能力和软性技能,例如沟通能力等。收购方会倾向于社交能力比较好的管理者,以及较强的员工影响力和领导力。如果他们在沟通、判断和决策上能力较强的话,收购方对他们的评估会比较高。 对于合并后新的高级管理层,通常情况下,收购方倾向于自己公司的员工去担任更高的职位,比如说将原来被收购方的营销总监调整为新公司的副职。但也有一些特殊的情况,比如说一个欧洲公司购买一个中国公司,他的战略是本土化管理,希望在本土市场上获得更大的发展,那会倾向于选择被收购方高级经理担任更高的职位。 关键岗位评估 “基本上我们都会帮客户去识别新公司的重要岗位,并协助客户制定关键人员保留方案。”方祎说,例如对于新上任的财务主管而言,可能希望保留原总账会计,因为他/她对公司的财务和业务可能最了解,保留这样的关键员工将有效提高财务部运营的稳定性,有利于新上任主管更好地了解公司、接管相关工作。 在销售和渠道方面,也是并购双方容易发生交集的地方,但收购方从业务稳定性的角度出发,对于一些销售和采购人员,也会谨慎对待。比如同样是Top 10的销售,如果被收购方销售掌握有收购方没有的重大客户,或者是采购手中的有些供应商属于稀缺资源,都会是收购方看重的员工。 除此之外,收购方还会评估员工的工作态度、责任感、纪律性、工作的条理性和计划性,以及和同事的合作意愿。 C 支持部门受影响较大 HR、财务、IT等支持部门 “并购从营收上来说,是希望1+1>2,而从成本上来说,当然是希望1+1<2。”方祎说。而HR、财务、IT、行政等支持部门员工的重合度比较高,所以这些部门是相对容易被减员或进行较大调整的。“对于非扩张型并购,比如说为了降低市场竞争程度,而收购一些公司并继而对其进行雪藏的,那么员工将要面临重新洗牌。” 对于HR部门,Ruben又从另外一个角度做了解释。“两个公司并购之后,HR要着重于公司企业文化融合,帮助两个公司的员工能比较顺利地融入一个新的文化环境和工作氛围中,这意味着他们需要做更多的工作,比如和双方员工更多的沟通和交流。”除此之外,对于一些可能会被解雇的员工,HR部门也会感受到一些压力,他们首先要选出这些要解雇的员工,最好是能为他们之后的工作多做一些考虑,而对于留下来的员工,则需要进行一些安抚,否则可能会造成人心惶惶的局面。 中高级管理者 高级管理者是在公司并购中冲突表现得最为激烈的职级。“他们一方面要为公司考虑,还要考虑自己的职业发展前途。”Ruben说双方的高级经理可能会避免交流和沟通,刻意疏远,工作中难免会产生一些误解。但Ruben建议双方要通过合作和沟通,慢慢融合为一个团队。但“船长”只能有一个,有时候为了减少内耗,收购方在做人事整合时可能会直接选择解雇一方。所以高级经理也是在并购交易中受波动比较大的人群。 Top Leader 指的是首席执行官、首席营运官、首席财务官等CXO的职位。并购之后,不同的管理语言和管理思维模式可能会产生分歧。“对于他们来说,需要尽快朝着一个方向努力,让下属感觉到统一性和一致性,尽快让级别较低的管理层和普通员工适应新的管理风格。” D 普通员工如何应对 自我评估 Ruben给出的第一个建议是“不要慌张”,先做一个自我评估。想一想自己的职位在新的公司环境中到底受到了什么样的影响,需要作出什么样的改变。看看自己在合并后的新公司中有什么新的责任和机会。 和尽可能多的人去交谈 尽量多地和别人去交流,包括你的同事、老板和HR,从中获取更丰富的信息,比如新公司重视什么,期待什么,公司的发展方向跟自己的职业发展是否契合。 如果换了老板或岗位 你和新老板之间需要磨合期,期间你需要非常积极地展现自己。“看看你的哪些能力和过往表现是新上司不了解,但可能他很看重的。”Ruben说。 如果被调去新部门或者是被调岗。“这并不意味着对你的工作调动和安排是随意的,有可能是你的上司认为新岗位能够给你提供一个更好的职业发展平台发挥你的潜力,这应当被视为一种激励。”方祎说,“在你对新岗位感到迷茫和不确定的时候,不妨直接和你的上司去谈一谈,明确ta如此安排的初衷后,再自行权衡。”   Read the original version at: CBNweekly More information: RMG Selection

Something You Must Know about Layoffs in China

by Robert Parkinson, CEO and Founder of RMG Selection

After the ‘Gradual Model’ program of enhanced early retirement was put forward last year, IBM decided to reduce cost by laying people off. For cutting down USD 1 billion costs, IBM plans to get rid of 6000 to 8000 employees. Many companies consider layoffs as one of the most efficient methods to save themselves. However, have you considered the questions below before you did it? How will massive layoffs influence companies in both short and long-term, and how should a company handle the process to reduce the negative consequences to the lowest level? It is always a tough problem for HR departments. Therefore, a professional plan with logical steps and enough communication are necessary when you are going to let people go.

