

At the end of the year, a lot of Chinese, especially the higher-ranking white collars, are thinking about job hopping. Job-hopping is a trend! However, whether we need to think twice or even three times before changing a job? What should be the justifiable reasons for employees to go job-hopping? And how to deal with the situation when you are not satisfied with your current job?

Today, our special guest Robert Parkinson, CEO& Founder of RMG Selection, will give his analysis about the topic-job hopping.

  1. Why employees prefer to change their jobs around Chinese New Year?
  • It is a habit created by the super labour market.
  • Many Chinese companies always have their new fiscal year started after Spring Festival.
  • Bonus is another reason. People tend to have their job changed after receiving bonus.
  • According to Chinese culture, Chinese New Year represents a new start. So it is normal for people to desire for a fresh star around the period.
  1. Why do employees choose to change a job?
  • One of the key reasons is that people want to avoid unhappiness.
  • In the past 10 years, there has been huge demand for professional, highly-educated and IT people. Therefore these people have a lot of choices and they think it’s OK to change jobs every two or three years.
  1. Why the following points should not be the sole reason for people to leave their current job?
  • Money:

The employee market is not stable. By the way, the economy is slowing down. You can’t count on that year by year you will have your salary increased.

  • People Skills:

Have you vigorously deal with the things or problems in your company? If you haven’t and only leave for another job, the same problem would pop up. People tend to repeat themselves.

  1. What need to be done if managers lack certain people skills to make working environment friendly to themselves?
  • Paying high salary to employees doesn’t work all the time.
  • The other point comes to management. And what need to be done is to encourage openness within companies.
  1. What is the justifiable reason for changing a job?
  • The current position no longer allows one to grow or to achieve the career target he sets.
  • If one cannot find any passion in his job, then it is probably the time to go job-hopping.
  1. What are the pros and cons in terms of job-hopping?
  • Pros: We need to retain in the current job to be professional and to become an expert in this field.
  • Cons: Before changing for a job, you need ask yourself this question. What is this going to do for me? And there is an English saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. Temptation is everywhere and if you job-hop all the time, you will probably gain nothing.
  1. What is the first thing to do if you are not satisfied with his job?
  • Sort out your options. What can you do? Have you explored all the angles?
  • Here is an alternative thing that people can do. Take high-quality tests to examine your management skills, people skills, and motivators and so on. So use such tests or tools should be the starting point.
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