Career Builder-RMG Selection radio show

Career Builder is the ONLY radio career program presented in English, co-produced by CRI (China Radio International) and RMG Selection. The program was first broadcasted in mid-October, 2014 and has received wide acclaim ever since. Mr. Robert Michael Parkinson, CEO & founder of RMG Selection, serves as a guest speaker for the program. Through this twice-a-month program, he aims to help job seekers in China and abroad to learn more about interviews, job openings, job changing, salary negotiation, and even skills on how to start businesses, etc. Topics like interesting life in workplaces, cultural differences between Chinese and foreign companies, developments of both Chinese and overseas talent markets are also included. In the first episode, Robert talked about how to make an attractive CV.

Whether you are a graduate who knows nothing about career, or a skilled employee who has five years’ of working experiences but without clear career plans, or an ambitious person who is about to start a business with several friends, RMG Selection hopes to offer you valuable suggestions through Career Builder. Listen to the program co-produced by CRI and RMG selection at 15:20p.m. on Wednesday (every other week), under the column of China Radio International Studio+ or on the RMG’s radio website (www.

Any question for Robert Parkinson is welcomed. We will reply to your questions one by one in the future Career Builder shows. You can contact us through our Sina Weibo “罗迈国际咨询” or through our official WeChat account “RMG 罗迈”.

Career Builder (职场达人)作为中国第一档英语职场广播节目, 由China Radio International (中国国际广播电台) 及 RMG Selection (罗迈国际商务咨询)联合打造。该职场栏目于与2014年10月中旬第一次播出,节目已经播出就收到了广大听众的好评。罗迈国际CEO & 创始人 Mr. Robert Michael Parkinson (潘瑞宝先生) 作为该栏目的主讲嘉宾,旨在通过每月两次的Career Builder节目帮助海内外求职者了解面试,求职,工作,跳槽,谈薪,创业等技能,职场小插曲,中外企业文化差异,中国以及海外人才市场的动态。第一期栏目中,Robert 谈到了应该如何展现简历的“魅力”(How to make an attractive CV)。

无论你是即将毕业的大学生,对职场一无所知;还是已经工作五年的职场老将,对职业规划尚不清晰;亦或是充满豪情壮志,已约上三五好友准备自己的创业征程,罗迈希望通过Career Builder职场广播节目为大家提供可参考的意见与建议。收听中国国际广播电台与罗迈国际联合打造的职场广播栏目Career Builder,请在(每隔一周)周三下午15:20,在China Radio International – Studio + 栏目 (或罗迈官网广播(收听节目。

欢迎大家通过罗迈官方微博“罗迈国际咨询”或罗迈微信公众账号“RMG罗迈”向小罗提职场问题,我们将在未来的Career Builder中准备专题为大家一一解答!

Watch the original video on Youku & Youtube