
  1. Does company culture are varies from different countries?
Yes, it does. However there are more similarities than differences says CEO of Beijing recruiter RMG Selection. The essence is that there aren’t so many differences in companies’ background but they are in the backgrounds of the people at work in the companies. The world is flat now.
  1. Can you tell us about the difference between Britain Company and Asia Company? Are there any unique characters in Chinese Company?
  2. What are the behaviors that Britain Companies will like? What are the behaviors that Britain Companies won’t like?
Asian companies seem to be more traditional than Britain companies. And workers in British companies are less diligent and much less hard working compared to those in Asian companies. Moreover, labor load is larger in Asia. Chinese companies have certain unique characters. Unlike Japanese companies, Chinese companies are westernized. The working atmosphere there is equal and liberal.
  1. What are the behaviors that Chinese Companies will like? What are the behaviors that Chinese Companies won’t like?
Actually, Chinese companies are quite similar to Britain Companies. They all appreciate politeness and hard work. However, too much confrontation is not   welcomed. Further, they do not expect workers to challenge the seniors or upper generation.  

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