
Psychology gets more and more attention. It seems very useful to everything. For a job seeker, if you know some very easy and basic psychology techniques, interview could be much easier. Today we will discuss an important but often being ignored part of the interview psychology – rapport building.

  1. What is Rapport?

By definition, rapport means a close and harmonies relationship with someone. It is similar to the Chinese word “Guanxi”, or what we call as people skills. Building rapport lively in a job interview is really powerful and useful.

  1. Why is rapport important?
  • As headhunter, we often recommend at least two candidates to one position from our client. When we select the two candidates, there is always one candidate that we tend to recommend to our client. However, when clients choose which candidate to hire, instead of merely focusing on the hard skills they value the chemistry more, which is known as people’s soft skills.
  • When all of basic qualities or measurable qualities are similar. The chemistry between people will be the key to decide who stay.
  • Interviews are often short. Candidates who  successfully build rapport in a short time often impress interviewers most.
  • If there is a cultural differences between the interviewee and the interviewer, rapport building can help both parties to break the ice wall.
  1. How to build rapport?
  • Eye contacts with the interviewer
  • Smiling
  • Mirror & Match Principle
  • Attention & extraction
  • Speaking pace & volume
  • Remember the name of the interviewer correctly
  • Smooth breath


  • An Italian interviewer with a Chinese interviewee. They have to communicate with each other in English
  • A waiter at a hotel in Bangkok knew my name when I went downstairs for lunch.
  1. What can destroy rapport?
  • Check your watch for many times
  • Rocker his legs or hands crossed on his chest
  • Play with your hair
  • Exaggerated body movements
  • Play the pen all the time
  • Take out an i-pad to distract oneself
Listen to the radio show on CRI:http://english.cri.cn/7146/2014/12/10/3262s855982.htm