China is viewed as one of the most promising emerging market around the globe, attracting a lot of Returnee to work here. Partly because of this, the talent market in China has become a heated topic. Robert Parkinson, CEO of RMG Selection, gave his opinions on the situation that these returnees have to face in CRI. With his human resource experiences of more than 10 years, he also gave his suggestions to this group of people.

随着近些年来国外留学的流行,海归就业已经是一个屡见不鲜且备受关注的话题。但是海归的就业目前仍然面临着很多的问题。罗迈国际的CEO Robert Parkinson 做客CRI,就海归工作市场的问题发表了他的看法。同时针对目前的中国人才市场,他也提出了自己的几点建议。

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