Recruitment  Insider (Q2) Click HERE to take Recruitment Insider Q2


2015 Recruitment Insider Survey (Quarter 2), conducted by British corporation, RMG Selection, is launched in July 2015. The survey in the first quarter is widely recognized by HR and hiring managers in China. We are delighted that Recruitment Insider Survey brought new insights into the recruitment industry. In the second quarter, we aim to collect first-hand information on recruiting activity from thousands of HR specialists and hiring managers. We will update the changes on new head count, salary increases, HR values and hiring channels compared to the previous quarter.

The founder and the CEO of RMG Selection Robert Parkinson said:”I’m glad that Recruitment Insider Survey provided so much useful information for HR managers and job seekers. The survey helped both parties understand the needed qualifications and the direction of the recruitment landscape. I expect the survey in the second quarter to bring more interesting changes.”

The survey is targeted to the Region of Greater China and will include 20+ industries and related sectors from the first-tier cities to the third. The result of the Recruitment Insider Survey will be published at the beginning of August and quarterly based surveys and the annual report will be conducted by us in 2015.

If you would like to get the latest update of the job market in the second quarter, please click the link and finish a few questions we designed. The full vision of the report will be sent to your email box at the first time.

2015年7月,英国猎头公司罗迈国际(RMG Selection)正式启动了2015年第二季度招聘内幕调查Recruitment Insider Survey Q2)。第一季度的招聘内幕调查获得了业界人力资源人士和招聘经理的广泛认可,我们很高兴此项调查为大家提供了招聘行业的新动态。二季度调查旨在从上千名名人力资源经理以及有招聘需求的直线经理中获得最新的招聘形式及动态,届时我们与一季度数据做对比分析,向大家展示二季度的新职位空缺、雇员薪资涨幅、人力经理以及直线经理的人才观、招聘渠道等变化。

罗迈国际创始人及CEO Robert Parkinson说:“很高兴罗迈国际的招聘内幕调查为人力资源经理和求职者提供了这么多有用信息。第一季度的调查帮助求职者理解了真正的招聘需求和方向;也帮助招聘者本身了解了其他招聘者正在做什么。我希望第二季度的调查可以为大家带来更多有趣的市场变化信息。”


如果您希望了解第二季度招聘市场形势及变化,欢迎通过链接 完成调查,调查结果完整版将在第一时间发送至所留邮箱。