
Robert on CRI Phone Interview

With the coming of the annual College Entrance Examination, choice of major is again a big problem for Chinese students. What’s the best major in the job market? Is specific major background really vital to employers? What should college graduates focus on at the beginning of their career? Robert Parkinson, CEO and founder of RMG Selection joint News Plus and talked about majors and job market in the program’s phone interview.

一年一度的高考就要拉开帷幕,选专业依然是困扰中国学生的一大难题。究竟什么样的专业好就业?雇主们真的十分在意特定的专业背景吗?初入职场,大学毕业生应该特别注意什么?罗迈国际(RMG Selection)的CEO-Robert Parkinson近期接受了CRI News Plus栏目的电话采访,让我们来听听他的看法吧。