The first step of massive layoffs is to make sure you know the targets. Obviously, enterprises would like to cut down on employees who work ineffectively or have low KPI. Based on the Chinese law, however, employees cannot be fired under the following circumstances:
  • Employees who have occupational disease.
  • Female employees who are pregnant or in maternity leave.
  • People who are disabled from working for your company.
  • Employees who have worked in the company for more than 15 years and will retire in 5 years.
Quite a few enterprises do not actually really care about these rules and regulations, especially small and private companies. In this regard, it is necessary for employees to enhance their legal consciousness to protect their benefits. The first step to be discussed is whether it is proper to give the sack to employees who bear heavy economic pressure. Let’s say if the employer knows that there is an 8 year old little girl going to primary school in the family. Besides paying off the mortgages for the apartment, unfortunately the parents of the employee are sick in the hospital. Wouldn’t it be of mercilessness of the boss to fire this employee at the moment? I would say it is much easier to pull the trigger between the two parties during the tough period. In fact, these people normally have strong motivation to work hard for the company. And most importantly, they may show more eager reactions than others when they face the issue of being laid off. Therefore, if the company insists on dismissing this kind of employee, the result is usually a big loss for both sides. As for the company, bad influence will be exerted if the company is not able to handle the layoff well. One of the negative influences is that the company might lose the trust of its employees once they find out that their colleagues have been dismissed without reasonable payment. Therefore, it is not smart for companies to fire employees who are suffering from a lot economic pressures or encounter emergencies. If it has to be done, the way the company does it and the related social welfare and benefits package must be proper. The second step of the process is to inform employees who you have decided to lay off. This is a difficult step for most companies because it is a piece of bad news and no one feels good about telling it to employees. However, it is an essential aspect that lots of companies actually ignore. That will hurt your organisation very hard. Being honest with your staff is always a good way to build mutual understanding and trust. Announce the layoff news openly and clearly, but there is no need to publish the name list within the company. Next step, as the emotional factor is important, it is better to ask their direct manager to talk with employees closely, because this makes it easier to find out what they really care about after they leave the company. The announcement must be fair and clear. For instance, there is a company which decides to dismiss some of its employees. The management department issues an announcement which says that in order to take good care of employees the company has decided to provide more time to some employees in order to make sure that they have enough time to spend with their families. Obviously, it is an absolutely terrible excuse. If employees feel that the company is cheating or attempting to fool them, the layoff process will be very tough, and may even cause some conflicts. Actually, fairness and sincerity are basic factors when the management personnel are communicating with employees. If a company considers this problem from a long term perspective, it must show respect to its employees. In addition, HR needs to cooperate with the management department to deal with payment issues and aftercare work. As it is stated in Chinese law that companies need to pay extra salary to employees who are dismissed. The payment function is (n+1)*monthly salary. Employees’ working years equal to n, which means that the company needs to pay a monthly salary for each year the employee worked there. Besides, the monthly salary is the average level of the monthly salary during the past year. These are the basic conditions to layoffs. However, a lot of companies would like to pay more than the standard rates to their downsized workers to reward their contribution. For example, Siemens paid their employees a (n+3)*monthly salary in 2012, and Dell paid as (n+3)*monthly salary too during the layoffs in Xiamen in 2009. The fact shows that added payment is helpful for companies to go through layoffs process smoothly. Furthermore, career guidance is also useful for employees who have just lost jobs. Compared to the payment, most staff members care greatly about what they will do in the future. In this regard, employees will be grateful if the company  provides career guidance for them. In 2009, Hitachi cut down a number of employees. Most of them were worried about their future career. However, through the discussion of their management department, they decided to try their best to recommend these employees to others companies. In this way, instead of getting too many complaints, Hitachi’s employees felt very grateful for the careful consideration. It is a striking example to prove that layoffs can be managed in a peaceful and effective way. However, if your company really cannot afford higher payment and career guidance, a recommendation that explains the reason clearly would also be helpful. 02(81) In addition, psychologists are playing a more and more important role in a company, especially in the laying off process. Because of the high pressure in modern society, someone may be stressed out if he or she is dismissed. In this case, a psychologist is very necessary. The psychologist can talk with employees about their work burdens, what they worry about and what they care about most. Subsequently he can report these problems to the management department who should think carefully about how to solve these problems in a proper way. Actually, some companies tend to use a third-party HR team help them to dismiss employees. Companies who choose this method avoid facing their employees directly. Ho wever, how can a company expect a third party HR team to take all the responsibility? If the leaving employee feels unsatisfied about the process, they will not complain to the HR team, but to the company itself. Organisations cannot push all responsibilities away by hiring third-party HR teams to help them with layoffs.
Many people see layoffs as a terrible experience, but it can bring benefits for companies if you treat it in right way. Actually, layoffs usually happen in times of economic crisis. Instead of only seeing the negative effects, it can be seen as an opportunity to enhance the company’s brand. It is a good time to demonstrate welfare, care and a sense of responsibility from your company. As we know, economic crises do not occur all of the time, so the benefits will return to companies and employees sooner or later.
Read the original article at : Business Tianjin Magazine 
